我正在尝试使用MediaProjection API录制屏幕.我想修剪媒体投影录制的视频.有没有办法在不使用任何第三方依赖的情况下做到这一点?
/** * @param srcPath the path of source vIDeo file. * @param dstPath the path of destination vIDeo file. * @param startMs starting time in milliseconds for trimming. Set to * negative if starting from beginning. * @param endMs end time for trimming in milliseconds. Set to negative if * no trimming at the end. * @param useAudio true if keep the audio track from the source. * @param useVIDeo true if keep the vIDeo track from the source. * @throws IOException */@TargetAPI(Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP)private static voID genVIDeoUsingmuxer(String srcPath, String dstPath, int startMs, int endMs, boolean useAudio, boolean useVIDeo) throws IOException { // Set up MediaExtractor to read from the source. MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor(); extractor.setDataSource(srcPath); int trackCount = extractor.getTrackCount(); // Set up Mediamuxer for the destination. Mediamuxer muxer; muxer = new Mediamuxer(dstPath, Mediamuxer.OutputFormat.muxer_OUTPUT_MPEG_4); // Set up the tracks and retrIEve the max buffer size for selected // tracks. HashMap<Integer, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>(trackCount); int bufferSize = -1; for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) { MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i); String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME); boolean selectCurrentTrack = false; if (mime.startsWith("audio/") && useAudio) { selectCurrentTrack = true; } else if (mime.startsWith("vIDeo/") && useVIDeo) { selectCurrentTrack = true; } if (selectCurrentTrack) { extractor.selectTrack(i); int dstIndex = muxer.addTrack(format); indexMap.put(i, dstIndex); if (format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_input_SIZE)) { int newSize = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_input_SIZE); bufferSize = newSize > bufferSize ? newSize : bufferSize; } } } if (bufferSize < 0) { bufferSize = DEFAulT_BUFFER_SIZE; } // Set up the orIEntation and starting time for extractor. MediaMetadataRetrIEver retrIEverSrc = new MediaMetadataRetrIEver(); retrIEverSrc.setDataSource(srcPath); String degreesString = retrIEverSrc.extractMetadata( MediaMetadataRetrIEver.MetaDATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION); if (degreesString != null) { int degrees = Integer.parseInt(degreesString); if (degrees >= 0) { muxer.setorIEntationHint(degrees); } } if (startMs > 0) { extractor.seekTo(startMs * 1000, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_CLOSEST_SYNC); } // copy the samples from MediaExtractor to Mediamuxer. We will loop // for copying each sample and stop when we get to the end of the source // file or exceed the end time of the trimming. int offset = 0; int trackIndex = -1; ByteBuffer dstBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize); MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); try { muxer.start(); while (true) { bufferInfo.offset = offset; bufferInfo.size = extractor.readSampleData(dstBuf, offset); if (bufferInfo.size < 0) { InstaBUGSDKLogger.d(TAG, "Saw input EOS."); bufferInfo.size = 0; break; } else { bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = extractor.getSampleTime(); if (endMs > 0 && bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs > (endMs * 1000)) { InstaBUGSDKLogger.d(TAG, "The current sample is over the trim end time."); break; } else { bufferInfo.flags = extractor.getSampleFlags(); trackIndex = extractor.getSampleTrackIndex(); muxer.writeSampleData(indexMap.get(trackIndex), dstBuf, bufferInfo); extractor.advance(); } } } muxer.stop(); //deleting the old file file file = new file(srcPath); file.delete(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Swallow the exception due to malformed source. InstaBUGSDKLogger.w(TAG, "The source vIDeo file is malformed"); } finally { muxer.release(); } return;}
private static final String LOGTAG = "VIDeoUtils";private static final int DEFAulT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
总结 以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的android – 如何使用MediaCodec修剪视频全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – 如何使用MediaCodec修剪视频所遇到的程序开发问题。