经过研究,我发现AndroID *** 作系统在某些SSL证书上存在一些问题,而在服务器上使用的发行者是“VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA – G3”,但我还没有找到任何可行的解决方法/解决方案.有人遇到过这种情况么?我知道它非常具体.
只想添加在调度ioErrorEvent 2032之前立即返回http状态代码0.我已经检查了Adobe的http文档以获取httpStatusEvent,0似乎是默认的. http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/events/HTTPStatusEvent.html
httpStatusEvent objects are always sent before error or completion events. An httpStatusEvent object does not necessarily indicate an error condition; it simply reflects the http status code (if any) that is provIDed by the networking stack. Some Flash Player environments may be unable to detect http status codes; a status code of 0 is always reported in these cases. Just wanted to add additional findings...through testing we were able to use that same certificate on another server - and despite security warnings,I was able to get data on my test AndroID device. This makes me think that the issue may be related to the server....It's hosted by Rackspace so we're going to reach out to them to attempt more troubleshooting.解决方法 我遇到了同样的问题,https:requests上的Stream错误2032,并且能够通过升级到更新的AIR运行时来解决它.我注意到在一个测试设备上发生了错误,而不是另一个,主要的区别是有错误的安装了AIR 3.1,没有错误的安装了AIR 3.2.
我们现在使用强制AIR运行时(版本3.3)打包应用程序.由于FlashBuilder预装了AIR 3.1,因此有必要下载新的AIR SDK并将其覆盖在FlashBuilder上.
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的HTTPS请求仅针对Android使用Flex 4.6 Mobile返回2032流错误全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决HTTPS请求仅针对Android使用Flex 4.6 Mobile返回2032流错误所遇到的程序开发问题。