寻找Android的FFmpeg Wrappers

寻找Android的FFmpeg Wrappers,第1张

概述嘿stackoverflow ers,我需要使用FFmpeg将视频和一些照片组合起来制作视频.我已经设法在我的系统上编译FFmpeg并静态链接它.现在我正在寻找利用ffmpeg来完成Android任务的包装/图书馆.我尝试过的:> Guardian项目代码,Awesome api,简单而且很好,但是当运行createSlideshowFromImage

嘿stackoverflow ers,



> Guardian项目代码,Awesome API,简单而且很好,但是当运行createSlIDeshowFromImagesAndAudio时,我得到了一个很好的返回代码,但是我的设备上永远不会创建该文件(如果您有使用此代码的经验,我得到的返回代码是11).
> JCodec,慢慢地说.
> FMJ,不支持我要求的功能.

所以问题仍然存在,AndroID的FFmpeg包装有什么好处?最佳答案这是FFMPEG的Wrapper完美运行:你必须按照这些步骤为androID制作FFMPEG Wrapper.你需要创建几个classess,如下所示:


package com.example.processvIDeo;public class ShellUtils {    //varIoUs console cmds        public final static String SHELL_CMD_CHMOD = "chmod";        public final static String SHELL_CMD_KILL = "kill -9";        public final static String SHELL_CMD_RM = "rm";        public final static String SHELL_CMD_PS = "ps";        public final static String SHELL_CMD_PIDOF = "pIDof";        public final static String CHMOD_EXE_VALUE = "700";    public static boolean isRootPossible()    {        StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();        try {            // Check if Superuser.apk exists            file fileSU = new file("/system/app/Superuser.apk");            if (fileSU.exists())                return true;            fileSU = new file("/system/bin/su");            if (fileSU.exists())                return true;            //Check for 'su' binary             String[] cmd = {"which su"};            int exitCode = ShellUtils.doShellCommand(cmd,new ShellCallback ()            {                @OverrIDe                public voID shellOut(char[] msg) {                    //System.out.print(msg);                }            },false,true);            if (exitCode == 0) {                logMessage("Can acquire root permissions");                 return true;            }        } catch (IOException e) {            //this means that there is no root to be had (normally) so we won't log anything            logException("Error checking for root access",e);        }        catch (Exception e) {            logException("Error checking for root access",e);            //this means that there is no root to be had (normally)        }        logMessage("Could not acquire root permissions");        return false;    }    public static int findProcessID(String command)     {        int procID = -1;        try        {            procID = findProcessIDWithPIDOf(command);            if (procID == -1)                procID = findProcessIDWithPS(command);        }        catch (Exception e)        {            try            {                procID = findProcessIDWithPS(command);            }            catch (Exception e2)            {                logException("Unable to get proc ID for: " + command,e2);            }        }        return procID;    }    //use 'pIDof' command    public static int findProcessIDWithPIDOf(String command) throws Exception    {        int procID = -1;        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();        Process procps = null;        String basename = new file(command).getname();        //fix contributed my mikos on 2010.12.10        procps = r.exec(new String[] {SHELL_CMD_PIDOF,basename});        //procps = r.exec(SHELL_CMD_PIDOF);        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(procps.getinputStream()));        String line = null;        while ((line = reader.readline())!=null)        {            try            {                //this line should just be the process ID                procID = Integer.parseInt(line.trim());                break;            }            catch (NumberFormatException e)            {                logException("unable to parse process pID: " + line,e);            }        }        return procID;    }    //use 'ps' command    public static int findProcessIDWithPS(String command) throws Exception    {        int procID = -1;        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();        Process procps = null;        procps = r.exec(SHELL_CMD_PS);        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(procps.getinputStream()));        String line = null;        while ((line = reader.readline())!=null)        {            if (line.indexOf(' ' + command)!=-1)            {                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line," ");                st.nextToken(); //proc owner                procID = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());                break;            }        }        return procID;    }    public static int doShellCommand(String[] cmds,ShellCallback sc,boolean runAsRoot,boolean waitFor) throws Exception    {        Process proc = null;        int exitCode = -1;        if (runAsRoot)            proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");        else            proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh");        OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(proc.getoutputStream());        for (int i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++)        {            logMessage("executing shell cmd: " + cmds[i] + "; runAsRoot=" + runAsRoot + ";waitFor=" + waitFor);            out.write(cmds[i]);            out.write("\n");        }        out.flush();        out.write("exit\n");        out.flush();        if (waitFor)        {            final char buf[] = new char[20];            // Consume the "stdout"            inputStreamReader reader = new inputStreamReader(proc.getinputStream());            int read=0;            while ((read=reader.read(buf)) != -1) {                if (sc != null) sc.shellOut(buf);            }            // Consume the "stderr"            reader = new inputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream());            read=0;            while ((read=reader.read(buf)) != -1) {                if (sc != null) sc.shellOut(buf);            }            exitCode = proc.waitFor();        }        return exitCode;    }    public static voID logMessage (String msg)    {    }    public static voID logException (String msg,Exception e)    {    }    public interface ShellCallback    {        public voID shellOut (char[] msg);    }}

    公共类RegionTrail {

    private HashMap


 public class ObscureRegion  {    /*     * Thinking about whether or not a region should contain multiple start/end times     * realizing that doing this would make editing a real pita     * Of course,it would make displaying be a 1000x better though.    class positionTime {        int sx = 0;         int sy = 0;         int ex = 0;        int ey = 0;        int startTime = 0;         int endTime = 0;        positionTime(int _sx,int _sy,int _ex,int _ey,int _startTime,int _endTime) {        }    }    */    public static final float DEFAulT_X_SIZE = 150;    public static final float DEFAulT_Y_SIZE = 150;    public float sx = 0;    public float sy = 0;    public float ex = 0;    public float ey = 0;    public int timeStamp = 0;    public RegionTrail regionTrail;    private RectF rectF;    public ObscureRegion(int _timeStamp,float _sx,float _sy,float _ex,float _ey) {        timeStamp = _timeStamp;        sx = _sx;        sy = _sy;        ex = _ex;        ey = _ey;        if (sx < 0) {             sx = 0;        } else if (sy < 0) {            sy = 0;        }    }    public ObscureRegion(int _startTime,float _sy) {        this(_startTime,_sx - DEFAulT_X_SIZE/2,_sy - DEFAulT_Y_SIZE/2,_sx + DEFAulT_X_SIZE/2,_sy + DEFAulT_Y_SIZE/2);    }    public voID moveRegion(float _sx,float _sy) {        moveRegion(_sx - DEFAulT_X_SIZE/2,_sy + DEFAulT_Y_SIZE/2);    }    public voID moveRegion(float _sx,float _ey) {        sx = _sx;        sy = _sy;        ex = _ex;        ey = _ey;        rectF = null;    }    public RectF getRectF() {        if (rectF == null)            rectF = new RectF(sx,ey);        return rectF;    }    public RectF getBounds() {        return getRectF();    }    public String getStringData(float wIDthMod,float heightmod,int startTime,int duration,String currentMode) {        //left,right,top,bottom        return "" + (float)startTime/(float)1000 + ',' + (float)(startTime+duration)/(float)1000 + ',' + (int)(sx*wIDthMod) + ',' + (int)(ex*wIDthMod) + ',' + (int)(sy*heightmod) + ',' + (int)(ey*heightmod) + ',' + currentMode;    }    public RegionTrail getRegionTrail() {        return regionTrail;    }    public voID setRegionTrail(RegionTrail regionTrail) {        this.regionTrail = regionTrail;    }}


public class FFMPEGWrapper {    String[] libraryAssets = {"ffmpeg"};    public file fileBinDir;    Context context;    private final static String FFMPEG_BINARY_VERSION = "";    private final static String FFMPEG_VERSION_KEY = "ffmpegkey";    public FFMPEGWrapper(Context _context) throws fileNotFoundException,IOException {        context = _context;        fileBinDir = context.getDir("bin",0);        checkBinary();    }    private voID checkBinary () throws fileNotFoundException,IOException    {        SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);        String currTorBinary = prefs.getString(FFMPEG_VERSION_KEY,null);        if ((currTorBinary == null || (!currTorBinary.equals(FFMPEG_BINARY_VERSION)))                 || !new file(fileBinDir,libraryAssets[0]).exists())        {            BinaryInstaller bi = new BinaryInstaller(context,fileBinDir);            bi.installFromraw();        }    }    public voID execProcess( String[] cmds,ShellCallback sc) throws Exception {                    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds);            pb.redirectErrorStream(true);            Process process = pb.start();                  BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(process.getinputStream()));            String line;            /*switch(command_call_type)            {            case Keys.KEY_COMMANDEXE_TYPE_MERGEFRAME:            //  refincereference.updateLoadingbar(30);                break;            }*/            while ((line = reader.readline()) != null)            {                if (sc != null)                {                    sc.shellOut(line.tochararray());                Log.d("FFMPEG",line.tochararray()+"");                }            }            /*switch(command_call_type)            {            case Keys.KEY_COMMANDEXE_TYPE_MERGEFRAME:                //refincereference.updateLoadingbar(40);                break;            case Keys.KEY_COMMANDEXE_TYPE_CliPMP3:                //refincereference.updateLoadingbar(60);                break;            case Keys.KEY_COMMANDEXE_TYPE_MP3TOM4A:                //refincereference.updateLoadingbar(80);            break;            }*/            /*            if (process != null) {                process.destroy();                    }*/    }    public class FFMPEGArg    {        String key;        String value;        public static final String ARG_VIDEOCODEC = "vcodec";        public static final String ARG_VERBOSITY = "v";        public static final String ARG_file_input = "i";        public static final String ARG_SIZE = "-s";        public static final String ARG_FRAMERATE = "-r";        public static final String ARG_FORMAT = "-f";    }    public voID processVIDeo(file redactSettingsfile,ArrayList


public class BinaryInstaller  {    file installFolder;    Context context;    private static int isARMv6 = -1;    private static String CHMOD_EXEC = "700";    private final static int file_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 32256;    public BinaryInstaller (Context context,file installFolder)    {        this.installFolder = installFolder;        this.context = context;    }    //          /*     * Extract the Tor binary from the APK file using ZIP     */    public boolean installFromraw () throws IOException,fileNotFoundException    {        inputStream is;        file outfile;        is = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.ffmpeg);                  outfile = new file(installFolder,"ffmpeg");        streamTofile(is,outfile,"700");        return true;    }    private static voID copyAssetfile(Context ctx,String asset,file file) throws IOException,InterruptedException    {        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new fileOutputStream(file));        inputStream is = new GZIPinputStream(ctx.getAssets().open(asset));        byte buf[] = new byte[8172];        int len;        while ((len = is.read(buf)) > 0) {            out.write(buf,len);        }        out.close();        is.close();    }    /*     * Write the inputstream contents to the file     */    private static boolean streamTofile(inputStream stm,file outfile,boolean append,boolean zip,String mode) throws IOException    {        byte[] buffer = new byte[file_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];        int bytecount;        OutputStream stmOut = new fileOutputStream(outfile,append);        if (zip)        {            ZipinputStream zis = new ZipinputStream(stm);                       ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry();            stm = zis;        }        while ((bytecount = stm.read(buffer)) > 0)        {            stmOut.write(buffer,bytecount);        }        stmOut.close();        stm.close();        Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod "+mode+" "+outfile.getabsolutePath());        return true;    }    //copy the file from inputstream to file output - alternative impl    public voID copyfile (inputStream is,file outputfile)    {        try {            outputfile.createNewfile();            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new fileOutputStream(outputfile));            DatainputStream in = new DatainputStream(is);            int b = -1;            byte[] data = new byte[1024];            while ((b = in.read(data)) != -1) {                out.write(data);            }            if (b == -1); //rejoice            //            out.flush();            out.close();            in.close();            // chmod?        } catch (IOException ex) {            Log.e("SLIDEAGRAM","error copying binary",ex);        }    }    /**     * Check if this is an ARMv6 device     * @return true if this is ARMv6     */    private static boolean isARMv6() {        if (isARMv6 == -1) {            BufferedReader r = null;            try {                isARMv6 = 0;                r = new BufferedReader(new fileReader("/proc/cpuinfo"));                for (String line = r.readline(); line != null; line = r.readline()) {                    if (line.startsWith("Processor") && line.contains("ARMv6")) {                        isARMv6 = 1;                        break;                    } else if (line.startsWith("cpu architecture") && (line.contains("6TE") || line.contains("5TE"))) {                        isARMv6 = 1;                        break;                    }                }            } catch (Exception ex) {            } finally {                if (r != null) try {r.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}            }        }        return (isARMv6 == 1);    }    private static voID copyRawfile(Context ctx,int resID,file file,String mode,boolean isZipd) throws IOException,InterruptedException    {        final String abspath = file.getabsolutePath();        // Write the iptables binary        final fileOutputStream out = new fileOutputStream(file);        inputStream is = ctx.getResources().openRawResource(resID);        if (isZipd)        {            ZipinputStream zis = new ZipinputStream(is);                        ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry();            is = zis;        }        byte buf[] = new byte[1024];        int len;        while ((len = is.read(buf)) > 0) {            out.write(buf,len);        }        out.close();        is.close();        // Change the permissions        Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod "+mode+" "+abspath).waitFor();    }}


public class FFMpegVIDeoProcess{    public static voID mergeFramesIntoVIDeo(Activity context,String duration_per_frame,String input_frame_path,String out_vIDeo_path)throws Exception    {        //Looper.prepare();         String  ffmpegBin;         FFMPEGWrapper ffmpeg = null;         ShellUtils.ShellCallback sc;                if (ffmpeg == null)                    ffmpeg = new FFMPEGWrapper(context);                 sc = new ShellUtils.ShellCallback ()                {                    int total = 0;                    int current = 0;                    @OverrIDe                    public voID shellOut(char[] shellout) {                        String line = new String(shellout);                        int IDx1;                        String newStatus = null;                        int progress = 0;                        if ((IDx1 = line.indexOf("Duration:"))!=-1)                        {                            int IDx2 = line.indexOf(",",IDx1);                            String time = line.substring(IDx1+10,IDx2);                            int hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,2));                            int min = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3,5));                            int sec = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(6,8));                            total = (hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec;                            newStatus = line;                            progress = 0;                        }                        else if ((IDx1 = line.indexOf("time="))!=-1)                        {                            int IDx2 = line.indexOf(" ",IDx1);                            String time = line.substring(IDx1+5,IDx2);                            newStatus = line;                            int hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0,8));                            current = (hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec;                            progress = (int)( ((float)current) / ((float)total) *100f );                        }                        if (newStatus != null)                        {                        // Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(1);                     //    msg.getData().putInt("progress",progress);                       //  msg.getData().putString("status",newStatus);                       //  mHandler.sendMessage(msg);                        }                    }                };                 ffmpegBin = new file(ffmpeg.fileBinDir,"ffmpeg").getabsolutePath();                Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 700 " +ffmpegBin);            //  refincereference.updateLoadingbar(20);        ffmpeg.execProcess(new String[]{                ffmpegBin,"image2",duration_per_frame,input_frame_path,"640x640",//"640x388",out_vIDeo_path            },sc);        //Looper.loop();    }}


  FFMpegVIDeoProcess.createFramesinFolder(this,DIR_IN_WHICH_YOU_WANT_TO_KEEP_FRAMES,"frame_%03d.jpg");        FFMpegVIDeoProcess.mergeFramesIntoVIDeo(args1,DIR_IN_WHICH_YOU_WANT_TO_KEEP_FRAMES/frame_%3d.jpg",argN...);

如果您有任何查询,请随时提出问题.谢谢 总结

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的寻找Android的FFmpeg Wrappers全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决寻找Android的FFmpeg Wrappers所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1140461.html

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