

概述概述 一直想写篇关于Android事件派发机制的文章,却一直没写,这两天刚好是周末,有时间了,想想写一篇吧,不然总是只停留在会用的层次上但是无法了解其内部机制。我用的是4.4源码,打开看看,挺复杂的,尤其




@H_404_1@1. 从Activity传递到底层VIEw

 点击事件用MotionEvent来表示,当一个点击 *** 作发生时,事件最先传递给当前Activity,由Activity的dispatchtouchEvent来进行事件派发,具体的工作是由Activity内部的Window来完成的,Window会将事件传递给decor vIEw,decor vIEw一般就是当前界面的底层容器(即setContentVIEw所设置的VIEw的父容器),通过Activity.getwindow.getDecorVIEw()可以获得。另外,看下面代码的的时候,主要看我注释的地方,代码很多很复杂,我无法一一说明,但是我注释的地方都是关键点,是博主仔细读代码总结出来的。 




   /**   * Called to process touch screen events. You can overrIDe this to   * intercept all touch screen events before they are dispatched to the   * window. Be sure to call this implementation for touch screen events   * that should be handled normally.   *    * @param ev The touch screen event.   *    * @return boolean Return true if this event was consumed.   */  public boolean dispatchtouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {    if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {      //这个函数其实是个空函数,啥也没干,如果你没重写的话,不用关心      onUserInteraction();    }    //这里事件开始交给Activity所附属的Window进行派发,如果返回true,整个事件循环就结束了    //返回false意味着事件没人处理,所有人的ontouchEvent都返回了false,那么Activity就要来做最后的收场。    if (getwindow().superdispatchtouchEvent(ev)) {      return true;    }    //这里,Activity来收场了,Activity的ontouchEvent被调用    return ontouchEvent(ev);  } 



  /**   * Used by custom windows,such as Dialog,to pass the touch screen event   * further down the vIEw hIErarchy. Application developers should   * not need to implement or call this.   *   */  public abstract boolean superdispatchtouchEvent(MotionEvent event);


Abstract base class for a top-level window look and behavior policy. An instance of this class should be used as the top-level vIEw added to the window manager. It provIDes standard UI policIEs such as a background,@R_419_5979@ area,default key processing,etc.The only existing implementation of this abstract class is androID.policy.PhoneWindow,which you should instantiate when needing a Window. Eventually that class will be refactored and a factory method added for creating Window instances without kNowing about a particular implementation.  


@OverrIDe  public boolean superdispatchtouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {    return mDecor.superdispatchtouchEvent(event);  }这个逻辑很清晰了,PhoneWindow将事件传递给DecorVIEw了,这个DecorVIEw是啥呢,请看下面   private final class DecorVIEw extends FrameLayout implements RootVIEwSurfaceTaker  // This is the top-level vIEw of the window,containing the window decor.  private DecorVIEw mDecor;  @OverrIDe  public final VIEw getDecorVIEw() {    if (mDecor == null) {      installDecor();    }    return mDecor;  }

顺便说一下,平时Window用的最多的就是((VIEwGroup)getwindow().getDecorVIEw().findVIEwByID(androID.R.ID.content)).getChildAt(0)即通过Activity来得到内部的VIEw。这个mDecor显然就是getwindow().getDecorVIEw()返回的VIEw,而我们通过setContentVIEw设置的VIEw是它的一个子VIEw。目前事件传递到了DecorVIEw 这里,由于DecorVIEw 继承自FrameLayout且是我们的父VIEw,所以最终事件会传递给我们的VIEw,原因先不管了,换句话来说,事件肯定会传递到我们的VIEw,不然我们的应用如何响应点击事件呢。不过这不是我们的重点,重点是事件到了我们的VIEw以后应该如何传递,这是对我们更有用的。从这里开始,事件已经传递到我们的顶级VIEw了,注意:顶级VIEw实际上是最底层VIEw,也叫根VIEw。 





  @OverrIDe  public boolean dispatchtouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {    if (minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr != null) {      minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr.ontouchEvent(ev,1);    }    boolean handled = false;    if (onFiltertouchEventForSecurity(ev)) {      final int action = ev.getAction();      final int actionMasked = action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;      // Handle an initial down.      if (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {        // Throw away all prevIoUs state when starting a new touch gesture.        // The framework may have dropped the up or cancel event for the prevIoUs gesture        // due to an app switch,ANR,or some other state change.        cancelAndCleartouchTargets(ev);        resettouchState();      }      // Check for interception.      final boolean intercepted;      if (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN          || mFirsttouchTarget != null) {        final boolean disallowIntercept = (mGroupFlags & FLAG_disALLOW_INTERCEPT) != 0;        if (!disallowIntercept) {       //这里判断是否拦截点击事件,如果拦截,则intercepted=true          intercepted = onIntercepttouchEvent(ev);          ev.setAction(action); // restore action in case it was changed        } else {          intercepted = false;        }      } else {        // There are no touch targets and this action is not an initial down        // so this vIEw group continues to intercept touches.        intercepted = true;      }      // Check for cancelation.      final boolean canceled = resetCancelNextUpFlag(this)          || actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL;      // Update List of touch targets for pointer down,if needed.      final boolean split = (mGroupFlags & FLAG_SPliT_MOTION_EVENTS) != 0;      touchTarget newtouchTarget = null;      boolean alreadydispatchedToNewtouchTarget = false;       //这里面一大堆是派发事件到子VIEw,如果intercepted是true,则直接跳过      if (!canceled && !intercepted) {        if (actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN            || (split && actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN)            || actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE) {          final int actionIndex = ev.getActionIndex(); // always 0 for down          final int IDBitsToAssign = split ? 1 << ev.getPointerID(actionIndex)              : touchTarget.ALL_POINTER_IDS;          // Clean up earlIEr touch targets for this pointer ID in case they          // have become out of sync.          removePointersFromtouchTargets(IDBitsToAssign);          final int childrenCount = mChildrenCount;          if (newtouchTarget == null && childrenCount != 0) {            final float x = ev.getX(actionIndex);            final float y = ev.getY(actionIndex);            // Find a child that can receive the event.            // Scan children from front to back.            final VIEw[] children = mChildren;            final boolean customOrder = isChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled();            for (int i = childrenCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {              final int childindex = customOrder ?                  getChildDrawingOrder(childrenCount,i) : i;              final VIEw child = children[childindex];              if (!canVIEwReceivePointerEvents(child)                  || !istransformedtouchPointInVIEw(x,y,child,null)) {                continue;              }              newtouchTarget = gettouchTarget(child);              if (newtouchTarget != null) {                // Child is already receiving touch within its bounds.                // Give it the new pointer in addition to the ones it is handling.                newtouchTarget.pointerIDBits |= IDBitsToAssign;                break;              }              resetCancelNextUpFlag(child);              if (dispatchtransformedtouchEvent(ev,false,IDBitsToAssign)) {                // Child wants to receive touch within its bounds.                mLasttouchDownTime = ev.getDownTime();                mLasttouchDownIndex = childindex;                mLasttouchDownX = ev.getX();                mLasttouchDownY = ev.getY();                //注意下面两句,如果有子VIEw处理了点击事件,则newtouchTarget会被赋值,                //同时alreadydispatchedToNewtouchTarget也会为true,这两个变量是直接影响下面的代码逻辑的。                newtouchTarget = addtouchTarget(child,IDBitsToAssign);                alreadydispatchedToNewtouchTarget = true;                break;              }            }          }          if (newtouchTarget == null && mFirsttouchTarget != null) {            // DID not find a child to receive the event.            // Assign the pointer to the least recently added target.            newtouchTarget = mFirsttouchTarget;            while ( != null) {              newtouchTarget =;            }            newtouchTarget.pointerIDBits |= IDBitsToAssign;          }        }      }      // dispatch to touch targets.     //这里如果当前VIEwGroup拦截了事件,或者其子VIEw的ontouchEvent都返回了false,则事件会由VIEwGroup处理      if (mFirsttouchTarget == null) {        // No touch targets so treat this as an ordinary vIEw.       //这里就是VIEwGroup对点击事件的处理        handled = dispatchtransformedtouchEvent(ev,canceled,null,touchTarget.ALL_POINTER_IDS);      } else {        // dispatch to touch targets,excluding the new touch target if we already        // dispatched to it. Cancel touch targets if necessary.        touchTarget predecessor = null;        touchTarget target = mFirsttouchTarget;        while (target != null) {          final touchTarget next =;          if (alreadydispatchedToNewtouchTarget && target == newtouchTarget) {            handled = true;          } else {            final boolean cancelChild = resetCancelNextUpFlag(target.child)                || intercepted;            if (dispatchtransformedtouchEvent(ev,cancelChild,target.child,target.pointerIDBits)) {              handled = true;            }            if (cancelChild) {              if (predecessor == null) {                mFirsttouchTarget = next;              } else {       = next;              }              target.recycle();              target = next;              continue;            }          }          predecessor = target;          target = next;        }      }      // Update List of touch targets for pointer up or cancel,if needed.      if (canceled          || actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP          || actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE) {        resettouchState();      } else if (split && actionMasked == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) {        final int actionIndex = ev.getActionIndex();        final int IDBitsToRemove = 1 << ev.getPointerID(actionIndex);        removePointersFromtouchTargets(IDBitsToRemove);      }    }    if (!handled && minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr != null) {      minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr.onUnhandledEvent(ev,1);    }    return handled;  }



   /**   * transforms a motion event into the coordinate space of a particular child vIEw,* filters out irrelevant pointer IDs,and overrIDes its action if necessary.   * If child is null,assumes the MotionEvent will be sent to this VIEwGroup instead.   */  private boolean dispatchtransformedtouchEvent(MotionEvent event,boolean cancel,VIEw child,int desiredPointerIDBits) {    final boolean handled;    // Canceling motions is a special case. We don't need to perform any transformations    // or filtering. The important part is the action,not the contents.    final int oldAction = event.getAction();    if (cancel || oldAction == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {      event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL);      if (child == null) {     //这里就是VIEwGroup对点击事件的处理,其调用了VIEw的dispatchtouchEvent方法        handled = super.dispatchtouchEvent(event);      } else {        handled = child.dispatchtouchEvent(event);      }      event.setAction(oldAction);      return handled;    }    // Calculate the number of pointers to deliver.    final int oldPointerIDBits = event.getPointerIDBits();    final int newPointerIDBits = oldPointerIDBits & desiredPointerIDBits;    // If for some reason we ended up in an inconsistent state where it looks like we    // might produce a motion event with no pointers in it,then drop the event.    if (newPointerIDBits == 0) {      return false;    }    // If the number of pointers is the same and we don't need to perform any fancy    // irreversible transformations,then we can reuse the motion event for this    // dispatch as long as we are careful to revert any changes we make.    // Otherwise we need to make a copy.    final MotionEvent transformedEvent;    if (newPointerIDBits == oldPointerIDBits) {      if (child == null || child.hasIDentityMatrix()) {        if (child == null) {          handled = super.dispatchtouchEvent(event);        } else {          final float offsetX = mScrollX - child.mleft;          final float offsetY = mScrollY - child.mtop;          event.offsetLocation(offsetX,offsetY);          handled = child.dispatchtouchEvent(event);          event.offsetLocation(-offsetX,-offsetY);        }        return handled;      }      transformedEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(event);    } else {      transformedEvent = event.split(newPointerIDBits);    }    // Perform any necessary transformations and dispatch.    if (child == null) {      handled = super.dispatchtouchEvent(transformedEvent);    } else {      final float offsetX = mScrollX - child.mleft;      final float offsetY = mScrollY - child.mtop;      transformedEvent.offsetLocation(offsetX,offsetY);      if (! child.hasIDentityMatrix()) {        transformedEvent.transform(child.getInverseMatrix());      }      handled = child.dispatchtouchEvent(transformedEvent);    }    // Done.    transformedEvent.recycle();    return handled;  }



  /**   * Pass the touch screen motion event down to the target vIEw,or this   * vIEw if it is the target.   *   * @param event The motion event to be dispatched.   * @return True if the event was handled by the vIEw,false otherwise.   */  public boolean dispatchtouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {    if (minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr != null) {      minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr.ontouchEvent(event,0);    }    if (onFiltertouchEventForSecurity(event)) {      //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement      ListenerInfo li = mListenerInfo;      if (li != null && li.mOntouchListener != null && (mVIEwFlags & ENABLED_MASK) == ENABLED          && li.mOntouchListener.ontouch(this,event)) {        return true;      }      if (ontouchEvent(event)) {        return true;      }    }    if (minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr != null) {      minputEventConsistencyVerifIEr.onUnhandledEvent(event,0);    }    return false;  }










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