slow() { # print stdout at 30bps exec pv -qL 30}timestamp() { # prefix stdin with a sortable timestamp exec tai64n}# Simulate two slowly-running batch jobs:seq 000 099 | slow | timestamp > seq.1 &seq1=$!seq 100 199 | slow | timestamp > seq.2 &seq2=$!# I'd like to see the combined output of those two logs,in timestamp-sorted ordertry1() { # this shows me the output as soon as it's available,# but it's badly interleaved and not necessarily in order tail -f seq.1 --pID=$seq1 & tail -f seq.2 --pID=$seq2 &}try2() { # this gives the correct output,# but outputs nothing till both jobs have stopped sort -sm <(tail -f seq.1 --pID=$seq1) <(tail -f seq.2 --pID=$seq2)}try2wait解决方法 solution using
(写入文件以便标准输出仍然进入控制台)将无法工作,因为tee引入了不必要的延迟并且无法解决问题.同样,我无法使用tail -f -s 0.01(它将轮询改为100 / s)和/或某种类型的调用(如split -filter =’sort -sm’)来解决小批量的问题. 我也没有tai64n
tai64n() { perl -MTime::HiRes=time -pe ' printf "\@4%015x%x%n",split(/\./,time),$c; print 0 x(25-$c) . " "'}
slow() { # print stdout at 30bps pv -qL 30}tai64n_and_tee() { # prefix stdin with a sortable timestamp and copy to given file perl -MTime::HiRes=time -e ' $_ = shift; open(TEE,"> $_") or dIE $!; while (<>) { $_ = sprintf("\@4%015x%x%n",$c) . 0 x(25-$c) . " $_"; print TEE $_; print $_; } ' ""}# Simulate two slowly-running batch jobs:seq 000 099 | slow | tai64n_and_tee seq.1 &seq 100 199 | slow | tai64n_and_tee seq.2 &wait
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的linux – 合并已排序的文件,具有最小的缓冲全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决linux – 合并已排序的文件,具有最小的缓冲所遇到的程序开发问题。