--report This option puts mtr into report mode. When in this mode,mtr will run for the number of cycles specifIEd by the -c option,and then print statistics and exit. This mode is useful for generating statistics about network quality. Note that each running instance of mtr generates a significant amount of network traffic. Using mtr to measure the quality of your network may result in decreased network performance. --report-cycles COUNT Use this option to set the number of Pings sent to determine both the machines on the network and the reliability of those machines. Each cycle lasts one second.解决方法 看一下 mtr.它的traceroute和Ping合并到一个工具中,并持续监视两个主机之间的路径.你得到如下输出.它可用作Ubuntu的mtr-tiny软件包和CentOS的mtr软件包.
My traceroute [v0.75]somehost.lan ( Thu Aug 18 20:52:49 2011Keys: Help display mode Restart statistics Order of fIElds quit Packets Pings Host Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev 1. somehost.lan 0.0% 56 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.0 2. 0.0% 55 82.8 48.1 2.9 100.6 31.5 3. 94-192-160-1.zone6.bethere.co.uk 76.4% 55 11038 11232 11038 11450 156.1 4. 25.9% 55 17.6 17.6 16.8 20.6 0.7 5. ??? 6. ??? 7. linx1-hex.webfusion.com 96.3% 55 23.6 23.8 23.6 24.1 0.3 8. ??? 9. supanames-22.supanames.co.uk 0.0% 55 31.4 31.4 30.5 38.0 1.0总结
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