

/* Subroutine to generate a Bezier curve.

Copyright (c) 2000 David F. Rogers. All rights reserved.

b[] = array containing the defining polygon vertices

b[1] contains the x-component of the vertex

b[2] contains the y-component of the vertex

b[3] contains the z-component of the vertex

Basis = function to calculate the Bernstein basis value (see MECG Eq 5-65)

cpts = number of points to be calculated on the curve

Fractrl = function to calculate the factorial of a number

j[] = array containing the basis functions for a single value of t

npts = number of defining polygon vertices

p[] = array containing the curve points

p[1] contains the x-component of the point

p[2] contains the y-component of the point

p[3] contains the z-component of the point

t = parameter value 0 <= t <= 1


#include <math.h>

/* function to calculate the factorial */

float factrl(int n)


static int ntop=6

static float a[33]={1.0,1.0,2.0,6.0,24.0,120.0,720.0} /* fill in the first few values */

int j1

if (n < 0) printf("\nNegative factorial in routine FACTRL\n")

if (n > 32) printf("\nFactorial value too large in routine FACTRL\n")

while (ntop < n) { /* use the precalulated value for n = 0....6 */

j1 = ntop++



return a[n] /* returns the value n! as a floating point number */


/* function to calculate the factorial function for Bernstein basis */

float Ni(int n,int i)


float ni

ni = factrl(n)/(factrl(i)*factrl(n-i))

return ni


/* function to calculate the Bernstein basis */

float Basis(int n,int i,float t)


float basis

float ti /* this is t^i */

float tni /* this is (1 - t)^i */

/* handle the special cases to avoid domain problem with pow */

if (t==0. && i == 0) ti=1.0 else ti = pow(t,i)

if (n==i && t==1.) tni=1.0 else tni = pow((1-t),(n-i))

basis = Ni(n,i)*ti*tni /* calculate Bernstein basis function */

return basis


/* Bezier curve subroutine */


int cpts

int npts

float b[]

float p[]


int i

int j

int i1

int icount

int jcount

int n

float step

float t

float factrl(int)

float Ni(int,int)

float Basis(int,int,float)

/* calculate the points on the Bezier curve */

icount = 0

t = 0

step = 1.0/((float)(cpts -1))

for (i1 = 1 i1<=cpts i1++){ /* main loop */

if ((1.0 - t) < 5e-6) t = 1.0

for (j = 1 j <= 3 j++){ /* generate a point on the curve */

jcount = j

p[icount+j] = 0.

for (i = 1 i <= npts i++){ /* Do x,y,z components */

p[icount + j] = p[icount + j] + Basis(npts-1,i-1,t)*b[jcount]

jcount = jcount + 3



icount = icount + 3

t = t + step



SAP basis可以理解为SAP的一个模块,也可以理解为SAP新的基于NW的一个component,不过不管你怎么理解,SAP basis会持久存在。

SAP basis的职责总结为一句话“保障系统的建立和运行”,一句简单的话,意义可不简单。安装系统,参数调整,根据业务发展的系统扩展,网络和安全,硬件和容量,权限,传输,升级,监控,系统调优。SAP的产品众多,只怕你没有几年功夫,都只能算是个入门级别。

ABAP的原意是SAP专有的一种开发语言(advanced business application programming),现在简称SAP 基于ABAP端的developer为ABAP。工作职责就是基于业务的要求,在系统原有的基础上开发出新的业务功能。

这是一个简单的链表,main函数中定义了4个节点p0,p1,p2,p3; 因为每一个节点中存有一个值m_nKey和下一个节点的地址(也就是指针m_pNext); main函数中因为最后一个节点p3->m_pNext = NULL, 所以在length函数中求长度的时候可以通过判断是否是NU


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/11258377.html

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