





#include <time.h>

using namespace std

const int N=15                 //15*15的棋盘

const char ChessBoardflag = ' '          //棋盘标志

const char flag1='o'              //玩家1或电脑的棋子标志

const char flag2='X'              //玩家2的棋子标志

typedef struct Coordinate          //坐标类

int x                         //代表行

int y                         //代表列


class GoBang                    //五子棋类



GoBang()                //初始化




void Play()               //下棋


Coordinate Pos1      // 玩家1或电脑

Coordinate Pos2      //玩家2

int n = 0

while (1)


int mode = ChoiceMode()

while (1)


if (mode == 1)       //电脑vs玩家


ComputerChess(Pos1,flag1)     // 电脑下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos1, 0, flag1) == 1)     //0表示电脑,真表示获胜


PlayChess(Pos2, 2, flag2)     //玩家2下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos2, 2, flag2))     //2表示玩家2



else            //玩家1vs玩家2


PlayChess(Pos1, 1, flag1)     // 玩家1下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos1, 1, flag1))      //1表示玩家1


PlayChess(Pos2, 2, flag2)     //玩家2下棋

if (GetVictory(Pos2, 2, flag2))  //2表示玩家2




cout <<"***再来一局***" <<endl

cout <<"y or n :"

char c = 'y'

cin >>c

if (c == 'n')





int ChoiceMode()           //选择模式


int i = 0

system("cls")        //系统调用,清屏

InitChessBoard()       //重新初始化棋盘

cout <<"***0、退出  1、电脑vs玩家  2、玩家vs玩家***" <<endl

while (1)


cout <<"请选择:"

cin >>i

if (i == 0)         //选择0退出


if (i == 1 || i == 2)

return i

cout <<"输入不合法" <<endl



void InitChessBoard()      //初始化棋盘


for (int i = 0i <N + 1++i)   


for (int j = 0j <N + 1++j)


_ChessBoard[i][j] = ChessBoardflag




void PrintChessBoard()    //打印棋盘,这个函数可以自己调整


system("cls")                //系统调用,清空屏幕

for (int i = 0i <N+1++i)


for (int j = 0j <N+1++j)


if (i == 0)                               //打印列数字


if (j!=0)

printf("%d  ", j)


printf("   ")


else if (j == 0)                //打印行数字

printf("%2d ", i)



if (i <N+1)


printf("%c |",_ChessBoard[i][j])




cout <<endl

cout <<"   "

for (int m = 0m <Nm++)




cout <<endl



void PlayChess(Coordinate&pos, int player, int flag)       //玩家下棋


PrintChessBoard()         //打印棋盘

while (1)


printf("玩家%d输入坐标:", player)

cin >>pos.x >>pos.y

if (JudgeValue(pos) == 1)          //坐标合法


cout <<"坐标不合法,重新输入" <<endl


_ChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y] = flag


void ComputerChess(Coordinate&pos, char flag)       //电脑下棋


PrintChessBoard()         //打印棋盘

int x = 0

int y = 0

while (1)


x = (rand() % N) + 1      //产生1~N的随机数

srand((unsigned int) time(NULL))

y = (rand() % N) + 1     //产生1~N的随机数

srand((unsigned int) time(NULL))

if (_ChessBoard[x][y] == ChessBoardflag)      //如果这个位置是空的,也就是没有棋子



pos.x = x

pos.y = y

_ChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y] = flag


int JudgeValue(const Coordinate&pos)       //判断输入坐标是不是合法


if (pos.x >0 &&pos.x <= N&&pos.y >0 &&pos.y <= N)


if (_ChessBoard[pos.x][pos.y] == ChessBoardflag)


return 1    //合法



return 0        //非法


int JudgeVictory(Coordinate pos, char flag)           //判断有没有人胜负(底层判断)


int begin = 0

int end = 0

int begin1 = 0

int end1 = 0


(pos.y - 4) >0 ? begin = (pos.y - 4) : begin = 1

(pos.y + 4) >N ? end = N : end = (pos.y + 4)

for (int i = pos.x, j = beginj + 4 <= endj++)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i][j + 1] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i][j + 2] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i][j + 3] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i][j + 4] == flag)

return 1



(pos.x - 4) >0 ? begin = (pos.x - 4) : begin = 1

(pos.x + 4) >N ? end = N : end = (pos.x + 4)

for (int j = pos.y, i = begini + 4 <= endi++)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 1][j] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 2][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 3][j] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 4][j] == flag)

return 1


int len = 0


pos.x >pos.y ? len = pos.y - 1 : len = pos.x - 1

if (len >4)

len = 4

begin = pos.x - len       //横坐标的起始位置

begin1 = pos.y - len      //纵坐标的起始位置

pos.x >pos.y ? len = (N - pos.x) : len = (N - pos.y)

if (len>4)

len = 4

end = pos.x + len       //横坐标的结束位置

end1 = pos.y + len      //纵坐标的结束位置

for (int i = begin, j = begin1(i + 4 <= end) &&(j + 4 <= end1)++i, ++j)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 1][j + 1] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 2][j + 2] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 3][j + 3] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 4][j + 4] == flag)

return 1



(pos.x - 1) >(N - pos.y) ? len = (N - pos.y) : len = pos.x - 1

if (len >4)

len = 4

begin = pos.x - len       //横坐标的起始位置

begin1 = pos.y + len      //纵坐标的起始位置

(N - pos.x) >(pos.y - 1) ? len = (pos.y - 1) : len = (N - pos.x)

if (len>4)

len = 4

end = pos.x + len       //横坐标的结束位置

end1 = pos.y - len      //纵坐标的结束位置

for (int i = begin, j = begin1(i + 4 <= end) &&(j - 4 >= end1)++i, --j)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 1][j - 1] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 2][j - 2] == flag&&_ChessBoard[i + 3][j - 3] == flag&&

_ChessBoard[i + 4][j - 4] == flag)

return 1


for (int i = 1i <N + 1++i)           //棋盘有没有下满


for (int j =1j <N + 1++j)


if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == ChessBoardflag)

return 0                      //0表示棋盘没满



return -1      //和棋


bool GetVictory(Coordinate&pos, int player, int flag)   //对JudgeVictory的一层封装,得到具体那个玩家获胜


int n = JudgeVictory(pos, flag)   //判断有没有人获胜

if (n != 0)                    //有人获胜,0表示没有人获胜



if (n == 1)                //有玩家赢棋


if (player == 0)     //0表示电脑获胜,1表示玩家1,2表示玩家2



printf("***恭喜玩家%d获胜***\n", player)




return true      //已经有人获胜


return false   //没有人获胜



char _ChessBoard[N+1][N+1]   







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为了使程序中的仙人掌、游戏角色和射击时发射的子d可以移动,需要向项目中添加定时器tmrMouseCnt和Timer1,在这两个定时响应函数中完成不同对象的移动功能。在游戏运行后,为了使用户可以通过键盘和鼠标来 *** 作游戏的角色,实现射击的功能,需要添加鼠标消息和键盘消息处理函数。例如,对于角色1来说,可以通过上下键来移动,空格键来射击,对于角色2来说,鼠标左右键控制移动,双击实现射击。在射击过程中,要处理两个细节,一个细节是子d与仙人掌及角色的区域重叠问题,当子d与仙人掌重叠时让子d隐藏起来,与角色重叠时表示击中目标,游戏结束。这里需要判断何时两个区域有重叠,解决这个问题的方法是使用API函数IntersectRect,用它来判断两个区域是否有重叠。另一个细节是子d射击过程中需要添加"呼啸"的声音和击中目标时添加人物惨叫的声音,来达到逼真的效果,为了实现这个功能,需要向程序中添加语音文件(程序中的语音文件分别为:BANG.WAV和OH!!.WAV),然后通过API函数sndPlaySound来实现。另外,在对象移动的过程中,需要注意移动到边缘位置的情况处理。



Option Explicit

' Data type required by the IntersectRect function

Type tRect

Left As Long

Top As Long

Right As Long

Bottom As Long

End Type

' Windows API rectangle functions

Declare Function IntersectRect Lib "user32" (lpDestRect As tRect, lpSrc1Rect As tRect, lpSrc2Rect As tRect) As Long

' Functions and constants used to play sounds.

Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

' Constant used with sndPlaySound function

Global Const SND_ASYNC = &H1



Option Explicit

' KeyCodes for keyboard action.

Const KEY_SPACE = &H20

Const KEY_UP = &H26

Const KEY_DOWN = &H28

' Number of Twips to move player on each key or mouse event.

Const PlayerIncrement = 45

' Constants for mouse action.

Const NO_BUTTON = 0

Const LBUTTON = 1

Const RBUTTON = 2

' Boolean that indicates if mouse button has been pressed down.

Dim MouseButtonDown As Integer

' Number of bullets either player can have in use at one time.


' Booleans indicating if player 0 or player 1 have just fired.

Dim GunFired(0 To 1) As Integer

' Start the game by enabling the main timer and hiding the start button.

Private Sub btnStart_Click()

Timer1.Enabled = True

btnStart.Visible = False

End Sub

' Check if the two Images intersect, using the IntersectRect API call.

Private Function Collided(imgA As Image, imgB As Image) As Integer

Dim A As tRect

Dim B As tRect

Dim ResultRect As tRect

' Copy information into tRect structure

A.Left = imgA.Left

A.Top = imgA.Top

B.Left = imgB.Left

B.Top = imgB.Top

' Calculate the right and bottoms of rectangles needed by the API call.

A.Right = A.Left + imgA.Width - 1

A.Bottom = A.Top + imgA.Height - 1

B.Right = B.Left + imgB.Width - 1

B.Bottom = B.Top + imgB.Height - 1

' IntersectRect will only return 0 (false) if the

' two rectangles do NOT intersect.

Collided = IntersectRect(ResultRect, A, B)

End Function

' Double-clicking the mouse fires Player 1's gun.

Private Sub Form_DblClick()

Dim rc As Integer

If Not Timer1.Enabled Then Exit Sub

GunFired(1) = True

rc = sndPlaySound(App.Path &"\BANG.WAV", SND_ASYNC)

End Sub

' This event handles Player 0's game action via the keyboard.

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

Dim rc As Integer

Static InKeyDown As Integer

If Not Timer1.Enabled Then Exit Sub

If InKeyDown Then Exit Sub

InKeyDown = True


Select Case KeyCode


imgPlayer(0).Top = imgPlayer(0).Top - PlayerIncrement

If imgPlayer(0).Top <0 Then imgPlayer(0).Top = 0


GunFired(0) = True

rc = sndPlaySound(App.Path &"\BANG.WAV", SND_ASYNC)


imgPlayer(0).Top = imgPlayer(0).Top + PlayerIncrement

If imgPlayer(0).Top >(picDesert.ScaleHeight -

imgPlayer(0).Height) Then

imgPlayer(0).Top = picDesert.ScaleHeight -


End If

End Select

InKeyDown = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim i As Integer

Timer1.Interval = 22

Timer1.Enabled = False

MouseButtonDown = NO_BUTTON

For i = 1 To NUM_BULLETS - 1

Load imgLBullet(i)

Load imgRBullet(i)


End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

MouseButtonDown = Button

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

MouseButtonDown = NO_BUTTON

End Sub

' The main game timer.

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Const CactusIncrement = 30

Const BulletIncrement = 300

Const NumCacti = 2

Dim i As Integer

Dim rc As Integer

' Move the roving cacti.

For i = 0 To NumCacti - 1

imgCactus(i).Top = imgCactus(i).Top - CactusIncrement

If imgCactus(i).Top <-imgCactus(i).Height Then

imgCactus(i).Top = picDesert.Height

End If


' Did player 0 fire a bullet?

If GunFired(0) Then

GunFired(0) = False

' Find a spare (invisible) bullet.

For i = 0 To NUM_BULLETS - 1

If Not imgLBullet(i).Visible Then

imgLBullet(i).Top = imgPlayer(0).Top

imgLBullet(i).Left = imgPlayer(0).Left +

(imgPlayer(0).Width / 2)

imgLBullet(i).Visible = True

Exit For

End If


End If

' Did player 1 fire a bullet?

If GunFired(1) Then

GunFired(1) = False

' Find a spare (invisible) bullet.

For i = 0 To NUM_BULLETS - 1

If Not imgRBullet(i).Visible Then

imgRBullet(i).Top = imgPlayer(1).Top

imgRBullet(i).Left = imgPlayer(1).Left -

(imgPlayer(1).Width / 2)

imgRBullet(i).Visible = True

Exit For

End If


End If

' Move Visible Bullets

For i = 0 To NUM_BULLETS - 1

' Move player 0's bullets.

If imgLBullet(i).Visible Then

imgLBullet(i).Left = imgLBullet(i).Left + BulletIncrement

If Collided(imgLBullet(i), imgCactus(0)) Then

imgLBullet(i).Visible = False

ElseIf Collided(imgLBullet(i), imgCactus(1)) Then

imgLBullet(i).Visible = False

ElseIf imgLBullet(i).Left >picDesert.ScaleWidth Then

imgLBullet(i).Visible = False

ElseIf Collided(imgLBullet(i), imgPlayer(1)) Then

imgLBullet(i).Visible = False

imgPlayer(1).Picture = imgRIP.Picture

Timer1.Enabled = False

rc = sndPlaySound(App.Path &"\OH!!.WAV", SND_ASYNC)

End If

End If

' Move player 1's bullets.

If imgRBullet(i).Visible Then

imgRBullet(i).Left = imgRBullet(i).Left - BulletIncrement

If Collided(imgRBullet(i), imgCactus(0)) Then

imgRBullet(i).Visible = False

ElseIf Collided(imgRBullet(i), imgCactus(1)) Then

imgRBullet(i).Visible = False

ElseIf imgRBullet(i).Left <-imgRBullet(i).Width Then

imgRBullet(i).Visible = False

ElseIf Collided(imgRBullet(i), imgPlayer(0)) Then

imgRBullet(i).Visible = False

imgPlayer(0).Picture = imgRIP.Picture

Timer1.Enabled = False

rc = sndPlaySound(App.Path &"\OH!!.WAV", SND_ASYNC)

End If

End If


End Sub

' Handle Player 1's movement (up and down).

Private Sub tmrMouseCntl_Timer()

If Not Timer1.Enabled Then Exit Sub

Select Case MouseButtonDown


imgPlayer(1).Top = imgPlayer(1).Top - PlayerIncrement

If imgPlayer(1).Top <0 Then imgPlayer(1).Top = 0


imgPlayer(1).Top = imgPlayer(1).Top + PlayerIncrement

If imgPlayer(1).Top >(picDesert.ScaleHeight -

imgPlayer(1).Height) Then

imgPlayer(1).Top = picDesert.ScaleHeight -


End If

End Select

End Sub


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/11999581.html

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