% SOVADEC is an implementation of the soft input soft output Viterbi
% algorithm. The algorithm can be called using
% where MSG is the soft input (codeword), LLR is a priori information
% per bit about the bits (log likelihood ratios), TRELLIS is the
% trellis structure describing the convolutional encoder used to
% encode the original information message.
% The output of the function is the vector containing the soft
% estimates of the originally encoded information. The implementation
% is able to perform decoding using any trellis structure compatibile
% with the standard Matlab POLY2TRELLIS function.
% WIN describes the size of the trellis buffer used to perform the
% Viterbi algorithm. Thus, the decoder estimates the best path through
% the trellis and searches back within this buffer at every decoding
% time instant.
% If WIN is omitted, the trellis of length N+1 (where N is the size
% of the decoded message) is used.
% For the estimation of the reliability information only the second
% best path (competitor) is used, even if there are more than two
% paths merging at a particular state.
% The output of the decoding algorithm is of the following form
% out = sign(inp) * log( P(inp=1|out) ) / log( P(inp=-1|out) )
%% (c) 2003 Adrian Bohdanowicz
%% $Id: sovadec.m,v 1.16 2003/06/15 14:57:29 adrian Exp $
enc = trellis2enc( trl )
if( enc.k == 1 )
out = sovadec_1N( msg, llr, trl, win )% use 1/N optimized code (2x faster)
out = sovadec_KN( msg, llr, trl, win )% uset K/N generic code
function enc = trellis2enc( trl ),
% put the trellis structure into a more user friendly manner
enc.k = log2( trl.numInputSymbols ) % number of inputs
enc.n = log2( trl.numOutputSymbols ) % numbor of outputs
enc.r = enc.k / enc.n % code rate
enc.ksym = trl.numInputSymbols% number of possible input combinations
enc.nsym = trl.numOutputSymbols % number of possible output combinations
enc.stat = trl.numStates % number of encoder states
% forward transitions:
enc.next.states = trl.nextStates + 1 % NEXT states
enc.next.output = trl.outputs % NEXT outputs
for i = 1:enc.ksym, % NEXT (binary) outputs
enc.next.binout( :,:,i ) = 2*de2bi( oct2dec( trl.outputs(:,i) ), enc.n )-1
% store possible binary outputs and inputs:
enc.inp = de2bi( oct2dec( [0:enc.ksym-1] ), enc.k, 'left-msb' ) % all possible binary inputs
enc.out = de2bi( oct2dec( [0:enc.nsym-1] ), enc.n, 'left-msb' ) % all possible binary outputs
enc.bininp = 2*enc.inp-1
function out = sovadec_1N( msg, llr, trl, win ),
% SOVADEC optimized for 1/N encoders (faster!)
% error checking:
if( ~istrellis( trl ) ), error( 'Incorrect input trellis!' )end
if( nargin <= 2 ), error( 'Incorrect number of input args!' )end
if( nargin == 3 ), win = length( llr )+1end
% some parameters:
INF = 9e9 % infinity
enc = trellis2enc( trl ) % encoder parameters
len = length( llr ) / enc.k % number of decoding steps (total)
win = min( [ win, len ] ) % trim the buffer if msg is short
old = NaN % to remember the last survivor
% allocate memory for the trellis:
metr = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) -INF % path metric buffer
metr( 1,1 ) = 0 % initial state =>(0,0)
surv = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % survivor state buffer
inpt = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % survivor input buffer (dec. output)
diff = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % path metric difference
comp = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % competitor state buffer
inpc = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % competitor input buffer
out = zeros( size(llr) ) + NaN % hard output (bits)
sft = zeros( size(llr) ) + INF % soft output (sign with reliability)
% decode all the bits:
for i = 1:len,
% indices + precalcuations:
Cur = mod( i-1, win+1 ) +1% curr trellis (cycl. buf) position
Nxt = mod( i, win+1 ) +1% next trellis (cycl. buf) position
buf = msg( i*enc.n:-1:(i-1)*enc.n+1 ) % msg portion to be processed (reversed)
llb = llr( (i-1)+1:i )% SOVA: llr portion to be processed
metr( :,Nxt ) = -INF -INF % (2*) helps in initial stages (!!!)
%% forward recursion:
for s = 1:enc.stat,
for j = 1:enc.ksym,
nxt = enc.next.states( s, j )% state after transition
bin = enc.next.binout( s,:,j )% transition output (encoder)
mtr = bin*buf' + metr( s,Cur )% transition metric
mtr = mtr ...
+ enc.bininp( j )*(llb*enc.r)'% SOVA
if( metr( nxt,Nxt ) <mtr ),
diff( nxt,Nxt ) = mtr - metr( nxt,Nxt ) % SOVA
comp( nxt,Nxt ) = surv( nxt,Nxt ) % SOVA
inpc( nxt,Nxt ) = inpt( nxt,Nxt ) % SOVA
metr( nxt,Nxt ) = mtr % store the metric
surv( nxt,Nxt ) = s % store the survival state
inpt( nxt,Nxt ) = j-1 % store the survival input
dif = metr( nxt,Nxt ) - mtr
if( dif <= diff( nxt,Nxt ) )
diff( nxt,Nxt ) = dif % SOVA
comp( nxt,Nxt ) = s % SOVA
inpc( nxt,Nxt ) = j-1 % SOVA
%% trace backwards:
if( i <win ), continueend % proceed if the buffer has been filled
[ mtr, sur ] = max( metr( :,Nxt ) ) % find the intitial state (max metric)
b = i % temporary bit index
clc = mod( Nxt-[1:win], win+1 ) +1% indices in a 'cyclic buffer' operation
for j = 1:win, % for all the bits in the buffer
inp = inpt( sur, clc(j) ) % current bit-decoder output (encoder input)
out( b ) = inp% store the hard output
tmp = clc( j )
cmp = comp( sur, tmp ) % SOVA: competitor state (previous)
inc = inpc( sur, tmp ) % SOVA: competitor bit output
dif = diff( sur, tmp ) % SOVA: corresp. path metric difference
srv = surv( sur, tmp ) % SOVA: temporary survivor path state
for k = j+1:win+1, % check all buffer bits srv and cmp paths
if( inp ~= inc ),
tmp = dif
idx = b - ( (k-1)-j ) % calculate index: [enc.k*(b-(k-1)+j-1)+1:enc.k*(b-(k-1)+j)]
sft( idx ) = min( sft(idx), tmp ) % update LLRs for bits that are different
if( srv == cmp ), breakend % stop if surv and comp merge (no need to continue)
if( k == win+1 ), breakend % stop if the end (otherwise: error)
tmp = clc( k )
inp = inpt( srv, tmp ) % previous surv bit
inc = inpt( cmp, tmp ) % previous comp bit
srv = surv( srv, tmp ) % previous surv state
cmp = surv( cmp, tmp ) % previous comp state
sur = surv( sur, clc(j) ) % state for the previous surv bit
b = b - 1 % update bit index
% provide soft output with +/- sign:
out = (2*out-1) .* sft
function out = sovadec_KN( msg, llr, trl, win )
% error checking:
if( ~istrellis( trl ) ), error( 'Incorrect input trellis!' )end
if( nargin <= 2 ), error( 'Incorrect number of input args!' )end
if( nargin == 3 ), win = length( llr )+1end
% some parameters:
INF = 9e9 % infinity
enc = trellis2enc( trl ) % encoder parameters
len = length( llr ) / enc.k % number of decoding steps (total)
win = min( [ win, len ] ) % trim the buffer if msg is short
old = NaN % to remember the last survivor
% allocate memory for the trellis:
metr = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) -INF % path metric buffer
metr( 1,1 ) = 0 % initial state =>(0,0)
surv = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % survivor state buffer
inpt = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % survivor input buffer (dec. output)
diff = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % path metric difference
comp = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % competitor state buffer
inpc = zeros( enc.stat, win+1 ) % competitor input buffer
out = zeros( size(llr) ) + NaN % hard output (bits)
sft = zeros( size(llr) ) + INF % soft output (sign with reliability)
% decode all the bits:
for i = 1:len,
% indices + precalcuations:
Cur = mod( i-1, win+1 ) +1% curr trellis (cycl. buf) position
Nxt = mod( i, win+1 ) +1% next trellis (cycl. buf) position
buf = msg( i*enc.n:-1:(i-1)*enc.n+1 ) % msg portion to be processed (reversed)
llb = llr( (i-1)*enc.k+1:i*enc.k )% SOVA: llr portion to be processed
metr( :,Nxt ) = -INF -INF % (2*) helps in initial stages (!!!)
%% forward recursion:
for s = 1:enc.stat,
for j = 1:enc.ksym,
nxt = enc.next.states( s, j )% state after transition
bin = enc.next.binout( s,:,j )% transition output (encoder)
mtr = bin*buf' + metr( s,Cur )% transition metric
mtr = mtr ...
+ enc.bininp(j,:)*(llb*enc.r)'% SOVA
if( metr( nxt,Nxt ) <mtr ),
diff( nxt,Nxt ) = mtr - metr( nxt,Nxt ) % SOVA
comp( nxt,Nxt ) = surv( nxt,Nxt ) % SOVA
inpc( nxt,Nxt ) = inpt( nxt,Nxt ) % SOVA
metr( nxt,Nxt ) = mtr % store the metric
surv( nxt,Nxt ) = s % store the survival state
inpt( nxt,Nxt ) = j-1 % store the survival input
dif = metr( nxt,Nxt ) - mtr
if( dif <= diff( nxt,Nxt ) )
diff( nxt,Nxt ) = dif % SOVA
comp( nxt,Nxt ) = s % SOVA
inpc( nxt,Nxt ) = j-1 % SOVA
%% trace backwards:
if( i <win ), continueend % proceed if the buffer has been filled
[ mtr, sur ] = max( metr( :,Nxt ) ) % find the intitial state (max metric)
b = i % temporary bit index
clc = mod( Nxt-[1:win], win+1 ) +1% indices in a 'cyclic buffer' operation
for j = 1:win, % for all the bits in the buffer
inp = inpt( sur, clc(j) ) % current bit-decoder output (encoder input)
t = [ enc.k*(b-1)+1:enc.k*b ] % compute the index
out( t ) = enc.inp( inp+1,: ) % store the hard output
cmp = comp( sur, clc(j) ) % SOVA: competitor state (previous)
inc = inpc( sur, clc(j) ) % SOVA: competitor bit output
dif = diff( sur, clc(j) ) % SOVA: corresp. path metric difference
srv = surv( sur, clc(j) ) % SOVA: temporary survivor path state
for k = j+1:win+1, % check all buffer bits srv and cmp paths
inp = enc.inp( inp+1, : ) % convert to binary form
inc = enc.inp( inc+1, : ) % convert to binary form
tmp = ( inp == inc )*INF + dif% for each different bit store the new dif
idx = t - enc.k*( (k-1)-j ) % calculate index: [enc.k*(b-(k-1)+j-1)+1:enc.k*(b-(k-1)+j)]
sft( idx ) = min( sft(idx), tmp ) % update LLRs for bits that are different
if( srv == cmp ), breakend % stop if surv and comp merge (no need to continue)
if( k == win+1 ), breakend % stop if the end (otherwise: error)
inp = inpt( srv, clc(k) ) % previous surv bit
srv = surv( srv, clc(k) ) % previous surv state
inc = inpt( cmp, clc(k) ) % previous comp bit
cmp = surv( cmp, clc(k) ) % previous comp state
sur = surv( sur, clc(j) ) % state for the previous surv bit
b = b - 1 % update bit index
% provide soft output with +/- sign:
out = (2*out-1) .* sft
格式:F4(COMM)+命令代码CM : 清除钻孔文件
CA : 清除工艺参数及刀库位置的设定
CLT: 清除工艺参数(当前计数B除外)
CLM : 清除刀库位置设定及当前计数B
CBRK: 清除断刀记录表的记录
CD : 清除默认刀具参数表
COMM ,N : 不下拉显示以前输入过的命令
T *** : 取某刀(***代表数字)
T :把主轴上的刀退回原位置
P : 机器到泊车位
R : 机器运动到光栅尺零位
CT M***: 强行把主轴上的刀放于M***指定的刀库位
H***..***: 更改起钻位H值
H : 主轴运动刀起钻位H
Z***.*** : 更改终钻位即更改钻板深度
M22: 压力脚上升
M23: 压力脚下降
M26: 机械手上升
M27 : 机械手下降
M34: 机械手指张开
M35: 机械手指合拢
M36: 进入手动换刀模式
FP**** : 切换钻孔文件格式(****代表的钻孔文件格式有4205 4215 4220 4210 等
FV * : 切换钻孔加工时的文件象限(1—8个象限)
DMAG* : 切换刀库的显示象限(HANS-F6L机为DMAG8即第8象限不可乱改)
NOMO**:关闭由**指定的伺服电机(列如**可以为X Y Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6)
MO :开启伺服电机
TIN: 自动换算刀具参数等信息为英制形式显示(随时根据需要都可换算)
Ctrl+ALT+S: 切换成中文显示