Spring 开发参考手册由Spring 中文论坛http://spring.jactiongroup.net发 起、组织,Spring 开发手册长期以来经过Spring翻译小组的公共努力,已经成功推出了两个版本,为Spring这样优秀的开源技术在中文世界的推广做出了积极的贡献。 Spring1.1开发参考手册1.1版本,在推出后下载量两周内就达到了2万以上。在线版本更是为众多的spring开发者提供了便捷的开发服务。
随着Spring Framework的飞速发展,以更全面的企业服务和便利的开发优势,Spring2.0+成为了更多程序员J2EE开发的首选框架。为了让更多的朋友能快 速掌握Spring2.0+的开发优势和了解优秀的构架思想,Spring论坛协同满江红开放技术研究组织(Hibernate开发手册翻译团队) http://wiki.redsaga.com, 共同发起Spring2.5.x Reference的翻译项目。相信凝聚Spring、Hibernate两个项目组文档翻译的丰富经验,我们能为Spring爱好者们共同打造出一份优 秀的Spring开发手册,同时,我们希望更多的朋友参与这个项目,为爱好Spring,爱好开源的人们奉献出微薄之力。
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报名:发送email到 [ dxf_digitalsonic-redsaga at yahoo.com.cn ]
到目前为止, Spring Framework 2.5 Reference翻译参与人员列表(按报名先后排列)
工作安排及进度概况(Spring 2.5)
3.2. Basics - containers and beans macrochen 翻译-100% 2008-03-26
3.5. Customizing the nature of a bean kxllen 翻译-80% 2008-03-29
3.7. Container extension points
3.8. The ApplicationContext
3.9. Glue code and the evil singleton kxllen 翻译-20% 2008-03-19
3.11. Annotation-based configuration
3.12. Classpath scanning for managed components
3.13. Registering a LoadTimeWeaver 88250 翻译-10%
6.2. @AspectJ support
6.3. Schema-based AOP support joyheros 翻译-50% 2008-03-31
6.5. Mixing aspect types Joo 翻译-70% 2008-03-29
6.7. Programmatic creation of @AspectJ Proxies
6.8. Using AspectJ with Spring applications
6.9. Further Resources Joo 翻译-70% 2008-03-29
9.2. Motivations
9.3. Key abstractions
9.4. Resource synchronization with transactions
9.5. Declarative transaction management jzk 翻译-100% 2008-03-23
9.7. Choosing between programmatic and declarative transaction management
9.8. Application server-specific integration
9.9. Solutions to common problems
9.10. Further Resources jzk
11.2. Using the JDBC Core classes to control basic JDBC processing and error handling
11.3. Controlling database connections downpour 翻译-100% 2008-03-16
11.5. Simplifying JDBC operations with the SimpleJdbc classes downpour
11.7. Common issues with parameter and data value handling downpour
12.2. Hibernate max
12.4. Oracle TopLink
12.5. iBATIS SQL Maps 华仔 翻译-50% 2008-03-29
12.7. Transaction Management
12.8. JpaDialect Echo 2008-03-13
13.2. The DispatcherServlet
13.3. Controllers
13.4. Handler mappings whimet 翻译-40% 2008-03-26
13.6. Using locales
13.7. Using themes
13.8. Spring's multipart (fileupload) support whimet 翻译-40% 2008-03-26
13.10. Handling exceptions hanson2010 翻译-100% 2008-03-30
13.12. Annotation-based controller configuration
13.13. Further Resources
Sidebar. Spring WebFlow (swf-sidebar.xml / 2 / 1KB) hanson2010 翻译-10% 2008-03-29
14.2. JSP & JSTL
14.3. Tiles
14.4. Velocity & FreeMarker Java笨狗 翻译-100% 2008-03-22
14.6. Document views (PDF/Excel)
14.7. JasperReports Java笨狗 2008-03-10
16. Portlet MVC Framework (portlet.xml / 9 / 60KB) 华仔 翻译-70% 2008-03-22
17.2. Exposing services using RMI
17.3. Using Hessian or Burlap to remotely call services via HTTP
17.4. Exposing services using HTTP invokers pesome 翻译-80% 2008-03-29
17.6. JMS
17.7. Auto-detection is not implemented for remote interfaces
17.8. Considerations when choosing a technology pesome
20.2. Exporting your beans to JMX
20.3. Controlling the management interface of your beans ginge 翻译-100% 2008-03-19
20.5. JSR-160 Connectors
20.6. Accessing MBeans via Proxies
20.7. Notifications
20.8. Further Resources ginge 翻译-100% 2008-03-20
24.2. A first example
24.3. Defining beans that are backed by dynamic languages melthaw 翻译-100% 2008-03-23
24.5. Bits and bobs
24.6. Further Resources melthaw 翻译-100% 2008-03-23
26.2. Spring MVC Controllers implemented in a dynamic language
(showcases/dynamvc/doc.xml / new / 4KB)
26.3. Implementing DAOs using SimpleJdbcTemplate and @Repository
(showcases/java5-dao/doc.xml / new / 4KB) Denis 翻译-80% 2008-03-29