c++ 小技巧 (五) typedef 定义函数指针以及实例

c++ 小技巧 (五) typedef 定义函数指针以及实例,第1张

c++ 小技巧 (五) typedef 定义函数指针以及实例

1. typedef int* pint_t;//定义整形指针
2. //定义结构体,定义结构体指针
typedef struct {
    double data;
}data_t,  * pdata_t;
3. //定义函数指针,函数指针数组其实和函数指针差不多,看下面的例子
typedef void (*pfunction_t)();


using namespace std;

double company_perfomance;
double final_performance_1;
double final_performance_2;
double final_performance_3;
double yearlyprofit[] = { 1.00,2.00,3.00,4.00,5.00,6.00 };
const char* friends[] = { "Amy", "Susan", "Alan" };
const char* food[] = { "Sushi Train", "Domino's Pizza", "soul express" };
const char* weekday[] = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"};

typedef void(*method_transport_t)(const char*); //定义了一个新的数据类型,名字是method_transport_t 函数指针类型
typedef double(*money_management_t)(double, double);//定义了一个新的数据类型,名字是money_management_t 函数指针类型  ---上面的方法练习
void byTrain(const char* name)
	printf("travel with %s, go Russian by train!n", name);
void byAirplane(const char* name)
	printf("travel with %s, go Singapore by Airplane!n", name);
void byShip(const char* name)
	printf("travel with %s, go Thailand by Ship!n", name);
void wayfortravelling(const char* friends[], int n, method_transport_t transportation)//调用上面的指针函数,method_transport_t是一个指针函数,被定义为一个另外一个函数的参数

double compare(double mymoney, double yourmoney)
	double compare_1 = mymoney - yourmoney;
	return compare_1;
double collect(double mymoney, double yourmoney)
	double balance = mymoney + yourmoney;
	return balance;
double action(double money_a, double money_b, money_management_t money_management)
	return money_management(money_a, money_b);


typedef void(*activity_t)(); // //定义了一个新的数据类型,名字是activity_t 函数指针类型
typedef double (*calculation_t)(double[], int);//定义了一个新的数据类型,名字是calculation_t 函数指针类型

//返回的是一个指针函数  activity指向下面的三个函数movie(), camping(),diving()
void* watchingmovie(const char* name, activity_t activity)
	printf("stay with %s, watching movie together!n", name);
	return activity;//返回的就是一个指针函数
void* gocamping(const char* name, activity_t activity)
	printf("stay with %s, go camping together!n", name);
	return activity;//返回的就是一个指针函数
void* godiving(const char* name, activity_t activity)
	printf("stay with %s, scubadiving together!n", name);
	return activity;//返回的就是一个指针函数
void movie()
	printf("watching movien");
void camping()
	printf("go campingn");
void diving()
void LesuireActivity()
	watchingmovie("Amy", movie);
	gocamping("Susan", camping);
	godiving("Alan", diving);
}//普通的函数调用, 利用这个函数调用上面三个函数

double sum(double profit[], int n)
	double incoming = 0.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  incoming += profit[i];
	return incoming;
double mul(double factor[], int n)
	double overallfactor = 1.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  overallfactor *= factor[i];
	return overallfactor;
double minu(double loss[], int n)
	double profit_balance = 100.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) profit_balance -= loss[i];
	return profit_balance;
double* method_1(calculation_t calculation, double profit_1[], int m, double factor_1)
	company_perfomance = calculation(profit_1, m);
	company_perfomance *= factor_1;
	return &company_perfomance;
double* method_2(calculation_t calculation, double profit_2[], int q, double factor_2)
	company_perfomance = calculation(profit_2, q);
	company_perfomance -= factor_2;
	return &company_perfomance;
double* method_3(calculation_t calculation, double profit_3[], int l, double factor_3)
	company_perfomance = calculation(profit_3, l);
	company_perfomance += factor_3;
	return &company_perfomance;
void final_audit()
	printf("%0.2fn", *method_1(sum, yearlyprofit, 6, 1.2));
	printf("%0.2fn", *method_2(mul, yearlyprofit, 6, 1.2));
	printf("%0.2fn", *method_3(minu, yearlyprofit, 6, 1.2));

typedef void (*lunchoption_t)(const char*, const char*); //定义了一个新的数据类型,名字是lunchoption_t 函数指针类型
typedef double (*travellingoption_t)(const char*);  //定义了一个新的数据类型,名字是travellingoption 函数指针类型

void sushi(const char* name, const char * food)
	printf("stay with %s, we can have %s!n", name, food);
void pizza(const char* name, const char* food)
	printf("stay with %s, we can have %s!n", name, food);
void bbq(const char* name, const char* food)
	printf("stay with %s, we can have %s!n", name, food);
lunchoption_t lunchoption[3] = { sushi, pizza, bbq };
void takeaway_withgirl(const char* friends[], const char* food[], int n, lunchoption_t option)//调用上面的指针函数


double travel_by_flight(const char* name)
	printf("travel with %sn", name);
	return 1500.0;
double travel_by_car(const char* name)
	printf("travel with %sn", name);
	return 400.0;
double travel_by_ferry(const char* name)
	printf("travel with %sn", name);
	return 300.0;
travellingoption_t transport[3] = {travel_by_flight,travel_by_car, travel_by_ferry};

double Price(const char* friends[], int n,  const char* weekday[], int m, double factor, travellingoption_t pricebyoption)
	if (weekday[n] == "Monday")
		double temp = pricebyoption(friends[n]);
		temp *= factor;
		return temp;
	else if (weekday[n] == "Tuesday")
		double temp = pricebyoption(friends[n]);
		return temp;

	else if (weekday[n] == "Wednesday")
		double temp = pricebyoption(friends[n]);
		temp /= factor;
		return temp;


int main()
	wayfortravelling(friends, 0, byTrain);
	wayfortravelling(friends, 1, byAirplane);
	wayfortravelling(friends, 2, byShip);
	printf("%0.2fn", action(6.12, 7.16, compare));
	printf("%0.2fn", action(3.14, 7.15, collect));
	printf("%0.2fn", *method_1(sum, yearlyprofit, 6, 1.2));
	printf("%0.2fn", *method_2(mul, yearlyprofit, 6, 1.2));
	printf("%0.2fn", *method_3(minu, yearlyprofit, 6, 1.2));
	takeaway_withgirl(friends, food, 1, lunchoption[0]);
	takeaway_withgirl(friends, food, 0, lunchoption[2]);
	takeaway_withgirl(friends, food, 2, lunchoption[1]);
	printf("The final price is price = %0.2fn", Price(friends, 0, weekday, 1, 2.0, transport[0]));
	printf("The final price is price = %0.2fn", Price(friends, 2, weekday, 2, 2.0, transport[1]));
	printf("The final price is price = %0.2fn", Price(friends, 1, weekday, 0, 2.0, transport[2]));
	return 0;


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5521015.html

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