Spring Boot Apache Camel路由测试

Spring Boot Apache Camel路由测试,第1张

Spring Boot Apache Camel路由测试


@RunWith(SpringRunner.class)public class CamelRouteConfigTest extends CamelTestSupport {    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CamelRouteConfigTest.class);    private static BrokerService brokerSvc = new BrokerService();    @Mock    private QueueEventHandler queueEventHandler;    @BeforeClass    //Sets up a embedded broker.    public static void setUpBroker() throws Exception {        brokerSvc.setBrokerName("TestBroker");        brokerSvc.addConnector("tcp://localhost:61616");        brokerSvc.setPersistent(false);        brokerSvc.setUseJmx(false);        brokerSvc.start();    }    @Override    protected RoutesBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {        return new CamelConfig().route();    }    // properties in .yml has to be loaded manually. Not sure of .properties file    @Override    protected Properties useOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent() {        YamlPropertySourceLoader loader = new YamlPropertySourceLoader();        try { PropertySource<?> applicationYamlPropertySource = loader.load(     "properties", new ClassPathResource("application.yml"),null);// null indicated common properties for all profiles. Map source = ((MapPropertySource) applicationYamlPropertySource).getSource(); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.putAll(source); return properties;        } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("application.yml file cannot be found.");        }        return null;    }    @Override    protected JndiRegistry createRegistry() throws Exception {        JndiRegistry jndi = super.createRegistry();        MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);        jndi.bind("queueEventHandler", queueEventHandler);        return jndi;    }    @Test    // Sleeping for a few seconds is necessary, because this line template.sendBody runs in a different thread and    // CamelTest takes a few seconds to do the routing.    public void testRoute() throws InterruptedException {        template.sendBody("activemq:productpushevent", "HelloWorld!");        Thread.sleep(2000);        verify(queueEventHandler, times(1)).handleQueueEvent(any());    }    @AfterClass    public static void shutDownBroker() throws Exception {        brokerSvc.stop();    }}


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5641435.html

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