

能动手绝不多说:开源评论系统remark42上手指南 能动手绝不多说:开源评论系统 remark42 上手指南 前言



从自建系统到 Github Page,

从 Jekyll 到 Hexo,


年纪稍稍长了一下之后, 最后我自己还是选了 Hexo 直接做静态博客生成,

结合一下 Gitlab CI 推代码之后自动构建之后更新到自己的服务器了。







  • 开源,协议友好,可商用
  • 项目代码“正常”(实在不太想看 Ruby/PHP),维护积极
  • 部署简单,二开方便


  • Mouthful is a self-hosted alternative to Disqus https://mouthful.dizzy.zone/
  • Golang 编写,支持 MySQL、PG、SQLIte,支持评论审核
  • 维护状态:2018 年之后没看到更新了

  • Multiple database support(sqlite, mysql, postgres, dynamodb)
  • Moderation with an administration panel
  • Server side caching to prevent excessive database calls
  • Rate limiting
  • Honeypot feature, to prevent bots from posting comments
  • Migrations from existing commenting engines(isso, disqus)
  • Configuration - most of the features can be turned on or off, as well as customized to your preferences.
  • Admin login through third parties such as facebook and twitter, and 35 more.
  • Dumping comments out, and importing an old dump.
  • Simple self-hosted node app for Disqus-like drop-in commenting on static websites https://schnack.cool/
  • Node js 编写, SQLite, 没看到其他数据库的支持
  • 维护状态:最后一次更新是 15 个月前

  • Tiny! It takes only ~8 KB!!! to embed Schnack.
  • Open source and self-hosted.
  • Ad-free and Tracking-free. Schnack will not disturb your users.
  • It's simpy to moderate, with a minimal and slick UI to allow/reject comments or trust/block users.
  • webpush protocol to notify the site owner about new comments awaiting for moderation.
  • Third party providers for authentication like Github, Twitter, Google and Facebook. Users are not required to register a new account on your system and you don't need to manage a user management system.
  • A fast, bloat-free comments platform (Github mirror) https://commento.io
  • golang 编写,支持 PG
  • 维护状态:两个月还在更新,支持本地部署
  • https://docs.commento.io/

    What features does Commento have?

    Commento comes with a lot of useful features out-of-the-box: rich text support, upvotes and downvotes, automatic spam detection, moderation tools, sticky comments, thread locking, OAuth login, email notifications, and more!
  • a Disqus alternative https://posativ.org/isso/
  • Python,SQLIte,引入了 ORM 组件但是暂时没看到其他数据库的支持
  • Admin panel to moderate comments
  • 维护状态:活跃,几天前还在更新

Isso – Ich schrei sonst – is a lightweight commenting server written in Python and JavaScript. It aims to be a drop-in replacement for Disqus.

  • comment engine https://remark42.com
  • Golang + SQLIte + 支持 Admin
  • 维护状态:活跃,几天前还在更新

    Remark42 is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) comment engine, which doesn't spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments.
  • Social login via Google, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub and Yandex
  • Login via email
  • Optional anonymous access
  • Multi-level nested comments with both tree and plain presentations
  • Import from Disqus and WordPress
  • Markdown support with friendly formatter toolbar
  • Moderator can remove comments and block users
  • Voting, pinning and verification system
  • Sortable comments
  • Images upload with drag-and-drop
  • Extractor for recent comments, cross-post
  • RSS for all comments and each post
  • Telegram and email notifications
  • Export data to json with automatic backups
  • No external databases, everything embedded in a single data file
  • Fully dockerized and can be deployed in a single command
  • Self-contained executable can be deployed directly to Linux, Windows and MacOS
  • Clean, lightweight and customizable UI with white and dark themes
  • Multi-site mode from a single instance
  • Integration with automatic ssl (direct and via nginx-le)
  • Privacy focused
  • Free and Open Source PHP Comment System http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover
  • PHP
  • 维护状态:九个月前

调研搞完之后,停了一阵子,最近把项目扔给同事做进一步 demo 搭建,

同事花了点时候搭了一下 demo 和看了代码,最后在 commento 和 remark42 中“犹豫了”

最后比较了代码结构和二次开发成本, 选择了 remark42

所以,我这边最后也使用 remark42 直接搭了自己的评论系统。





Hexo next 集成 remark42




页面插入 script
var remark_config = {
host: "REMARK_URL", // hostname of remark server, same as REMARK_URL in backend config, e.g. "https://demo.remark42.com"
site_id: "YOUR_SITE_ID",
components: ["embed"], // optional param; which components to load. default to ["embed"]
// to load all components define components as ['embed', 'last-comments', 'counter']
// available component are:
// - 'embed': basic comments widget
// - 'last-comments': last comments widget, see `Last Comments` section below
// - 'counter': counter widget, see `Counter` section below
url: "PAGE_URL", // optional param; if it isn't defined
// `window.location.origin + window.location.pathname` will be used,
// Note that if you use query parameters as significant part of url
// (the one that actually changes content on page)
// you will have to configure url manually to keep query params, as
// `window.location.origin + window.location.pathname` doesn't contain query params and
// hash. For example default url for `https://example/com/example-post?id=1#hash`
// would be `https://example/com/example-post`.
// The problem with query params is that they often contain useless params added by
// various trackers (utm params) and doesn't have defined order, so Remark treats differently
// all this examples:
// https://example.com/?postid=1&date=2007-02-11
// https://example.com/?date=2007-02-11&postid=1
// https://example.com/?date=2007-02-11&postid=1&utm_source=google
// If you deal with query parameters make sure you pass only significant part of it
// in well defined order
max_shown_comments: 10, // optional param; if it isn't defined default value (15) will be used
theme: "dark", // optional param; if it isn't defined default value ('light') will be used
page_title: "Moving to Remark42", // optional param; if it isn't defined `document.title` will be used
locale: "en", // set up locale and language, if it isn't defined default value ('en') will be used
}; (function (c) {
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
var d = document,
s = d.createElement("script");
s.src = remark_config.host + "/web/" + c[i] + ".js";
s.defer = true;
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
})(remark_config.components || ["embed"]);
<div id="remark42"></div>

那么问题来了,在 hexo 的 next 主题里面怎么做呢?

答案是: 肯定是抄代码啊!!!

hexo next 主题

首先知道(鬼知道啊),next 主题一般在项目 themes/next 路径,

themes/next/layout 这个文件夹存放了布局文件,其中_layout.swig 是一个重要的全局布局文件。

所以,明显是修改_layout.swig 引入上面的 script 代码啦。

看了一眼_layout.swig 的代码, 底部基本是 include 引入同级的 swig 文件。

  {% include '_scripts/boostrap.swig' %}

  {% include 'remark42.swig' %}

  {% include '_third-party/comments/index.swig' %}
{% include '_third-party/search/index.swig' %}

明显,我们也可以加一个 swig,然后在上面引入一下。

新建 remark42.swig,贴入 script 代码

var remark_config = {
host: "你部署的remark42 服务", // hostname of remark server, same as REMARK_URL in backend config, e.g. "https://demo.remark42.com"
site_id: '你的站点Id,部署的时候指定的',
components: ['embed'], // optional param; which components to load. default to ["embed"]
// to load all components define components as ['embed', 'last-comments', 'counter']
// available component are:
// - 'embed': basic comments widget
// - 'last-comments': last comments widget, see `Last Comments` section below
// - 'counter': counter widget, see `Counter` section below
url: window.location.origin + window.location.pathname, // optional param; if it isn't defined
// `window.location.origin + window.location.pathname` will be used,
// Note that if you use query parameters as significant part of url
// (the one that actually changes content on page)
// you will have to configure url manually to keep query params, as
// `window.location.origin + window.location.pathname` doesn't contain query params and
// hash. For example default url for `https://example/com/example-post?id=1#hash`
// would be `https://example/com/example-post`.
// The problem with query params is that they often contain useless params added by
// various trackers (utm params) and doesn't have defined order, so Remark treats differently
// all this examples:
// https://example.com/?postid=1&date=2007-02-11
// https://example.com/?date=2007-02-11&postid=1
// https://example.com/?date=2007-02-11&postid=1&utm_source=google
// If you deal with query parameters make sure you pass only significant part of it
// in well defined order
max_shown_comments: 10, // optional param; if it isn't defined default value (15) will be used
theme: 'dark', // optional param; if it isn't defined default value ('light') will be used
page_title: 'Moving to Remark42', // optional param; if it isn't defined `document.title` will be used
locale: 'en' // set up locale and language, if it isn't defined default value ('en') will be used
}; (function(c) {
for(var i = 0; i < c.length; i++){
var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
s.src = remark_config.host + '/web/' +c[i] +'.js';
s.defer = true;
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
})(remark_config.components || ['embed']);
layout.swig 添加 remark42.swig 引用
  {% include '_scripts/boostrap.swig' %}

  {% include 'remark42.swig' %}

  {% include '_third-party/comments/index.swig' %}
{% include '_third-party/search/index.swig' %}


下面就是每个文章页面需要新增 remark42 评论框了

明显,应该是 post.swig

观察一下 themes/next/layout 目录不难发现,

每个文章的的样式模板都在 post.swig,

明显评论框也应该直接在 post.swig。

打开一看,感觉应该加在 下面


<div id="posts" class="posts-expand">
{{ post_template.render(page) }} <div class="post-spread">
{% if theme.jiathis %} {% include '_partials/share/jiathis.swig' %} {%
elseif theme.baidushare %} {% include '_partials/share/baidushare.swig' %}
{% elseif theme.add_this_id %} {% include '_partials/share/add-this.swig' %}
{% elseif theme.duoshuo_shortname and theme.duoshuo_share %} {% include
'_partials/share/duoshuo_share.swig' %} {% endif %}
<div id="remark42"></div>





原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/589361.html

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