Taking 1981-2006 statistical data of the UN' s FAO as a sample span, this paper analyzes the trend of international orange juice price fluctuation, and empirically analyzes the factors influencing international orange juice price fluctuation shows that the price of international orange juice will by building a co-integration model. The result be decreased by 0.5% if the export of it increases by 1%the price of international orange juice will be increased by 1.25% if the world national income per capita increase by 1%. Here, in order to maintain the relative stability of international orange juice price, all the world' s main producing countries of orange juice should take appropriate measures to keep growth of global orange juice production and export stability.
传统营销渠道:批发商、代理商、零售商新型分销渠道:连锁经营、特许经营、生产企业自营销售组织、网上直销 一级渠道包括一个渠道中间商。2、在工业品市场上,这个渠道中间商通常是一个代理商、佣金商或经销商;而在消费品市场上,这个渠道中间商则通常是零售商。
3、 二级渠道包括两个渠道中间商。
5、 三级渠道包括三个渠道中间商。
7、 传统的经营模式,已经不再吃香了,面临行业竞争力、成本高,利润低,产品服务同质化,互联网的我们错过,移动互联网新来临,大家且行且珍惜,它将是一个惊天动地狂潮!!!。