巴西Chiquinho Scarpa是个有名的富家子弟、花花公子,在62岁的时候他就开始盘算自己死后的生活。2013年9月,他突然宣布自己受到埃及法老殉葬品的相关记录和文章的影响,将在9月20日把价值150万巴西雷亚尔的宾利埋在自家的后院。Chiquinho Scarpa在社交网站facebook上直播了自己在圣保罗豪宅的后院中为爱车挖“墓穴”的过程,图文并茂,视频为证。全国上下一片哗然,各大媒体跟进打算看笑话。“车葬”当天,有媒体、明星和艺人等来到现场看热闹。这时,Chiquinho Scarpa向大家致歉,坦白说这是他演的一出闹剧只为了吸引所有人的注意并且呼吁对他恶语相向、嘲笑他的那些人,成为器官捐献者。要捐献器官不用写进遗嘱什么的,只需要告诉他们的家人,自己是一名器官捐献者,他们就可以拯救无数生命。随后,在场的明星和艺人也加入了器官捐献者的行列。据悉,这场活动的背后策划是全球知名的广告公司李奥贝纳(LeoBurnett),成功运用了媒体想炒新闻、民众爱批判时事的心态,造势成功。
网络营销案例英文名是InterMarketing Case,我们在营销过程中可能会碰到可供参考、有讨论价值的例子,那么,我们就可以从中提炼出精华为自己的工作做参考,也可以让更多人通过案例来了解网络营销,网络营销注重的是理论和实际相结合,要具有较强的实用性与前瞻性,案例是实践中带有普遍和代表性,反映了一个问题或一件工作,事件的发生,发展,演变过程,网络营销案例的分享目的在于过对这些典型事例的分析,提出解决问题的办法和思路。我们今天给大家分享一些网络营销成功案例,说不定可以为大家提供思路和方法呢?
In accordance with the standards of the United States, Brazil, in the breakfast cereal breakfast foods and other foods tremendous business opportunities. Brazil, about 150 million population, age distribution, showing that breakfast cereal consumption has enormous potential because of the population 20 years of age accounted for 48 percent of the total population. In addition, Brazil's per capita income enough so that people can enjoy the convenience of eating breakfast cereal foods. In assessing the market, Kellogg Company (Kellogg) also noted a remarkable advantage: little or no direct competitors.Unfortunately, the lack of competition is due to the Brazilians are not accustomed to American-style breakfast. Therefore, the Kellogg Company and its advertising agency J. Walter Thompson Company (J. Walter
Thompson) faced by marketing the most important task is to how to change the breakfast habits of Brazilians.
Kellogg decided in Brazil is very popular TV series "Novelas" in spots. Advertising picture is a little boy eating with relish to back out from the packaging bag of cereal. Shows excellent taste in products at the same time, the advertisement will be located in a food product rather than as part of breakfast. As a result of market response, the ad film was quickly removed them.
Analysis of the Brazilian culture, show that Brazilians strong family values and deep-rooted concept of male chauvinism. Therefore, in the subsequent design of the ad program will focus on the performance of his cereal bowl and add milk into the family breakfast scene. Compared with the first advertisement, the more successful advertising programs, an increase of cereal sales, Kellogg had 99.5 percent share of the market share. However, it is still not satisfactory in terms of sales volume, the per capita use of breakfast cereals less than an ounce.
Kellogg has been accustomed to these challenges. It has spent 20 years in Mexico to cultivate a substantial breakfast market size, (in Japan and France have spent 6 years). Kellogg is now also targeting the Indian market has great potential. Although sales in India but was a mere two million U.S. dollars, but very optimistic about its prospects. In addition to the traditional breakfast of corn flakes, it also likes to eat rice in accordance with Indian features, developed a new piece of rice.