给你写完了 很容易的:
/ Catalanjava
Contains 2 methods factorial and cata
catalan calculates the n-th catalan number
factorial calculates the factorial recursively
Receive: n
Return: n-th catalan number
public class Catalan {
private long factorial(int n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return n factorial(n - 1);
public long calCatalan(int n) {
return factorial(2 n) / (factorial(n + 1) factorial(n));
import javautilScanner;
import javautilregexPattern;
Calculates the value of a specific Catalan number
Input: integer value
Output: n-th Catalan number
public class CatalanDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(Systemin);
Catalan catalan = new Catalan();
while (true) {
Systemoutprintln("Which catalan number do you want to calculate (-1 to stop): ");
String s = innextLine();
if (Patternmatches("[0-9]", s)) {
int n = IntegerparseInt(s);
Systemoutprint("n=" + n);
Systemoutprintln(": catalan number is " + catalancalCatalan(n));
} else {
if (Patternmatches("-[0-9]", s)) {
int n = IntegerparseInt(s);
if (n == -1) {
Systemoutprintln("(program exits)");
} else {
Systemoutprintln("Invalid input:\nValid input range is an input >= 0");
class Point{
protected int x;
protected int y;
public Point(){
public Point(int x, int y){
thisx = x;
thisy = y;
public int getX(){
return x;
public int getY(){
return y;
abstract class Shape{
abstract double area(); //抽象的求面积方法
abstract double girth(); //抽象的求周长方法
abstract String getName(); //抽象的返回形状名称的方法
class Rectangle extends Shape{
protected Point center; //矩形的中心点坐标
protected double width; //矩形的宽
protected double height; //矩形的高
public Rectangle(){
public Rectangle(Point center, double width, double height){
thiscenter = center;
thiswidth = width;
thisheight = height;
public double area() {
return width height;
public double girth() {
return 2 (width + height);
public Point getCenter(){
return center;
public String getName() {
return "Rectangle";
class Circle extends Shape{
protected Point center; //圆的中心点坐标
protected double radius; //圆的半径
public Circle(){
public Circle(Point center, double radius){
thiscenter = center;
thisradius = radius;
public double area() {
return MathPI radius radius;
public double girth() {
return 2 MathPI radius;
public Point getCenter(){
return center;
public String getName() {
return "Circle";
class Ellipse extends Shape{
protected Point center; //椭圆的中心点坐标
protected double a; //椭圆的长半轴的长
protected double b; //椭圆的短半轴的长
public Ellipse(){
public Ellipse(Point center, double a, double b){
thiscenter = center;
thisa = a;
thisb = b;
public double area() {
return MathPI a b;
public double girth() {
return 2 MathPI Mathsqrt((a a + b b) / 2);
public Point getCenter(){
return thiscenter;
public String getName() {
return "Ellipse";
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Point center = new Point(100, 100); //定义形状的中心点坐标
Shape s; //定义抽象基类对象
s = new Rectangle(center, 3, 4); //用子类实例化抽象基类对象
Systemoutprintln(sgetName() + " : "); //实现了动态多态
Systemoutprintln("Center : " + ((Rectangle)s)getCenter()getX() + ", " + ((Rectangle)s)getCenter()getY());
Systemoutprintln("Area : " + sarea()); //实现了动态多态
Systemoutprintln("Girth : " + sgirth()); //实现了动态多态
s = new Circle(center, 2); //用子类实例化抽象基类对象
Systemoutprintln(sgetName() + " : ");
Systemoutprintln("Center : " + ((Circle)s)getCenter()getX() + ", " + ((Circle)s)getCenter()getY());
Systemoutprintln("Area : " + sarea());
Systemoutprintln("Girth : " + sgirth());
s = new Ellipse(center, 5, 3); //用子类实例化抽象基类对象
Systemoutprintln(sgetName() + " : ");
Systemoutprintln("Center : " + ((Ellipse)s)getCenter()getX() + ", " + ((Ellipse)s)getCenter()getY());
Systemoutprintln("Area : " + sarea());
Systemoutprintln("Girth : " + sgirth());
1:ObjectInputStream ,ObjectOutputStream
6:int , char