cocos2d-x 环形滑动控件

cocos2d-x 环形滑动控件,第1张

概述</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">用于环形滑动,选择英雄 <img src="
</pre><pre name="code" >用于环形滑动,选择英雄
<img src="" alt="" />
</pre><pre name="code" >//MyRoleScrollVIEw.h#pragma once #include "cocos2d.h"USING_NS_CC;class nodeAndPt:public CCObject{public:	nodeAndPt(CCNode *node,int ptindex)	{		this->node = node;		this->ptIndex = ptindex;	}	~nodeAndPt()	{	}	int ptIndex;	CCNode *node;};class MyRoleScrollVIEw:public CCNode,public CCtouchDelegate{public:	MyRoleScrollVIEw():maxnum(6),istouchDown(false),isMoveTimeOut(true)	{}	~MyRoleScrollVIEw()	{	}	static MyRoleScrollVIEw * create(CCArray * nodeArr = NulL,int cgm = 60,int radius = 200);	voID addRole(CCNode * node);private:	bool init(CCArray * nodeArr,int cgm,int radius);	voID initData(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius);	voID initVIEw();	virtual voID onEnter();	virtual voID onExit();	virtual bool cctouchBegan(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent);    virtual voID cctouchmoved(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent);    virtual voID cctouchended(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent);    virtual voID cctouchCancelled(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent);	voID setPt(nodeAndPt * p,int i);	voID refreshPt();	voID updateOnce(float t);private:	CC_SYNTHESIZE(CCNode *,_currentNode,CurrentNode);	const int maxnum;	int roleNum;	CCArray * _nodeArr;	bool istouchDown;	CCPoint beginPt;	voID blackSprite(CCNode* sprite);	voID recoverFromBalck(CCNode* sprite);	std::vector<CCPoint> ptVec;	int cgm;//椭圆的倾斜角度	int radius;//半径	bool isMoveTimeOut;//一次滑动结束,才能开启下一次滑动};
</pre><pre name="code" ><pre name="code" >两个类,<span >nodeAndPt 绑定每个节点和坐标。</span>
<span ></span><pre name="code" >MyRoleScrollVIEw负责滑动
</pre><pre name="code" >接下来,大家自己看cpp文件吧。
</pre><pre name="code" >
</pre><pre name="code" >
//MyRoleScrollVIEw.cpp#include "MyRoleScrollVIEw.h"#define SHADE_TAG 1234#define induration 0.2f#define _scale 0.6f#define PIE 3.141592653MyRoleScrollVIEw * MyRoleScrollVIEw::create(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius){	MyRoleScrollVIEw * node = new MyRoleScrollVIEw;	if(node&&node->init(nodeArr,cgm,radius))	{		node->autorelease();	}	else		delete node;	return node;}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::addRole(CCNode * node){	if(!node)		return;	if(_nodeArr->count()<this->maxnum)	{		nodeAndPt * p = new nodeAndPt(node,roleNum);		_nodeArr->addobject(p);	    roleNum++;	}	refreshPt();}bool MyRoleScrollVIEw::init(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius){	if(!CCNode::init())		return false;	initData(nodeArr,radius);	initVIEw();	return true;}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::initData(CCArray * nodeArr,int radius){	if(!nodeArr||nodeArr->count()<1)		return;	this->cgm = cgm;	this->radius = radius;	_nodeArr = CCArray::create();	_nodeArr->retain();	for(int i = 0;i<nodeArr->count();i++)	{		CCNode * node = dynamic_cast<CCNode*>(nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i));		nodeAndPt * p = new nodeAndPt(node,i);		_nodeArr->addobject(p);		if(i==0)		{			_currentNode = node;		}	}	roleNum = _nodeArr->count();	refreshPt();}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::initVIEw(){	CCPoint pt = this->getposition();	for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++)	{		nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i));		CCNode *node = p->node;		if(i==0)		{			_currentNode = p->node;			//			this->recoverFromBalck(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(node));			p->node->setScale(1.0f);		}		else		{			//			this->blackSprite(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(node));			p->node->setScale(_scale);		}					node->setposition(ptVec[p->ptIndex]);		this->addChild(node,i);	}		schedule(schedule_selector(MyRoleScrollVIEw::updateOnce),0.8f);}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::onEnter(){	CCNode::onEnter();	CCDirector::sharedDirector()->gettouchdispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate(this,-1,true);}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::onExit(){	CCNode::onExit();	CCDirector::sharedDirector()->gettouchdispatcher()->removeDelegate(this);}bool MyRoleScrollVIEw::cctouchBegan(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent){	if(roleNum<2)		return false;	CCNode * node= _currentNode;	CCPoint pt = node->convertToNodeSpace(ptouch->getLocation());	CCRect rect(-node->getContentSize().wIDth,node->getContentSize().wIDth*3,node->getContentSize().height);	if(rect.containsPoint(pt))	{		istouchDown = true;		beginPt = ptouch->getLocation();	}	return true;}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::cctouchmoved(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent){	if(!istouchDown||!isMoveTimeOut)		return;	CCPoint pt = ptouch->getLocation();	int moveX = pt.x-beginPt.x;	if(moveX>50)//向右滑	{		istouchDown = false;		for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++)		{			nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i));			setPt(p,p->ptIndex+1);		}		isMoveTimeOut = false;		scheduleOnce(schedule_selector(MyRoleScrollVIEw::updateOnce),induration);	}	else if(moveX<-50)//向左划	{		istouchDown = false;		for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++)		{			nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i));			setPt(p,p->ptIndex-1);		}		isMoveTimeOut = false;		scheduleOnce(schedule_selector(MyRoleScrollVIEw::updateOnce),induration);	}}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::cctouchended(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent){	istouchDown = false;}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::cctouchCancelled(CCtouch *ptouch,CCEvent *pEvent){}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::refreshPt(){	ptVec.clear();	int angle = 360/roleNum;	for(int i = 0,j = -90.0f;i<roleNum;i++)	{		double hudu = j*PIE/180;		float g_sin = sin(hudu);		float g_cos = cos(hudu);		int x = MyRoleScrollVIEw::radius*g_cos;		int y = MyRoleScrollVIEw::radius*g_sin*cos(cgm*PIE/180);		ptVec.push_back(CCPoint(x,y));		j+=angle;	}}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::setPt(nodeAndPt * p,int i){	if(i == -1)		i = roleNum-1;	else if(i == roleNum)		i = 0;		ccBezIErConfig tr0;    		float a = p->node->getposition().x;	float b = p->node->getposition().y;	float c = ptVec[i].x;	float d = ptVec[i].y;	float m = (a+c)/4;	float n = (b+d)/4;	CCPoint pt1 = ccpAdd(p->node->getposition(),ccp(m,n));	CCPoint pt2 = ccpAdd(ptVec[i],n));	tr0.endposition=ptVec[i];	tr0.controlPoint_1=pt1;	tr0.controlPoint_2=pt2;			if(i==0)	{		_currentNode = p->node;		this->recoverFromBalck(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(p->node));	}	else	{		this->blackSprite(dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(p->node));	}	CCActionInterval* bezIErForward = CCBezIErTo::create(induration,tr0);		CCSpawn * sp=NulL;			if(i==0)		sp = CCSpawn::create(CCScaleto::create(induration,1),bezIErForward,NulL);	else		sp = CCSpawn::create(CCScaleto::create(induration,_scale),NulL);	p->node->runAction(sp);	p->ptIndex = i;}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::blackSprite(CCNode* sprite){    //unsigned int wIDth = sprite->getTexture()->getPixelsWIDe();    //unsigned int height = sprite->getTexture()->getPixelsHigh();	if(sprite->getChildByTag(SHADE_TAG)!=NulL)		return;	CCPoint position = sprite->getposition();	unsigned int wIDth = sprite->getContentSize().wIDth;	unsigned int height = sprite->getContentSize().height;		CCRenderTexture* r = CCRenderTexture::create(wIDth,height);    r->beginWithClear(1,1,0);    sprite->setposition(ccp(wIDth / 2.0,height/ 2.0)); // Node: set position here!    sprite->visit();    r->end();        // create a new CCImage    CCImage* image = r->newCCImage();        wIDth = image->getWIDth();    height= image->getHeight();        // this data is the texture data in memery    unsigned char* data = image->getData();        typedef enum {        RED = 0,GREEN = 1,BLUE = 2,Alpha = 3    } PIXELS;        // convert unsigned char*(1 Byte) to uint_32_t(4 Bytes)    uint32_t *pixels = (uint32_t *)data;        for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {        for(int x = 0; x < wIDth; x++) {            uint8_t *rgbAPIxel = (uint8_t *) &pixels[y * wIDth + x];            uint32_t gray = 0.3 * rgbAPIxel[RED] + 0.59 * rgbAPIxel[GREEN] + 0.11 * rgbAPIxel[BLUE];            //uint32_t gray = 0.3 * rgbAPIxel[RED] + 0.3 * rgbAPIxel[GREEN] + 0.11 * rgbAPIxel[BLUE];                        // set the pixels to gray            rgbAPIxel[RED] = gray;            rgbAPIxel[GREEN] = gray;            rgbAPIxel[BLUE] = gray;        }    }        // create a new CCTexture2D based on the CCImage data modifIEd above    CCTexture2D* texture = new CCTexture2D();    texture->initWithImage(image);	CCSprite * s = CCSprite::create();    s->initWithTexture(texture);        // release other resources    r->release();    image->release();	CCArray * arrChild = sprite->getChildren();	CCObject *obj;	CCARRAY_FOREACH(arrChild,obj)	{		CCNode * node = dynamic_cast<CCNode*>(obj);		node->setVisible(false);	}	s->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0,0));	s->setposition(ccp(0,0));	s->setopacity(200);	s->setTag(SHADE_TAG);	sprite->addChild(s);	sprite->setposition(position);}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::recoverFromBalck(CCNode* sprite){	if(sprite->getChildByTag(SHADE_TAG)==NulL)		return;	sprite->removeChildByTag(SHADE_TAG);	CCArray * arrChild = sprite->getChildren();	CCObject *obj;	CCARRAY_FOREACH(arrChild,obj)	{		CCNode * node = dynamic_cast<CCNode*>(obj);		node->setVisible(true);	}}voID MyRoleScrollVIEw::updateOnce(float t){	isMoveTimeOut = true;	for(int i = 0;i<roleNum;i++)		{			nodeAndPt * p = dynamic_cast<nodeAndPt*>(_nodeArr->objectAtIndex(i));			setPt(p,p->ptIndex+1);		}		isMoveTimeOut = false;}

以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的cocos2d-x 环形滑动控件全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决cocos2d-x 环形滑动控件所遇到的程序开发问题。




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