

考研小作文预测投诉信 2019年考研,有哪些小作文高分模板吗?


r邀请函、求职信、推荐信(人)、道歉信rI, as ……,on behind on(组织), am writing for……to……r2.表态度:自从、当……,我就感到……,写信表达什么……r投诉信、感谢信、祝贺信rSince……,When……,I am feeling ... , and writing for... to r3.陈述法:应你请求,我建议r推荐信(物)、建议信rin your request, I am writing for ... to...r4.状语开头:(当)Hearing、Seeing、Learning……r我感受,因此,Thus,写这封信给你rr问题型建议信rI, AS 身份, am writing this letter to make some suggestion with regard to the regretable/issue of 主题 (white pollution) cause of 原因(abuse plastic bag)。

rr指导型建议信rHearing that (背景信息), I would like to offer some suggestion with regard to……rTo ensure that ……rin your request,rr1.投诉信r开头rI am writing to express my concern/dissatisfaction/disappointment about ……r结尾rI trust you will take my complaints seriously and wait for the reply of yuor answer.rr2.建议信r开头rI am writing with my suggestions/proposes about ……r结尾rI hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway. Thank your for your time and consideration.rr3.道歉信r开头rI am writing this letter to express my regret ……rI am writing to apologize for……r结尾rhope you can accept my apologize and understand my situation.rr4.求职信r开头rI am writing to express My interest in your recently advertised position for a waitress……rI am writing this letter to recommend myself as quakified cabdidate for the job of 职位 you have advertised in daily.r结尾rThank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to meeting you.rr5.推荐信r开头rTo whom it may concern,rThis is Prof……From ……has asked me for a recommendation letter to support him to enter your distinguished university. As his advisor, I feel honored to satisfy his request.r结尾rTherefore, I Don't hesitate to recommend……as the right person for your consideration.rr6.感谢信r开头rI am writing to express my sincere thanks for……r结尾rplease accept my gratitude as always.rr7.祝贺信r开头rPlease accept my sincereheaty warm congratulations and all good wishes on the milestone in your life.r结尾rAgain, congratulation and sincere good wishes on your triumph! May each year bring you twice as many happiness as the year before.rr8.邀请信r开头rI am writing this letter to invite you to attend the ……which will be held at 99 a. m. next monday in our grand meeting hall.r结尾rWe are obliged to your coming and your presence will be our great honor. We hope to meet you at the ceremony.



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/bake/4428445.html

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