1.不要用长句 长句有两个问题,一是中国学生水平不够,很难写出语法没有错误、意思表达准确的长句,语法错误、几个逗号连用、倒装从句混合是经常的。二是看essay的人也是人,经常是那种大学生研究生,没人愿意看长句混在一起的文章,短句更讨人喜欢,并且表达意思更加清晰,准确。 2.细节要注意 出现My brother,friend的时候加上名字,出现university的时候要给上名字,给出事例的时候要给出时间地点人物,没人愿意看“我的弟弟去了一个大学,然后再大学里交了很多朋友,后来去了公司里那些朋友成为了他的财富”,而“我的弟弟Dan去了Upenn读书,在学校里认识了Jeff、Dennis等好朋友,而他后来去Google公司工作的时候发现了他们成为了自己一生宝贵的财富”比上面那句好了很多。实在要写流水账也要写出细节和感觉。 3.瞎编要编的像 不解释 4.自己的事例难写,比较好不要写 5.积累,积累,再积累 没有积累和自己独立的想法,议论文能写什么? 下面就是926考的一题托福题,实在是想不出来考试时写的每句话,大概简短的还原一下当时写的东西,希望有所帮助 It is more important for government to pay attention to health care issuesthan environmental issues, do you agree or not? (题目,环境保护和医疗改革哪个更重要) "Water and air are the sources of people's lives, and the bases of theworld." This was said bythe ancient greek philosopherThales.(开头引用是比较简单的,泰勒斯相信水和空气是比较重要的元素,相似的话说过,稍加改动就可以出一个quote)Looking atthe dirty air in the sky, smelling the gross smell from Yantze River, I can'tagree with him anymore.(这就是搞笑的= =) The environmental issues are always the mostimportant to a country, especially the country I live in,China.(可以适当点出我提出这个论点的原因,毕竟不存在完全客观的文章,主观因素客观环境都要适当强调) When the environment is becoming worse and worse, I have to say it is themost serious problem in this country. My junior high classmate , Anita, lived bythe end of the Yangtze River.The industrial area is around there and all thefactories pollute the water day by day.Unfortunately she got cancer, like manypeople who lived there.(真人真事,默哀一分钟) If the polluted environment wants to "kill"you, there is no doctor in this world can save us. Looking at her face in thefuneral, I finally understood the importance of protectingenvironment.(真人真事要写出细节和感觉,否则很难不像流水账) It is always early to improve the health care, but never the environment.My dad is the president of the city hospital, and he always tells me "If thegovernment gives us enough money, this hospital can be the best one in thiscountry very quick by hiring best doctors and buying newestequipment."(真人语言描写,用他人的口说你想说的话) But we all know that the environment is alwaysharder to save. After second industrial revolution in Britain, the pollution inThames River became horrible. When the British government realized thatproblem,it took them tens of years to solve it.(用实例证明) Just like my mom alwaystold me, " It's easy to make something dirty, really hard to make it clean again." It's kind of like the paradox, but many times, the environmental problems cause many healthcare issues.(一般考试都是二选一,有时候你会发现你选的那个其实可以导致或**没选的那个,也就是说这点要是点出来的话,就更证明你的论点的正确性了) Many datas do prove that, the people who live ina good environment have betterquailities of lives. In 1970s, LBJ, the president of United States, passed aproposal which was called Clean Water Plan.(真事,积累) It was made tomake the waterclean in the US, and it did work. The most amazing thing is that the datasshow the numbers of patients in hospital decreased rapidly during first 15years.(瞎编,有一定的事实根据) That does prove my point, the environmental issue is aimportant factor of the healthcare issues. As I said, we do realize the seriousness and importance of theenvironmental issues. We do need a "Heaven" with clean water and air, green trees and beautiful mountains. The "Hell" with doctors and hospitals is always our lastchoice.(结尾很重要,搞笑、正经、引用都可以)