Part ⅠWriting
1、审题: 本篇为评论性的话题作文。题目中要求评论的 “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed”这句话出自圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)之口,是甘地生态世界观的体现。地球一直是哺育生于斯的人类的最无私的母亲,为人类提供着各种生存和生活所需。然而,随着科技进步、人口数量的激增,人类对地球的抢夺也越来越严重。常言道:欲壑难填,而资源有限。寻找合适的方式,维持人与地球及其资源之间的和谐关系,已是人类必须认真思考、快速行动的当务之急。出题人似乎也是鉴于当前由于人类对自然界无穷无尽的索取,导致各种自然灾害频发、物种灭绝、资源枯竭等问题,借这个题目引发思考和更多关注。考生可以从不同角度对这一主题进行阐释:可以先描述当前灾害频发、物种灭绝、资源枯竭等现状,引出主题,然后分析产生这些现象的人为因素(只追求GDP,不保护资源;人口激增,资源消耗,浪费更大;追求利益,盲目、过度开采等),最后发出呼吁;或者也可以先简述当前人与地球的关系(人们为了满足自己的贪欲,向地球无止境地索取,造成一系列问题),然后陈述人类积极协调自身利益与地球之间关系的意义,最后提出一两点建议结束全文。
第一段:描述人类欲望膨胀带来的问题,如灾害频发、物种灭绝、资源枯竭,指出地 球现状值得人们高度关注。
Time to Shake off Greed and Heal the Earth
Earth, as has always been regarded as mother to human beings, has fallen ill with the symptoms of the frequent eruption of natural disasters, the extinction of wild animals and the exhaustion of natural resources. And the situation illustrated should arouse great attention of all human beings.
As a matter of fact, blinded by greed, human beings have great responsibility for the present situation we confront with. To start with, human beings are so economy-oriented that they ignore the protection of the environment. Then, population in the planet has experienced great booming, which makes more and more resources needed and exhausted, and in turn threatens to end human life. Finally, human beings excessively exploit and abuse non-renewable energy and resources just for the expanding of their own benefits, which will only lead to the darkness of future for their offspring.