


gLABUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)Source and Executable for Linux, Windows and macOSApache, GPL and LGPL
GNSS-SDRCTTCSource code and libs for Linux Debian, macOS. Runs on GNU RadioGPL v3
GPS-SDR-SIMTakuji EbinumaSource codeMIT
GNSS-SDRLIBTaro SuzukiSource and Executable for WindowsGPL v2
RTKLIBTomoji TakasuSource and Executable for WindowsBSD-2-Clause
ARAMISip-solutionsExecutable in WindowsFree for academic use
goGPSGeomatics Laboratory of Politecnico di Milano, Como campus (Italy)Source code for Matlab 2016a+ and JavaGPL v3
TEQCUNAVCOExecutable (Windows, macOS, Linux…). Supports RINEX and BINEX formats
Online Positioning User Service (OPUS)NOAAExecutable online
CSRS-PPPCanadian Geodetic Survey (CGS)Executable online or as a desktop application. Supports RINEX filesOpen Government Licence - Canada
JAG3D (Java Applied Geodesy 3D)Steinbeis Transfer Centre Applied GeodesyJavaGPL v3
Android Raw GNSS MeasurementGoogleGnssLogger source code in Matlab, but you don’t need Matlab to use itApache v2.0
GPSTkApplied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas at AustinSource and Executable (Unix, Windows, macOS)LGPL v3
BKG Ntrip SoftwareFederal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)Source and Executable for Linux, Solaris, Windows and macOSGPU

OpenGTSGeoTelematic Solutions, Inc.JavaApache v2.0
Viking GPS data editor and analyzerVarious authorsExecutable (written mostly in C)GPL v2
OpenStreetMapOpenStreetMap CommunityData onlineODbL
GeoServerOpen Source Geospatial FoundationSupports WFS, WMS and WCS standardsGPL v2
Orfeo ToolBox (OTB)CNESSource and Executable (Linux, Windows, macOS)Apache v2.0
PolSARproESA / IETRExecutable for Windows and LinuxGPL v2
SNAP and Sentinel ToolboxesESA Science Toolbox Exploitation Platform (STEP)Source and Executable (Windows, macOS, Unix)GPL v3
DIMITRI - Database for Imaging Multi-spectral Instruments and Tools for Radiometric IntercomparisonESA, ARGANS, MagelliumSource code, compatible with Linux, Windows and macOSSLA
ADAM API ToolkitNoveltisExecutable onlineFree online service after registration
TauDEM - Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation ModelsUtah State University, USASource code, command line executable and ArcGIS toolbox GUIGPL v3
GRASS GIS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support SystemGRASS GIS developers communityStand-alone application or backend for other software packagesGPL v2
SAGA - System for automated Geoscientific AnalysesUniversity of Hamburg, GermanyCoded in C++. Source code and GUI executable for Windows and LinuxGPL v2
Whitebox GAT - Geospatial Analysis ToolsUniversity of Guelph, CanadaExecutable (Windows, Linux, macOS)GPL v3
MACCS/MAJACNES and CESBIOLanguage: C++, Python and Cmake. OS:Linux RedHat 6+, CENTOS 6+ Ubuntu 12.04+CNES
Sen2Agri systemESALinuxGPL v3
Open LayersOpen LayersAPI and codesBSD-2-Clause
GeoTrellisLocationTech, AzaveaLibrary for LinuxApache v2.0
GeoMesaLocationTech, CCRiSpatio-temporal index for LinuxApache v2.0
gvSIG DesktopgvSIG AssociationPlatforms: Linux / Unix, macOSX, Windows, Android. Languages: Java, Python, Groovy, Renjin, ScalaGPL
QGISQGIS CommunityLinux, Unix, macOS and WindowsGPL
Get3DiGeoCue GroupExecutable onlineFree up to 100 MB/month
AHN-viewerArcGISExecutable onlineFree online service
ESA Online DisseminationESAData online
GeoNamesGeoNamesWebservice and database exportsCC BY 4.0
HydroShedsWWFVector and raster dataHydroSHEDS
SRTM DataCGIAR Consortium for Spatial InformationACII and GeoTIFF
GSACUNAVCOJava. For Linux and Unix

Network Simulator 3 (ns-3)ns-3 projectSource codeGPL v2
Satellite Network Simulator (SNS3)Jani Puttonen, Janne Kurjenniemi (Magister Solutions), ESA, CNESSource codeGPL v3
Leandvbpabr@pabr.orgExecutable codeGPL v3
gr-dvbs2Ron EconomosSource code, also part of GNU RadioGPL v3
gr-dvbs2rxAhmet Inan, Ron EconomosSource codeGPL v3
ROHC libraryCNES, TAS, Viveris TechnologiesSource code for Linux, Windows and macOSLGPL v2.1+
OpenLTEBen Wojtowicz, Dennis M SenyonjoSource code in C++ and PythonAGPL v3
OAI Radio Access Network (OAI-RAN)VariousSource codeOAI 5G Public License v1.1
OAI Core Network (OAI-CN)EURECOM, OPEN CELLSSource codeApache v2.0
free5GCNational Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and other contributorsSource codeApache v2.0
ChirpStackOrne BrocaarSource codeMIT
STRFCees BassaSource code for Linux and GNU RadioGPL v3

GNU RadioGNU Radio projectSource code for Linux, macOSGPL v3
MongoDBMongoDB Inc.Source and Executable (Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, FreeBSD)Server Side Public License
Apache HadoopApache Software FoundationSource code downloadApache v2.0
Apache StormApache Software FoundationImplemented in Java, can be used with any programming languageApache v2.0
Apache SparkApache Software FoundationStandalone cluster mode, on EC2, on Hadoop YARN, on Mesos, or on Kubernetes.Apache v2.0
Tensor FlowGoogleCollection of workflowsApache v2.0
Docker EngineDockerExecutable for Linux, Windows, macOSApache v2.0
OpenStackOpenStackExecutableApache v2.0
RasdamanSupervised by Jacobs University, in incubation by the OSGeo fundationDownload of packages that work on distributions with gcc 4.8+, Java 7+GPL v3
SciDB Community EditionParadigm4Software that can run on existing hardware or in the cloudGPL v3
TheanoSeveral authorsPython libraryBSD-3-Clause
Deeplearning 4jEclipse Deeplearning4j Development TeamLibrariesApache v2.0
Google Earth EngineGoogleThe Earth Engine (EE) API is available in Python and JavaScript. Google Earth Engine License
Microsoft CNTKMicrosoftToolkit compatible with Linux and WindowsMIT
KerasFrançois Chollet and variousPython librariesMIT
Scikit-learnDavid Cournapeau and variousPython libraries for Linux, macOS and WindowsBSD-3-Clause
tslearnRomain TavenardPython packageBSD-3-Clause
Boto3Amazon Web Services (AWS)Python librariesApache v2.0
PyTorchFacebook AI research groupPython libraries for Linux, macOS and WindowsBSD-3-Clause
OpenCVIntelC++ library for Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD...BSD-3-Clause
pandasWes McKinney and variousPython libraryBSD-3-Clause
NVIDIA DIGITSNVIDIAExecutableFree after joining the NVIDIA Developer Program
XGBoostXGBoost communityLibrary, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow.Apache v2.0
GDALGDAL communitySource and binaries for Windows, Debian and containersMIT
Open Data CubeOpen Data CubeCollection of software base on Python libraryApache v2.0
R ProjectR foundationIt compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and macOS.GPL v2
Project JupyterJupyter CommunityWeb application, executable online and for downloading.BSD-3-Clause
Apache NiFiApache Software FoundationExecutableApache v2.0
Apache KafkaApache Software FoundationExecutableApache v2.0
KubernetesKubernetesContainerCC BY 4.0
NodeJSNode.js is a trademark of Joyent, IncFor Windows, macOS and Linux.MIT
LeafletVladimir Agafonkin and othersJavaScript libraryCC BY 4.0
Gapminder Tools OfflineGapminderFor Windows, macOS and LinuxCC BY 4.0
Elasticsearch and KibanaAmazon Web Services (AWS)Docker images, RPM files, and Debian filesApache v2.0
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)OGC membersStandardsOpen standards
GeoJSONInternet Engineering Task Force (IETF), in conjunction with the original specification authors.FormatOpen standards
gr-opssatArctic Space Technologies and ESAModule for GNU RadioGPL v3
NanoSat MO FrameworkGraz University of Technology and ESAJava source codeESA-PL v2

NameApplication domainDescription
European Space Software RepositoryMultipleESA informational web portal created to promote reuse of Software - including Open Source Software (OSS) - and to provide all parties involved in the European Space software development (in particular SMEs) with access to results of previous investments. Registration available to ESA member states.
ACT Open Source projects & toolsMultipleESA Advanced Concepts Team (ACT) resources for Open Sources projects and tools. Together with the introduction of the github and the gitlab dedicated channels for the European Space Agency and the of specific programmes such as SOCIS (the ESA summer of code in space), the ACT, over the years, developed and is now maintaining a number of open source projects that are put at the service of a wider community.
CNES Software CatalogueMultipleThe "Centre National d'Études Spatiales" has produced various software for the space projects. This software covers a broad range of topics, from normalization to space dynamics and simulation tools. Some were developed to support CNES internal needs and are now available to the public.
RTL-SDR SoftwareSignal processingRTL-SDR is a USB dongle based on the RTL2832U chipset, for which many SDR software have been developped for different applications (not only satellite)
ION GNSS SDR StandardGNSSThe GNSS SDR Metadata Standard defines parameters and schema to express the contents of SDR sample data files. The standard is designed to promote the interoperability of GNSS SDR data collection systems and processors.
NOAA collection of GPS softwareGNSSSite is running since 1999. The main purpose of this site is to provide a means for distributing the source code and algorithms discussed in the GPS Toolbox column.
UNAVCO softwareGNSSWeb-based data visualization and mapping tools provide users with the ability to view post–processed data while web-based geodetic utilities provide ancillary information.
Terrasigna PathfinderEarth observationReferences more than 350 open source software for processing of Earth Observation data, with categorisation and graph representation
ESA Newcomers EO GuideEarth observationGuide to help non experts in providing a starting point in the decision process for selecting an appropriate Earth observation (EO) solution. Includes links to public and commercial EO data providers. See also https://business.esa.int/sites/default/files/Where_to_access_EO_data_AS.pdf
ESA Earth online portalEarth observationList of software tools supported by ESA for Earth Observation
ESA STEPEarth observationESA is developing  free open source toolboxes for the scientific exploitation of Earth Observation missions under the the Scientific Exploitation of Operational Missions (SEOM)  programme element.  STEP is the ESA community platform for accessing the software and its documentation, communicating with the developers, dialoguing within the science community, promoting results and achievements as well as providing tutorials and material for training scientists using the Toolboxes.
ESA Thematic Exploitation Platforms (TEPs)Earth observationTEPs are collaborative, virtual work environments providing access to EO data and tools, processors, and information and communication technology resources, required to work with them, through one coherent interface. Topics: Coastal, Forestry, Hydrology, Geohazards, Polar, Urban themes, Food Security
Copernicus Open Access HubEarth observationThe Copernicus Open Access Hub (previously known as Sentinels Scientific Data Hub) provides complete, free and open access to Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-5P user products, starting from the In-Orbit Commissioning Review (IOCR). Sentinel Data are also available via the Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) through several platforms.
DIAS -Copernicus Data & Information Access ServicesEarth observationDIAS online platforms allow users to discover, manipulate, process and download Copernicus Sentinel data and information products from Copernicus’ six operational services, together with cloud-based tools (open source and/or on a pay-per-use basis).
Sentinel HubEarth observationSentinel Hub is operated by Sinergise - a GIS IT company with more than 10 years of experience in working with spatial data.
Different applications are available online.
The satellite imagery distribution service is based on Sinergise's cloud GIS platform - Geopedia - web based spatial management solution, which is being used by more than one million users annualy and is therefore perfectly suitable for large scale spatial deployments.
Earth System Data Lab (ESDL)Earth observationThe Earth System Data Lab is a multi-variate data set of essential Earth System variables on a common grid and sharing a common data model.
USGS Earth ExplorerEarth observationU.S. Geological Survey -search catalogue of satellite and aerial imagery.
Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF)Earth observationThe ASF facility is part of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. ASF downlinks, processes, archives, and distributes remote-sensing data to scientific users around the world.
OSGEOEarth observationThe Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community driven development.
OpenDEMEarth observationList of free Digital Elevation Models. This project will focus on free high resolution datasets with a spatial resolution of 30 meters and below on county/state scale.
On-Line Geodesy ResourcesEarth observationA personal collection of geodesy and related resources on the Web. Created by Mike Craymer.
SDR makerspaceSatellite communications SDRmaker.space, created by Libre Space Foundation under an ESA ARTES project, is an activity framework that aims to bring together makers, open-source hackers, radio amateurs, researchers and academia from all over Greece. The website lists a number of SDR projects for satellite communications, including TT&C.
CGRANSatellite communicationsThe Comprehensive GNU Radio Archive Network (CGRAN) is a free open source repository for 3rd party GNU Radio applications (a.k.a Out Of Tree Modules) that are not officially supported by the GNU Radio project. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. For Linux OS.


ESA - Open Source Software Resources for Space Downstream Applications;


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/876074.html

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