

█ 【无人机学习之QGroundControl】android端App初解4-遥控器通道
█ 系列文章目录


  • 【无人机学习】无人机基础知识
  • 【无人机学习】Mission Planner(pc端)和QGroundControl(android端)
  • 【无人机学习之DroidPlanner】FlightActivity的启动过程
  • 【无人机学习之DroidPlanner】msg_heartbeat心跳处理(含MAVLink协议)
  • 【无人机学习之DroidPlanner】msg_sys_status系统状态
  • 【无人机学习之QGroundControl】android端App初解1
  • 【无人机学习之QGroundControl】android端App初解2-APMPowerComponent(含QML的介绍)
  • 【无人机学习之QGroundControl】android端App初解3-ParameterEditorController
  • 【无人机学习之QGroundControl】android端App初解4-遥控器通道

█ 文章目录

  • █ 【无人机学习之QGroundControl】android端App初解4-遥控器通道
  • █ 系列文章目录
  • █ 文章目录
  • █ 读前说明
  • █ 界面分析
    • 1.遥控器界面
    • 2.MissionPlanner界面参考
    • 3. 相关文件
    • 4. RadioComponent.qml
    • 5. APMRadioComponentSummary.qml
    • 6. RCChannelMonitor.qml
  • █ mavlink协议
    • 1.消息协议格式
    • 2.生成的Mavlink
  • █ 代码分析
  • █ 代码分析(MP版)
  • █ 相关资料
  • █ 免责声明

█ 读前说明
  • 本文通过学习别人写demo,学习一些课件,参考一些博客,学习相关知识,如有涉及侵权请告知
  • 本文可能只简单罗列了一些相关的代码实现过程,复制了一些大神的高论,如内容有误请自行辨别
  • 涉及到的逻辑以及说明可能只做了简单的介绍,主要当做笔记,了解过程而已,如有不同看法,欢迎下方评论
  • 本文源码:https://github.com/mavlink/qgroundcontrol
  • 本文UI:https://github.com/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/blob/master/src/ui
  • 本文的硬件测试是APM而不是PX4,因此代码走向都是走向APM方向
  • QGC中UI设计的主要模式是用QML编写的UI页面,多次与用C ++编写的定制“控制器”进行通信。类似MVC的设计模式。
  • QGC最新源码版本是v4.1.1(2021年1月28),使用QtCreator版本是5.12.6,语言是c++ 。

█ 界面分析 1.遥控器界面 The Radio Component is used to setup which channels on your RC Transmitter you will use for each vehicle control such as Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Throttle. "
"It also allows you to assign switches and dials to the various flight modes. "
"Prior to flight you must also calibrate the extents for all of your channels."
"Before calibrating you should zero all your trims and subtrims. Click Ok to start Calibration."


MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS - sysid:100 compid:1 time_boot_ms:555394 
chan1_raw:1500 chan2_raw:1500 chan3_raw:1500 chan4_raw:1500 
chan5_raw:1050 chan6_raw:1950 chan7_raw:1050 chan8_raw:1050 
chan9_raw:1050 chan10_raw:1050 chan11_raw:1950 chan12_raw:1950 
chan13_raw:874 chan14_raw:874 chan15_raw:874 chan16_raw:874 
chan17_raw:0 chan18_raw:0 chancount:16 rssi:0
3. 相关文件




  • 遥控器

  • RC#通道
4. RadioComponent.qml
  • Attitude Controls 姿态控制
Column {
    width:      parent.width
    spacing:    5
    QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Attitude Controls") }

    Item {
        width:  parent.width
        height: globals.defaultTextHeight * 2
        QGCLabel {
            id:     rollLabel
            width:  globals.defaultTextWidth * 10
            text:   qsTr("Roll")

        Loader {
            id:                 rollLoader
            anchors.left:       rollLabel.right
            anchors.right:      parent.right
            height:             globals.defaultTextHeight
            width:              100
            sourceComponent:    channelMonitorDisplayComponent

            property bool mapped:           controller.rollChannelMapped
            property bool reversed:         controller.rollChannelReversed

        Connections {
            target: controller
            onRollChannelRCValueChanged: rollLoader.item.rcValue = rcValue
	// Command Buttons
    Row {
        spacing: 10

        QGCButton {
            id:         skipButton
            text:       qsTr("Skip")
            onClicked:  controller.skipButtonClicked()

        QGCButton {
            id:         cancelButton
            text:       qsTr("Cancel")
            onClicked:  controller.cancelButtonClicked()

        QGCButton {
            id:         nextButton
            primary:    true
            text:       qsTr("Calibrate")

            onClicked: {
                if (text === qsTr("Calibrate")) {
                    mainWindow.showComponentDialog(zeroTrimsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, mainWindow.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)
                } else {
    } // Row - Buttons
}// Column - Attitude Control labels
  • Additional Radio setup 其他遥控器设置
 // Status Text
 QGCLabel { text: qsTr("Additional Radio setup:") }

 GridLayout {
     id:                 switchSettingsGrid
     anchors.left:       parent.left
     anchors.right:      parent.right
     columns:            2
     columnSpacing:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth

     Repeater {
         model: QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.px4Firmware ?
                    (QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle.multiRotor ?
                        [ "RC_MAP_AUX1", "RC_MAP_AUX2", "RC_MAP_PARAM1", "RC_MAP_PARAM2", "RC_MAP_PARAM3"] :
                        [ "RC_MAP_FLAPS", "RC_MAP_AUX1", "RC_MAP_AUX2", "RC_MAP_PARAM1", "RC_MAP_PARAM2", "RC_MAP_PARAM3"]) :

         RowLayout {
             Layout.fillWidth: true

             property Fact fact: controller.getParameterFact(-1, modelData)

             QGCLabel {
                 Layout.fillWidth:   true
                 text:               fact.shortDescription
             FactComboBox {
                 width:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
                 fact:       parent.fact
                 indexModel: false

 RowLayout {
     QGCButton {
         id:         bindButton
         text:       qsTr("Spektrum Bind")
         onClicked:  mainWindow.showComponentDialog(spektrumBindDialogComponent, dialogTitle, mainWindow.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)

     QGCButton {
         text:       qsTr("Copy Trims")
         onClicked:  mainWindow.showComponentDialog(copyTrimsDialogComponent, dialogTitle, mainWindow.showDialogDefaultWidth, StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel)
  • channelMonitor 通道监控bar
// Right side column
Column {
    id:             rightColumn
    anchors.top:    parent.top
    anchors.right:  parent.right
    width:          ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 40
    spacing:        ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight / 2

    Row {
        spacing: ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth

        QGCRadioButton {
            text:       qsTr("Mode 1")
            checked:    controller.transmitterMode == 1
            onClicked:  controller.transmitterMode = 1

        QGCRadioButton {
            text:       qsTr("Mode 2")
            checked:    controller.transmitterMode == 2
            onClicked:  controller.transmitterMode = 2

    Image {
        width:      parent.width
        fillMode:   Image.PreserveAspectFit
        smooth:     true
        source:     controller.imageHelp

    RCChannelMonitor {
        width:      parent.width
        twoColumn:  true
} // Column - Right Column
5. APMRadioComponentSummary.qml
  • APMRadioComponentSummary.qml 姿态控制
	// 对应的配置通道
    property Fact mapRollFact:      controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RCMAP_ROLL")
    property Fact mapPitchFact:     controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RCMAP_PITCH")
    property Fact mapYawFact:       controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RCMAP_YAW")
    property Fact mapThrottleFact:  controller.getParameterFact(-1, "RCMAP_THROTTLE")
    Column {
        anchors.fill:       parent

        VehicleSummaryRow {
            labelText: qsTr("Roll")
            valueText: mapRollFact.value == 0 ? qsTr("Setup required") : qsTr("Channel %1").arg(mapRollFact.valueString)

        VehicleSummaryRow {
            labelText: qsTr("Pitch")
            valueText: mapPitchFact.value == 0 ? qsTr("Setup required") : qsTr("Channel %1").arg(mapPitchFact.valueString)
  • APMRadioComponent.cc:配置两个qml
    First check for all attitude controls mapped
    Next check RC#_MIN/MAX/TRIM all at defaults
QUrl APMRadioComponent::setupSource(void) const
    return QUrl::fromUserInput(QStringLiteral("qrc:/qml/RadioComponent.qml"));

QUrl APMRadioComponent::summaryQmlSource(void) const
    return QUrl::fromUserInput(QStringLiteral("qrc:/qml/APMRadioComponentSummary.qml"));
6. RCChannelMonitor.qml
  • RCChannelMonitor
Item {
    id:     _root
    height: monitorColumn.height

    property bool twoColumn: false

    readonly property int _pwmMin:      800
    readonly property int _pwmMax:      2200
    readonly property int _pwmRange:    _pwmMax - _pwmMin

    RCChannelMonitorController {
        id:             controller

    // Live channel monitor control component
    Component {
        id: channelMonitorDisplayComponent
    } // Component - channelMonitorDisplayComponent

    GridLayout {
        id:         monitorColumn
        width:      parent.width
        columns:    twoColumn ? 2 : 1

        QGCLabel {
            Layout.columnSpan:  parent.columns
            text:               "Channel Monitor"

        Connections {
            target: controller

            onChannelRCValueChanged: {
                if (channelMonitorRepeater.itemAt(channel)) {
                    channelMonitorRepeater.itemAt(channel).loader.item.rcValue = rcValue

        Repeater {
            id:     channelMonitorRepeater
            model:  controller.channelCount

            RowLayout {
                // Need this to get to loader from Connections above
                property Item loader: theLoader

                QGCLabel {
                    id:     channelLabel
                    text:   modelData + 1

                Loader {
                    id:                 theLoader
                    Layout.fillWidth:   true
                    //height:                 ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                    //width:                  parent.width - anchors.leftMargin - ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
                    sourceComponent:        channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                    property bool mapped:               true
                    readonly property bool reversed:    false
  • channelMonitor 通道监控bar
// Live channel monitor control component
Component {
    id: channelMonitorDisplayComponent

    Item {
        property int    rcValue:    1500

        property int            __lastRcValue:      1500
        readonly property int   __rcValueMaxJitter: 2
        property color          __barColor:         qgcPal.windowShade

        readonly property int _pwmMin:      800
        readonly property int _pwmMax:      2200
        readonly property int _pwmRange:    _pwmMax - _pwmMin

        // Bar
        Rectangle {
            id:                     bar
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            width:                  parent.width
            height:                 parent.height / 2
            color:                  __barColor

        // Center point
        Rectangle {
            anchors.horizontalCenter:   parent.horizontalCenter
            width:                      globals.defaultTextWidth / 2
            height:                     parent.height
            color:                      qgcPal.window

        // Indicator
        Rectangle {
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            width:                  parent.height * 0.75
            height:                 width
            radius:                 width / 2
            color:                  qgcPal.text
            visible:                mapped
            x:                      (((reversed ? _pwmMax - rcValue : rcValue - _pwmMin) / _pwmRange) * parent.width) - (width / 2)

        QGCLabel {
            anchors.fill:           parent
            horizontalAlignment:    Text.AlignHCenter
            verticalAlignment:      Text.AlignVCenter
            text:                   qsTr("Not Mapped")
            visible:                !mapped

        ColorAnimation {
            id:         barAnimation
            target:     bar
            property:   "color"
            from:       "yellow"
            to:         __barColor
            duration:   1500
} // Component - channelMonitorDisplayComponent
█ mavlink协议 1.消息协议格式
  1. RC_CHANNELS_RAW ( #35 ):接收到的 RC 通道的 RAW 值

The RAW values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. A value of UINT16_MAX implies the channel is unused. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification.

Field NameTypeUnitsDescription
portuint8_t伺服输出端口(8 个输出组 = 1 个端口); 在 Pixhawk 上:0 = MAIN,1 = AUX。
chan1_rawuint16_tusRC channel 1 value.
chan2_rawuint16_tusRC channel 2 value.
chan3_rawuint16_tusRC channel 3 value.
chan4_rawuint16_tusRC channel 4 value.
chan5_rawuint16_tusRC channel 5 value.
chan6_rawuint16_tusRC channel 6 value.
chan7_rawuint16_tusRC channel 7 value.
chan8_rawuint16_tusRC channel 8 value.
  1. SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW ( #36 ): 伺服输出的 RAW 值(来自遥控器的 RC 输入,使用 RC_CHANNELS 消息)

Superseded by ACTUATOR_OUTPUT_STATUS. The RAW values of the servo outputs (for RC input from the remote, use the RC_CHANNELS messages). The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%.

  1. RC_CHANNELS ( #65 ):接收到的 RC 通道的 PPM 值

The PPM values of the RC channels received. The standard PPM modulation is as follows: 1000 microseconds: 0%, 2000 microseconds: 100%. A value of UINT16_MAX implies the channel is unused. Individual receivers/transmitters might violate this specification.

Field NameTypeUnitsDescription
chancountuint8_t正在接收的 RC 通道总数。 这可以大于 18,表示有更多频道可用但未在此消息中给出
chan1_rawuint16_tusRC channel 1 value.
chan2_rawuint16_tusRC channel 2 value.
chan3_rawuint16_tusRC channel 3 value.
chan4_rawuint16_tusRC channel 4 value.
chan5_rawuint16_tusRC channel 5 value.
chan6_rawuint16_tusRC channel 6 value.
chan7_rawuint16_tusRC channel 7 value.
chan8_rawuint16_tusRC channel 8 value.
chan9_rawuint16_tusRC channel 9 value.
chan10_rawuint16_tusRC channel 10 value.
chan11_rawuint16_tusRC channel 11 value.
chan12_rawuint16_tusRC channel 12 value.
chan13_rawuint16_tusRC channel 13 value.
chan14_rawuint16_tusRC channel 14 value.
chan15_rawuint16_tusRC channel 15 value.
chan16_rawuint16_tusRC channel 16 value.
chan17_rawuint16_tusRC channel 17 value.
chan18_rawuint16_tusRC channel 18 value.
  1. msg_rc_channels_raw
public class msg_rc_channels_raw extends MAVLinkMessage {
    public static final int MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS_RAW = 35;
    public static final int MAVLINK_MSG_LENGTH = 22;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 35L;
    public long time_boot_ms;
    public int chan1_raw;
    public int chan2_raw;
    public int chan3_raw;
    public int chan4_raw;
    public int chan5_raw;
    public int chan6_raw;
    public int chan7_raw;
    public int chan8_raw;
    public short port;
    public short rssi;
  1. msg_rc_channels
public class msg_rc_channels extends MAVLinkMessage {
    public static final int MAVLINK_MSG_ID_RC_CHANNELS = 65;
    public static final int MAVLINK_MSG_LENGTH = 42;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 65L;
    public long time_boot_ms;
    public int chan1_raw;
    public int chan2_raw;
    public int chan3_raw;
    public int chan4_raw;
    public int chan5_raw;
    public int chan6_raw;
    public int chan7_raw;
    public int chan8_raw;
    public int chan9_raw;
    public int chan10_raw;
    public int chan11_raw;
    public int chan12_raw;
    public int chan13_raw;
    public int chan14_raw;
    public int chan15_raw;
    public int chan16_raw;
    public int chan17_raw;
    public int chan18_raw;
    public short chancount;
    public short rssi;
█ 代码分析
  1. 创建APMRadioComponent
const QVariantList& APMAutoPilotPlugin::vehicleComponents(void)
    if (_components.count() == 0 && !_incorrectParameterVersion) {
        if (_vehicle->parameterManager()->parametersReady()) {
            if ( _vehicle->supportsRadio() ) {
                _radioComponent = new APMRadioComponent(_vehicle, this);
  1. RC#通道:channel monitor( 没有将16路全部展示)

    一共有16 个(RC1-RC16 )通道,每个通道有6个参数可设置:

  2. 姿态控制:Attitude Controls


  1. 取值范围
    | 参数 |RC#_MIN|RC#_MAX|RC#_TRIM|
    |QGC| 800|2200|1500|
    |MP| 1000|3000|1500|
    其实遥控器校准就是 16个RC#_TRIM 值显示

  2. mavlinkMessage:接收到消息->rcChannelsChanged

void Vehicle::_mavlinkMessageReceived(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)
    // Give the plugin a change to adjust the message contents
    if (!_firmwarePlugin->adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(this, &message)) {// APMFirmwarePlugin
    switch (message.msgid) {
    // This must be emitted after the vehicle processes the message. This way the vehicle state is up to date when anyone else
    // does processing.
    emit mavlinkMessageReceived(message);

void Vehicle::_handleRCChannels(mavlink_message_t& message)
    mavlink_rc_channels_t channels;

    mavlink_msg_rc_channels_decode(&message, &channels);

    uint16_t* _rgChannelvalues[cMaxRcChannels] = {
    int pwmValues[cMaxRcChannels];

    for (int i=0; i<cMaxRcChannels; i++) {
        uint16_t channelValue = *_rgChannelvalues[i];

        if (i < channels.chancount) {
            pwmValues[i] = channelValue == UINT16_MAX ? -1 : channelValue;
        } else {
            pwmValues[i] = -1;

    emit remoteControlRSSIChanged(channels.rssi);
    emit rcChannelsChanged(channels.chancount, pwmValues);//  #########重点


/// This is the base class for all stack specific APM firmware plugins
class APMFirmwarePlugin : public FirmwarePlugin{};
/*bool APMFirmwarePlugin::adjustIncomingMavlinkMessage(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
    if (message->msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT) {
        // We need to look at all heartbeats that go by from any component
        _handleIncomingHeartbeat(vehicle, message);
        return true;

    // Only translate messages which come from ArduPilot code. All other components are expected to follow current mavlink spec.
    if (_ardupilotComponentMap[vehicle->id()][message->compid]) {
        switch (message->msgid) {
            _handleIncomingParamValue(vehicle, message);
            return _handleIncomingStatusText(vehicle, message);
            _handleRCChannels(vehicle, message);
            _handleRCChannelsRaw(vehicle, message);
    return true;
/*void APMFirmwarePlugin::_handleRCChannels(Vehicle* vehicle, mavlink_message_t* message)
    WeakLinkInterfacePtr weakLink = vehicle->vehicleLinkManager()->primaryLink();
    if (!weakLink.expired()) {
        mavlink_rc_channels_t   channels;
        SharedLinkInterfacePtr  sharedLink = weakLink.lock();

        mavlink_msg_rc_channels_decode(message, &channels);
        //-- Ardupilot uses 0-255 to indicate 0-100% where QGC expects 0-100
        if(channels.rssi) {
            channels.rssi = static_cast(static_cast(channels.rssi) / 255.0 * 100.0);
        MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink = qgcApp()->toolbox()->mavlinkProtocol();
  1. 更新ui: RadioComponentController
    : _currentStep(-1)
    , _transmitterMode(2)
    , _chanCount(0)
    , _rcCalState(rcCalStateChannelWait)
    connect(_vehicle, &Vehicle::rcChannelsChanged, this,
     			&RadioComponentController::_rcChannelsChanged);//  #########重点
/// Connected to Vehicle::rcChannelsChanged signal
void RadioComponentController::_rcChannelsChanged(int channelCount, int pwmValues[Vehicle::cMaxRcChannels])
    for (int channel=0; channel<channelCount; channel++) {
        int channelValue = pwmValues[channel];
        if (channelValue != -1) {
            qCDebug(RadioComponentControllerVerboseLog) << "Raw value" << channel << channelValue;
            _rcRawValue[channel] = channelValue;
            emit channelRCValueChanged(channel, channelValue);//  #########重点
            // Signal attitude rc values to Qml if mapped
            if (_rgChannelInfo[channel].function != rcCalFunctionMax) {
                switch (_rgChannelInfo[channel].function) {
	                case rcCalFunctionRoll:
	                    emit rollChannelRCValueChanged(channelValue);//  #########重点
	                case rcCalFunctionPitch:
	                    emit pitchChannelRCValueChanged(channelValue);//  #########重点


Item {
    width:  parent.width
    height: globals.defaultTextHeight * 2
    QGCLabel {
        id:     rollLabel
        width:  globals.defaultTextWidth * 10
        text:   qsTr("Roll")

    Loader {
        id:                 rollLoader
        anchors.left:       rollLabel.right
        anchors.right:      parent.right
        height:             globals.defaultTextHeight
        width:              100
        sourceComponent:    channelMonitorDisplayComponent

        property bool mapped:           controller.rollChannelMapped
        property bool reversed:         controller.rollChannelReversed

    Connections {
        target: controller

        onRollChannelRCValueChanged: rollLoader.item.rcValue = rcValue//  #########重点


GridLayout {
    id:         monitorColumn
    width:      parent.width
    columns:    twoColumn ? 2 : 1

    QGCLabel {
        Layout.columnSpan:  parent.columns
        text:               "Channel Monitor"

    Connections {
        target: controller

        onChannelRCValueChanged: {
            if (channelMonitorRepeater.itemAt(channel)) {
                channelMonitorRepeater.itemAt(channel).loader.item.rcValue = rcValue//  #########重点

    Repeater {
        id:     channelMonitorRepeater
        model:  controller.channelCount

        RowLayout {
            // Need this to get to loader from Connections above
            property Item loader: theLoader

            QGCLabel {
                id:     channelLabel
                text:   modelData + 1

            Loader {
                id:                 theLoader
                Layout.fillWidth:   true
                //height:                 ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
                //width:                  parent.width - anchors.leftMargin - ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth
                sourceComponent:        channelMonitorDisplayComponent

                property bool mapped:               true
                readonly property bool reversed:    false
█ 代码分析(MP版)
  1. UI界面:…\GCSViews\ConfigurationView\ConfigRadioInput.cs
  2. 绑定数据
   //setup bindings
   chroll = (int)(float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.param["RCMAP_ROLL"];
   chpitch = (int)(float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.param["RCMAP_PITCH"];
   chthro = (int)(float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.param["RCMAP_THROTTLE"];
   chyaw = (int)(float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.param["RCMAP_YAW"];
  BARroll.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch" + chroll + "in", true));
  BARpitch.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch" + chpitch + "in", true));
  BARthrottle.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch" + chthro + "in", true));
  BARyaw.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch" + chyaw + "in", true));

  BAR5.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch5in", true));
  BAR6.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch6in", true));
  BAR7.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch7in", true));
  BAR8.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch8in", true));

  BAR9.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch9in", true));
  BAR10.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch10in", true));
  BAR11.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch11in", true));
  BAR12.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch12in", true));
  BAR13.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch13in", true));
  BAR14.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", currentStateBindingSource, "ch14in", true));
  1. 创建定时更新
   private readonly Timer _timer = new Timer();
   // setup rc update
   _timer.Tick += timer_Tick;
   _timer.Enabled = true;
   _timer.Interval = 100;
 private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     // update all linked controls - 10hz
     try {
     } catch (Exception ex) {
  1. 数据更新:…\ExtLibs\ArduPilot\CurrentState.cs
namespace MissionPlanner
    public class CurrentState : ICloneable, IDisposable
        public void UpdateCurrentSettings(Action<CurrentState> bs)
            if (DateTime.Now > lastupdate.AddMilliseconds(50) || updatenow) // 20 hz
                lastupdate = DateTime.Now;
	            // re-request streams
	            if (!(lastdata.AddSeconds(8) > DateTime.Now) && mavinterface.BaseStream != null &&
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTENDED_STATUS, MAV.cs.ratestatus,
	                        MAV.sysid, MAV.compid); // mode
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.POSITION, MAV.cs.rateposition,
	                        MAV.sysid, MAV.compid); // request gps
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTRA1, MAV.cs.rateattitude,
	                        MAV.sysid, MAV.compid); // request attitude
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTRA2, MAV.cs.rateattitude,
	                        MAV.sysid, MAV.compid); // request vfr
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTRA3, MAV.cs.ratesensors,
	                        MAV.compid); // request extra stuff - tridge
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RAW_SENSORS, MAV.cs.ratesensors,
	                        MAV.sysid, MAV.compid); // request raw sensor
	                    mavinterface.requestDatastream(MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RC_CHANNELS, MAV.cs.raterc,
	                        MAV.compid); // request rc info
	                    log.Error("Failed to request rates");
	                lastdata = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); // prevent flooding


        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch1in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch2in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch3in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch4in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch5in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch6in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch7in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch8in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch9in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch10in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch11in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch12in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch13in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch14in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch15in { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioIn")] public float ch16in { get; set; }

        // motors
        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch1out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch2out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch3out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch4out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch5out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch6out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch7out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch8out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch9out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch10out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch11out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch12out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch13out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch14out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch15out { get; set; }

        [GroupText("RadioOut")] public float ch16out { get; set; }
        private void Parent_OnPacketReceived(object sender, MAVLink.MAVLinkMessage mavLinkMessage)
            if (mavLinkMessage.sysid == parent.sysid && mavLinkMessage.compid == parent.compid
                || mavLinkMessage.msgid == (uint)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RADIO // propagate the RADIO/RADIO_STATUS message across all devices on this link
                || mavLinkMessage.msgid == (uint)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RADIO_STATUS)
                switch (mavLinkMessage.msgid)
                    case (uint)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RC_CHANNELS_RAW:// RC_CHANNELS_RAW ( #35 )

                            var rcin = mavLinkMessage.ToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_raw_t>();

                            ch1in = rcin.chan1_raw;
                            ch2in = rcin.chan2_raw;
                            ch3in = rcin.chan3_raw;
                            ch4in = rcin.chan4_raw;
                            ch5in = rcin.chan5_raw;
                            ch6in = rcin.chan6_raw;
                            ch7in = rcin.chan7_raw;
                            ch8in = rcin.chan8_raw;

                            rxrssi = (int)(rcin.rssi / 255.0 * 100.0);


                    case (uint)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.RC_CHANNELS:// RC_CHANNELS ( #65 )

                            var rcin = mavLinkMessage.ToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_t>();

                            ch1in = rcin.chan1_raw;
                            ch2in = rcin.chan2_raw;
                            ch3in = rcin.chan3_raw;
                            ch4in = rcin.chan4_raw;
                            ch5in = rcin.chan5_raw;
                            ch6in = rcin.chan6_raw;
                            ch7in = rcin.chan7_raw;
                            ch8in = rcin.chan8_raw;

                            ch9in = rcin.chan9_raw;
                            ch10in = rcin.chan10_raw;
                            ch11in = rcin.chan11_raw;
                            ch12in = rcin.chan12_raw;
                            ch13in = rcin.chan13_raw;
                            ch14in = rcin.chan14_raw;
                            ch15in = rcin.chan15_raw;
                            ch16in = rcin.chan16_raw;

                            rxrssi = (int)(rcin.rssi / 255.0 * 100.0);


                    case (uint)MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW:// SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW ( #36 )

                            var servoout = mavLinkMessage.ToStructure<MAVLink.mavlink_servo_output_raw_t>();

                            ch1out = servoout.servo1_raw;
                            ch2out = servoout.servo2_raw;
                            ch3out = servoout.servo3_raw;
                            ch4out = servoout.servo4_raw;
                            ch5out = servoout.servo5_raw;
                            ch6out = servoout.servo6_raw;
                            ch7out = servoout.servo7_raw;
                            ch8out = servoout.servo8_raw;

                            // mavlink2 extension
                            ch9out = servoout.servo9_raw;
                            ch10out = servoout.servo10_raw;
                            ch11out = servoout.servo11_raw;
                            ch12out = servoout.servo12_raw;
                            ch13out = servoout.servo13_raw;
                            ch14out = servoout.servo14_raw;
                            ch15out = servoout.servo15_raw;
                            ch16out = servoout.servo16_raw;

█ 相关资料


  1. 消息(常见) · MAVLink 开发者指南 - LOG_REQUEST_LIST ( #117 )
  2. 2021-11-13 QGC PlanView(任务规划功能) 界面加载顺序
  3. 2021-12-02 SetupView(设置功能) 界面加载顺序
  4. 2018-03-05 QGC SettingsView(设置功能) 界面加载顺序_Copy->Paste的博客-CSDN博客
  5. 2019-01-17 QGC 增加禁飞区显示功能_Copy->Paste的博客-CSDN博客_禁飞区数据
█ 免责声明



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