如果你在查看的时候,使用了“缩略图”视图,或者以幻灯片方式,那么就会在那个的文件下产生一 Thumbdb 的文件。这个文件是隐藏的(系统用来缓存你浏览过的缩略图)。
这些文件留着一点也不影响使用,你可以放心删掉它们,但是以后预览好缩略图后,Thumbdb 文件还会出现。这种是默认状态,如果不想让这些 Thumbdb 文件自动生成,你可以在文件夹选项里把他们关掉。(Windows XP 上的步骤:工具 -> 文件夹选项 -> 不缓存缩略图勾上)
n 拇指; (手套的) 拇指部分;
v 翘起拇指请求搭乘(过路汽车); 示意请求搭便车; 用拇指摸; 用拇指捋;
[例句]It more or less gets the thumbs up from everyone
大熊猫是一种有着独特黑白相间毛色的活泼动物。它的拉丁名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,指的就是它黑白相间的外表。大熊猫的种属是一个争论了一个世纪的问题,最近的DNA分析表明,现在国际上普遍接受将它列为熊科、大熊猫亚科的分类方法,目前也逐步得到国内的认可。国内传统分类将大熊猫单列为大熊猫科。它代表了熊科的早期分支。成年熊猫长约120~190厘米,体重85到125公斤。独特的特征包括:大而平的臼齿,它的一根腕骨已经发育成了“伪拇指”这都是为了适应以竹子为食的生活。与其他六种熊类不同,大熊猫和太阳熊都没有冬眠行为。大熊猫的祖先是始熊猫(Ailuaractos lufengensis),这是一种由拟熊类演变而成的以食肉为主的最早的熊猫。始熊猫的主枝则在中国的中部和南部继续演化,其中一种在距今约300万年的更新世初期出现,体形比现在的熊猫小,从牙齿推断它已进化成为兼食竹类的杂食兽,此后这一主支向亚热带扩展,分布广泛,在华北、西北、华东、西南、华南以至越南和缅甸北部都发现了化石。在这一过程中,大熊猫适应了亚热带竹林生活,体型逐渐增大,依赖竹子为生。在距今50-70万年的更新世中、晚期是大熊猫的鼎盛时期。现在的大熊猫的臼齿发达,爪子除了五趾外还有一个“拇指”。这个“拇指”其实是一节腕骨特化形成,学名叫做“桡侧籽骨”,主要起握住竹子的作用。
The giant panda is a unique and lively black-and-white color of the animal Its Latin name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is that it refers to black-and-white appearance Species of giant pandas is a controversial issue of a century, recent DNA analysis shows that the international community is now generally accepted it as a Bear Branch, the classification of the subfamily of giant pandas, is also gradually recognized domestic Traditional classification will be home to giant pandas giant pandas separate branches It represents an early branch of Bear Branch Adult panda is about 120 ~ 190 cm, weight 85-125 kg Unique features include: large, flat molars,
It has been the development of a carpal become "pseudo-thumb" It's all in order to adapt to the life of bamboo for food With the other six different bears, pandas and sun bears are not hibernating behavior Before the ancestors of the giant panda is a panda (Ailuaractos lufengensis), this is a category to bear to have evolved mainly carnivorous panda earliest Panda's main branch only in the central and southern China to continue to evolve in one of about 300 million years ago the early Pleistocene emergence of the giant shape than it is now small, it has been inferred from the evolution of teeth and fresh bamboo to become the omnivorous animal, since the expansion of the main branch to the sub-tropical, widely distributed
Pan, in the north, northwest, east, southwest and south China and northern Vietnam and Myanmar have found a fossil In this process, adapted to the subtropical bamboo panda life, gradually increasing size, dependent on bamboo for their livelihood In 50-70 years ago in the Pleistocene and late is the heyday of the giant panda Molars of the giant panda is now well-developed claws Allactaga outside in addition to a "thumb" The "thumb" is actually a form of carpal special, scientific name is called "radial sesamoid", mainly from the role of bamboo hold