使用Service或IntentService进行Android ClientServer Socket通信

使用Service或IntentService进行Android ClientServer Socket通信,第1张

概述到目前为止,我能够在一个 Android设备(wifi tethering / hotspot)上启动服务器,并让客户端(另一个android)连接并向服务器发送消息.然后服务器回复了那个.我意识到我需要一种方法来保持服​​务器监听客户端,即使聊天应用程序没有运行.客户端应该能够发送消息,服务器应该收到此消息.我应该使用Service或IntentService来实现此目的吗?我不能从AsyncT 到目前为止,我能够在一个 Android设备(wifi tethering / hotspot)上启动服务器,并让客户端(另一个androID)连接并向服务器发送消息.然后服务器回复了那个.我意识到我需要一种方法来保持服​​务器监听客户端,即使聊天应用程序没有运行.客户端应该能够发送消息,服务器应该收到此消息.我应该使用Service或IntentService来实现此目的吗?我不能从AsyncTask&服务……如何实现这个?一些示例代码会很棒.


public class Server extends AsyncTask<Integer,VoID,Socket> {    private ServerSocket serverSocket;    private TextVIEw textVIEw;    private String incomingMsg;    private String outgoingMsg;    public Server(TextVIEw textVIEw) {        this.textVIEw = textVIEw;    }    public voID closeServer() {        try {            serverSocket.close();        } catch (IOException e) {            Log.d("Server","Closung the server caused a problem");            e.printstacktrace();        }           }    @OverrIDe    protected Socket doInBackground(Integer... params) {        try {            serverSocket = new ServerSocket(params[0]);                   //accept connections            Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();            BuffereDWriter out = new BuffereDWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getoutputStream()));            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(socket.getinputStream()));            incomingMsg = in.readline() + System.getProperty("line.separator");            //send a message            outgoingMsg = "You are connected to the Server" + System.getProperty("line.separator");            out.write(outgoingMsg);            out.flush();            return socket;        } catch (InterruptedioException e) {            //if timeout occurs            e.printstacktrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printstacktrace();        } //      finally {//          if (serverSocket != null) {//              try {//                  serverSocket.close();//              } catch (IOException e) {//                  e.printstacktrace();//              }//          }//      }        return null;    }    protected voID onPostExecute(Socket socket) {        if(socket != null) {            try {                Log.i("Server","Server received: " + incomingMsg);                textVIEw.setText("Server received: " + incomingMsg + "\n");                textVIEw.append("Server sent: " + outgoingMsg + "\n");                Log.i("Server","Server sent: " + outgoingMsg);                socket.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                // Todo auto-generated catch block                e.printstacktrace();            }        } else {            Log.d("Server","Can't communicate with the clIEnt!");        }    }}


public class ClIEnt extends AsyncTask<Integer,Socket> {    private WifiManager wifi;    private Context context;    private String outMsg;    private String inMsg;    public ClIEnt(Context context,WifiManager wifiManager) {        this.context = context;        this.wifi = wifiManager;    }    @OverrIDe    protected Socket doInBackground(Integer... params) {        try {            String gateway = intToIp(wifi.getDhcpInfo().gateway);            Socket socket = new Socket(gateway,params[0]);            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(socket.getinputStream()));            BuffereDWriter out = new BuffereDWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getoutputStream()));            String ipadress = intToIp(wifi.getConnectionInfo().getIpAddress());            outMsg = ",ClIEnt " + ipadress +" is connecting!" + System.getProperty("line.separator");             out.write(outMsg);            out.flush();            //accept server response            inMsg = in.readline() + System.getProperty("line.separator");            return socket;        } catch (UnkNownHostException e) {            e.printstacktrace();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printstacktrace();        }        return null;     }    public String intToIp(int addr) {        return  ((addr & 0xFF) + "." +                 ((addr >>>= 8) & 0xFF) + "." +                 ((addr >>>= 8) & 0xFF) + "." +                 ((addr >>>= 8) & 0xFF));    }    protected voID onPostExecute(Socket socket) {        if(socket != null) {            Log.i("ClIEnt","ClIEnt sent: " + outMsg);            Toast.makeText(context,"\nClIEnt sent: " + outMsg + "\n",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();            Log.i("ClIEnt","ClIEnt received: " + inMsg);            Toast.makeText(context,"ClIEnt received: " + inMsg + "\n",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();        } else {            Log.d("ClIEnt","Can't connect to server!");            Toast.makeText(context,"Can't connect to server!",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();        }               }}


解决方法 使用服务但忘记了AsyncTask.让您的服务启动您的通用线程( https://developer.android.com/reference/java/lang/Thread.html)并设置您的套接字侦听器.此服务甚至可以处理消息的发送(通过以下链接中涵盖的众多选项之一).





以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的使用Service或IntentService进行Android Client / Server Socket通信全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决使用Service或IntentService进行Android Client / Server Socket通信所遇到的程序开发问题。



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1127418.html

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