











Java可以编写嵌入在 Web 网页中运行的 Applet,是一种基于浏览器的客户端技术。Applet 是一种小型程序,可以在 Web 页面中嵌入执行,与 JavaScript、HTML 和 CSS 等前端技术共同构成了 Web 应用程序的前端部分。Applet 可以通过 Java 虚拟机在中乎客户端上运行,可以与服务器进行交互,实现一些复杂的业务逻辑和交互效果。

Applet 在 Web 开发中有一定的局限性,因为它需要依赖于浏览器和 Java 插件,而且需要用户安装和启用 Java 插件。随着 Web 技术的发展和 HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 等技术的不断升级,越来越多的 Web 应用携培数程序开始辩首采用前端框架和 Web API 技术,以实现更加灵活、响应更快的用户体验。


To create a simple web page that loads and runs a Java applet, you will need to follow these steps:

Create a new HTML file using a text editor or web development tool.

Add the following code to the <head>敬闹派 section of the HTML file:

This will include the necessary JavaScript file that will enable the web page to load and run the Java applet.

Add an <亮贺applet>element to the <弯袭body>section of the HTML file, using the following code as a template:

Replace "AppletClassName" with the name of the Java applet class that you want to run. Adjust the width and height attributes to set the size of the applet on the web page.

Save the HTML file and open it in a web browser that has Java installed and enabled. The applet should load and run on the web page.

It is worth noting that Java applets are not commonly used in modern web development, as they have been replaced by other technologies such as JavaScript and HTML5. However, if you need to run a Java applet on a web page, the steps above should help you to do so.


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/12232471.html

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