# 定义树 class TreeNode: def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): self.val = val self.left = left self.right = right # 将数组转为二叉树 class Tree(object): def __init__(self): self.root = None def construct_tree(self, values=None): if not values: return None self.root = TreeNode(values[0]) queue = deque([self.root]) leng = len(values) nums = 1 while nums < leng: node = queue.popleft() if node: node.left = TreeNode(values[nums]) if values[nums] else None queue.append(node.left) if nums + 1 < leng: node.right = TreeNode(values[nums+1]) if values[nums+1] else None queue.append(node.right) nums += 1 nums += 1 return self.root # leetcode实现 class Solution: def haspathsum(self, root: TreeNode, targetsum: int) -> bool: def isornot(root, targetsum) -> bool: if (not root.left) and (not root.right) and targetsum == 0: return True # 遇到叶子节点,并且计数为0 if (not root.left) and (not root.right): return False # 遇到叶子节点,计数不为0 if root.left: targetsum -= root.left.val # 左节点 if isornot(root.left, targetsum): return True # 递归,处理左节点 targetsum += root.left.val # 回溯 if root.right: targetsum -= root.right.val # 右节点 if isornot(root.right, targetsum): return True # 递归,处理右节点 targetsum += root.right.val # 回溯 return False if root == None: return False # 别忘记处理空treenode else: print(root.val) return isornot(root, targetsum - root.val) # main a = Solution() num = [5,4,8,11,None,13,4,7,2,None,None,None,1] # 先实现二叉树 t = Tree() root = t.construct_tree(num) targetSum = 22 # 传进来的是二叉树 print(a.haspathsum(root, targetSum))