The DS2141, DS21Q41, DS21Q43, DS2151and DS2153 PCM signals can interface to an 8 MHz system backplane. Typically this applicaTIon is used to mulTIplex four 2.048 MHz PCM streams onto a single 8 MHz PCM stream. To accomplish this the elasTIc stores are enabled and placed in the 2.048 MHz SYSCLK mode. Figure 1 describes a timing scheme in which a single RSYNC is generated for all four framers. Each framer in turn is driven with an 8.192 MHz clock burst of 8 cycles. Each clock burst causes the elastic store to output 1 DS0. This results in a Byte Interleaved 8.192 MHz PCM steam.
![DS2141,DS21Q41,DS21Q43 8MHz系统时,第2张 DS2141,DS21Q41,DS21Q43 8MHz系统时,Figure 1. Quad multiplexed frames.,第2张](/upload/website_attach/20220726/2009429102358494.gif)
Figure 1. Quad multiplexed frames.