我需要代码来做二维核密度估计(KDE),我发现SciPy实现太慢了.所以,我已经编写了一个基于FFT的实现,但有些事情让我很困惑. (FFT实现还强制执行周期性边界条件,这就是我想要的.)
该实现基于从样本创建简单的直方图,然后使用高斯进行卷积.这是执行此 *** 作的代码,并将其与SciPy结果进行比较.
from numpy import *from scipy.stats import *from numpy.fft import *from matplotlib.pyplot import *from time import clockion()#ParaMETERSN = 512 #number of histogram bins; want 2^n for maximum FFT speed?nSamp = 1000 #number of samples if using the ranom variableh = 0.1 #wIDth of gaussianwh = 1.0 #wIDth and height of square domain#VARIABLES FROM ParaMETERSrv = uniform(loc=-wh,scale=2*wh) #random variable that can generate samplesxyBnds = linspace(-1.0,1.0,N+1) #boundarIEs of histogram binsxy = (xyBnds[1:] + xyBnds[:-1])/2 #centers of histogram binsxx,yy = meshgrID(xy,xy)#define SAMPLES,TWO OPTIONS#samples = rv.rvs(size=(nSamp,2))samples = array([[0.5,0.5],[0.2,0.2]])#DEFinitioNS FOR FFT IMPLEMENTATIONker = exp(-(xx**2 + yy**2)/2/h**2)/h/sqrt(2*pi) #Gaussian kernelfKer = fft2(ker) #DFT of kernel#FFT IMPLEMENTATIONstime = clock()#generate normalized histogram. Note sure why .T is needed:hst = histogram2d(samples[:,0],samples[:,1],bins=xyBnds)[0].T / (xy[-1] - xy[0])**2#convolve histogram with kernel. Not sure why fftshift is neeed:KDE1 = fftshift(ifft2(fft2(hst)*fKer))/Netime = clock()print "FFT method time:",etime - stime#DEFinitioNS FOR NON-FFT IMPLEMTATION FROM SCIPY#points to sample the KDE at,in a form gaussian_kde likes:grID_coords = append(xx.reshape(-1,1),yy.reshape(-1,axis=1)#NON-FFT IMPLEMTATION FROM SCIPYstime = clock()KDEfn = gaussian_kde(samples.T,bw_method=h)KDE2 = KDEfn(grID_coords.T).reshape((N,N))etime = clock()print "SciPy time:",etime - stime#PLOT FFT IMPLEMENTATION RESulTSfig = figure()ax = fig.add_subplot(111,aspect='equal')c = contour(xy,xy,KDE1.real)clabel(c)Title("FFT Implementation Results")#PRINT SCIPY IMPLEMENTATION RESulTSfig = figure()ax = fig.add_subplot(111,KDE2)clabel(c)Title("SciPy Implementation Results")
上面有两组样本. 1000个随机点用于基准测试并被注释掉;这三点是用于调试的.
默认情况下,如果您对细节感到好奇,gaussian_kde会使用Scott’s rule. Dig into the code选择带宽.下面的代码片段是从我写的quite awhile ago to do something similar到你正在做的事情. (如果我没记错的话,那个特定版本有一个明显的错误,它确实不应该使用scipy.signal进行卷积,但带宽估计和规范化是正确的.)
# Calculate the covariance matrix (in pixel coords)cov = np.cov(xyi)# Scaling factor for banDWIDthscotts_factor = np.power(n,-1.0 / 6) # For 2D#---- Make the gaussian kernel -------------------------------------------# First,determine how big the grIDded kernel needs to be (2 stdev radius) # (do we need to convolve with a 5x5 array or a 100x100 array?)std_devs = np.diag(np.sqrt(cov))kern_nx,kern_ny = np.round(scotts_factor * 2 * np.pi * std_devs)# Determine the banDWIDth to use for the gaussian kernelinv_cov = np.linalg.inv(cov * scotts_factor**2)
# normalization factor to divIDe result by so that units are in the same# units as scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde's output. (Sums to 1 over infinity)norm_factor = 2 * np.pi * cov * scotts_factor**2norm_factor = np.linalg.det(norm_factor)norm_factor = n * dx * dy * np.sqrt(norm_factor)# normalize the resultgrID /= norm_factor
Can I avoID the .T for the histogram and the fftshift for KDE1? I’m
not sure why they’re needed,but the gaussians show up in the wrong
places without them.
我可能会误读你的代码,但我认为你只是有转置因为你从点坐标到索引坐标(即从< x,y>到< y,x>).
Along the same lines,why are the gaussians in the SciPy
implementation not radially symmetric even though I gave gaussian_kde
a scalar banDWIDth?
这是因为scipy使用输入x,y点的完全协方差矩阵来确定高斯核.您的公式假定x和y不相关. gaussian_kde测试并使用结果中x和y之间的相关性.
How Could I implement the other banDWIDth methods available in SciPy
for the FFT code?
我会留下那个让你弄明白的. :)但这并不难.基本上,你不是改变scotts_factor,而是改变公式,并有一些其他的标量因子.其他一切都是一样的. 总结