





#include "lidarFactor.hpp"
#include "aloam_velodyne/common.h"
#include "aloam_velodyne/tic_toc.h"

int frameCount = 0;

double timeLaserCloudCornerLast = 0;
double timeLaserCloudSurfLast = 0;
double timeLaserCloudFullRes = 0;
double timeLaserOdometry = 0;

// 维护这些CUBE来获得局部地图的
int laserCloudCenWidth = 10;
int laserCloudCenHeight = 10;
int laserCloudCenDepth = 5;
const int laserCloudWidth = 21;
const int laserCloudHeight = 21;
const int laserCloudDepth = 11;

const int laserCloudNum = laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * laserCloudDepth; //4851

// 记录submap中的有效cube的index,注意submap中cube的最大数量为 5 * 5 * 5 = 125
int laserCloudValidInd[125];
int laserCloudSurroundInd[125];

pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCornerLast(new pcl::PointCloud());
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudSurfLast(new pcl::PointCloud());

pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudSurround(new pcl::PointCloud());

pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCornerFromMap(new pcl::PointCloud());
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudSurfFromMap(new pcl::PointCloud());

//input & output: points in one frame. local --> global

本地-->全局 pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudFullRes(new pcl::PointCloud()); //每个cube中的点 pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCornerArray[laserCloudNum]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudSurfArray[laserCloudNum]; //kd-tree pcl::KdTreeFLANN::Ptr kdtreeCornerFromMap(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN()); pcl::KdTreeFLANN::Ptr kdtreeSurfFromMap(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN()); //优化的变量,是当前帧在世界坐标系下的pose // 点云特征匹配时的优化变量 double parameters[7] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}; // Mapping线程估计的frame在world坐标系的位姿 P,因为Mapping的算法耗时很有可能会超过100ms, //所以这个位姿P不是实时的,LOAM最终输出的实时位姿P_realtime,需要Mapping线程计算的相对低频位姿和Odometry线程计算的相对高频位姿做整合, //详见后面 laserOdometryHandler 函数分析。


Eigen::Map q_w_curr(parameters);// map计算后的在world下的pose Eigen::Map t_w_curr(parameters + 4); //mapping线程到Odometry线程的pose变换,Odometry线程计算得到的当前帧在world坐标系下的pose // 下面的两个变量是world坐标系下的Odometry计算的位姿和Mapping计算的位姿之间的增量(也即变换,transformation) // wmap_T_odom * odom_T_curr = wmap_T_curr(即前面的q/t_w_curr); Eigen::Quaterniond q_wmap_wodom(1, 0, 0, 0); Eigen::Vector3d t_wmap_wodom(0, 0, 0); // Odometry线程计算的frame在world坐标系的位姿 Eigen::Quaterniond q_wodom_curr(1, 0, 0, 0); Eigen::Vector3d t_wodom_curr(0, 0, 0); //接收缓存区 std::queue cornerLastBuf; std::queue surfLastBuf; std::queue fullResBuf; std::queue odometryBuf; std::mutex mBuf; //降采样角点和面点 pcl::VoxelGrid downSizeFilterCorner; pcl::VoxelGrid downSizeFilterSurf; //KD-tree使用的找到点的序号和距离 std::vector pointSearchInd; std::vector pointSearchSqDis; //原点和KD-tree搜索的最邻近点 PointType pointOri, pointSel; ros::Publisher pubLaserCloudSurround, pubLaserCloudMap, pubLaserCloudFullRes, pubOdomAftMapped, pubOdomAftMappedHighFrec, pubLaserAfterMappedPath; nav_msgs::Path laserAfterMappedPath; //上一帧的Transform(增量)wmap_wodom * 本帧Odometry位姿wodom_curr,旨在为本帧Mapping位姿w_curr设置一个初始值 //里程计位姿转化为地图位姿,作为后端初始估计 void transformAssociateToMap() { q_w_curr = q_wmap_wodom * q_wodom_curr; t_w_curr = q_wmap_wodom * t_wodom_curr + t_wmap_wodom; } //利用mapping计算得到的pose,计算mapping线程和Odometry线程之间的pose变换 // wmap_T_odom * odom_T_curr = wmap_T_curr // 用在最后,当Mapping的位姿w_curr计算完毕后,更新增量wmap_wodom,旨在为下一次执行transformAssociateToMap函数时做准备 // 更新odom到map之间的位姿变换 void transformUpdate() { q_wmap_wodom = q_w_curr * q_wodom_curr.inverse(); t_wmap_wodom = t_w_curr - q_wmap_wodom * t_wodom_curr; } //雷达坐标系点转化为地图点 // 用Mapping的位姿w_curr,将Lidar坐标系下的点变换到world坐标系下.q_w_curr为优化量,代表lidar在世界坐标系中的p void pointAssociateToMap(PointType const *const pi, PointType *const po) { Eigen::Vector3d point_curr(pi->x, pi->y, pi->z); Eigen::Vector3d point_w = q_w_curr * point_curr + t_w_curr; po->x = point_w.x(); po->y = point_w.y(); po->z = point_w.z(); po->intensity = pi->intensity; //po->intensity = 1.0; } //地图点转化到雷达坐标系点 //将map中world坐标系下的点变换到Lidar坐标系下,这个没有用到 void pointAssociateTobeMapped(PointType const *const pi, PointType *const po) { Eigen::Vector3d point_w(pi->x, pi->y, pi->z); Eigen::Vector3d point_curr = q_w_curr.inverse() * (point_w - t_w_curr); po->x = point_curr.x(); po->y = point_curr.y(); po->z = point_curr.z(); po->intensity = pi->intensity; } // 回调函数中将消息都是送入各自队列,进行线程加锁和解锁 void laserCloudCornerLastHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &laserCloudCornerLast2) { mBuf.lock(); cornerLastBuf.push(laserCloudCornerLast2); mBuf.unlock(); } void laserCloudSurfLastHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &laserCloudSurfLast2) { mBuf.lock(); surfLastBuf.push(laserCloudSurfLast2); mBuf.unlock(); } void laserCloudFullResHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &laserCloudFullRes2) { mBuf.lock(); fullResBuf.push(laserCloudFullRes2); mBuf.unlock(); } //Odometry的回调函数 //接受前端发送过来的里程计话题,并将位姿转换到世界坐标系下后发布 void laserOdometryHandler(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &laserOdometry) { mBuf.lock(); odometryBuf.push(laserOdometry); mBuf.unlock(); // 获取里程计位姿 Eigen::Quaterniond q_wodom_curr; Eigen::Vector3d t_wodom_curr; q_wodom_curr.x() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.orientation.x; q_wodom_curr.y() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.orientation.y; q_wodom_curr.z() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.orientation.z; q_wodom_curr.w() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.orientation.w; t_wodom_curr.x() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.position.x; t_wodom_curr.y() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.position.y; t_wodom_curr.z() = laserOdometry->pose.pose.position.z; // Odometry的位姿,旨在用Mapping位姿的初始值(也可以理解为预测值)来实时输出,进而实现LOAM整体的实时性 // 里程计坐标系位姿转化为地图坐标系位姿 Eigen::Quaterniond q_w_curr = q_wmap_wodom * q_wodom_curr; Eigen::Vector3d t_w_curr = q_wmap_wodom * t_wodom_curr + t_wmap_wodom; // 发布出去 nav_msgs::Odometry odomAftMapped; odomAftMapped.header.frame_id = "/camera_init"; odomAftMapped.child_frame_id = "/aft_mapped"; odomAftMapped.header.stamp = laserOdometry->header.stamp; odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.x = q_w_curr.x(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.y = q_w_curr.y(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.z = q_w_curr.z(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.w = q_w_curr.w(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.x = t_w_curr.x(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.y = t_w_curr.y(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.z = t_w_curr.z(); pubOdomAftMappedHighFrec.publish(odomAftMapped); } //进行Mapping,即帧与submap的匹配,对Odometry计算的位姿进行finetune void process() { while(1) { // 四个队列分别存放边线点、平面点、全部点、和里程计位姿,要确保需要的buffer里都有值 // laserOdometry模块对本节点的执行频率进行了控制,laserOdometry模块publish的位姿是10Hz,点云的publish频率没这么高,限制是2hz while (!cornerLastBuf.empty() && !surfLastBuf.empty() && !fullResBuf.empty() && !odometryBuf.empty()) { mBuf.lock();//线程加锁,避免线程冲突 // 以cornerLastBuf为基准,把时间戳小于其的全部pop出去,保证其他容器的最新消息与cornerLastBuf.front()最新消息时间戳同步 //如果里程计信息不为空,里程计时间戳小于角特征时间戳则取出里程计数据 while (!odometryBuf.empty() && odometryBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec() < cornerLastBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec()) odometryBuf.pop(); //如果里程计信息为空跳出本次循环 if (odometryBuf.empty()) { mBuf.unlock(); break; } //如果面特征信息不为空,面特征时间戳小于角特征时间戳则取出面特征数据 while (!surfLastBuf.empty() && surfLastBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec() < cornerLastBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec()) surfLastBuf.pop(); if (surfLastBuf.empty())//如果面特征信息为空跳出本次循环 { mBuf.unlock(); break; } //如果全部点信息不为空,全部点云时间戳小于角特征时间戳则取出全部点云信息 while (!fullResBuf.empty() && fullResBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec() < cornerLastBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec()) fullResBuf.pop(); if (fullResBuf.empty())//全部点云信息为空则跳出 { mBuf.unlock(); break; } //记录时间戳 timeLaserCloudCornerLast = cornerLastBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec(); timeLaserCloudSurfLast = surfLastBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec(); timeLaserCloudFullRes = fullResBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec(); timeLaserOdometry = odometryBuf.front()->header.stamp.toSec(); //再次判定时间戳是否一致 if (timeLaserCloudCornerLast != timeLaserOdometry || timeLaserCloudSurfLast != timeLaserOdometry || timeLaserCloudFullRes != timeLaserOdometry) { printf("time corner %f surf %f full %f odom %f \n", timeLaserCloudCornerLast, timeLaserCloudSurfLast, timeLaserCloudFullRes, timeLaserOdometry); printf("unsync messeage!"); mBuf.unlock(); break; } //清空上次角特征点云,并接收新的 // 点云全部转成pcl的数据格式 laserCloudCornerLast->clear(); pcl::fromROSMsg(*cornerLastBuf.front(), *laserCloudCornerLast); cornerLastBuf.pop(); //清空上次面特征点云,并接收新的 // 点云全部转成pcl的数据格式 laserCloudSurfLast->clear(); pcl::fromROSMsg(*surfLastBuf.front(), *laserCloudSurfLast); surfLastBuf.pop(); //清空上次全部点云,并接收新的 // 点云全部转成pcl的数据格式 laserCloudFullRes->clear(); pcl::fromROSMsg(*fullResBuf.front(), *laserCloudFullRes); fullResBuf.pop(); //接收里程计坐标系下的四元数与位移 // lidar odom的结果转成eigen数据格式 q_wodom_curr.x() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.orientation.x; q_wodom_curr.y() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.orientation.y; q_wodom_curr.z() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.orientation.z; q_wodom_curr.w() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.orientation.w; t_wodom_curr.x() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.position.x; t_wodom_curr.y() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.position.y; t_wodom_curr.z() = odometryBuf.front()->pose.pose.position.z; odometryBuf.pop(); // 考虑到实时性,Mapping线程耗时>100ms导致的队列里缓存的其他边线点都pop出去,不然可能出现处理延时的情况 //角特征不为空,堆入角特征,输出目前运行实时 while(!cornerLastBuf.empty()) { cornerLastBuf.pop();//.pop:删除堆栈中的最新元素 printf("drop lidar frame in mapping for real time performance \n"); } mBuf.unlock(); TicToc t_whole;//计算这个线程的全部时间 //根据odo_to_map和point_to_odo求point_to_map // 上一帧的增量wmap_wodom * 本帧Odometry位姿wodom_curr,旨在为本帧Mapping位姿w_curr设置一个初始 transformAssociateToMap();// 第一次运行时,wmap_wodom=E TicToc t_shift; //计算位姿转换的时间 // 下面这是计算当前帧位置t_w_curr(在上图中用红色五角星表示的位置)IJK坐标(见上图中的坐标轴), // 参照LOAM_NOTED的注释,下面有关25呀,50啥的运算,等效于以50m为单位进行缩放,因为LOAM用1维数组进行cube的管理, //而数组的index只用是正数,所以要保证IJK坐标都是正数,所以加了laserCloudCenWidth/Heigh/Depth的偏移, //来使得当前位置尽量位于submap的中心处,也就是使得上图中的五角星位置尽量处于所有格子的中心附近, // 偏移laserCloudCenWidth/Heigh/Depth会动态调整,来保证当前位置尽量位于submap的中心处。

//由于数组下标只能为正 //将当前激光雷达(视角)的位置作为中心点,添加一个laserCloudCenWidth的偏移使center为正 int centerCubeI = int((t_w_curr.x() + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth; int centerCubeJ = int((t_w_curr.y() + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight; int centerCubeK = int((t_w_curr.z() + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth; // 由于计算机求余是向零取整,为了不使(-50.0,50.0)求余后都向零偏移,当被求余数为负数时求余结果统一向左偏移一个单位,也即减一 // 如果小于25就向下去整,相当于四舍五入的一个过程 //由于int始终向0取整,所以t_w小于-25时,要修正其取整方向,使得所有取整方向一致 if (t_w_curr.x() + 25.0 < 0) centerCubeI--; if (t_w_curr.y() + 25.0 < 0) centerCubeJ--; if (t_w_curr.z() + 25.0 < 0) centerCubeK--; // 以下注释部分参照LOAM_NOTED,结合submap的示意图说明下面的6个while loop的作用: //要注意世界坐标系下的点云地图是固定的,但是IJK坐标系我们是可以移动的, //所以这6个while loop的作用就是调整IJK坐标系(也就是调整所有cube位置), //使得五角星在IJK坐标系的坐标范围处于3 <= centerCubeI < 18, 3 < centerCubeJ < 8, 3 < centerCubeK < 18, //目的是为了防止后续向四周拓展cube(图中的黄色cube就是拓展的cube)时,index(即IJK坐标)成为负数。

// 如果当前珊格索引小于3,就说明当前点快接近地图边界了,需要进行调整,相当于地图整体往x正方向移动 while (centerCubeI < 3) { for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) { int i = laserCloudWidth - 1;//指针赋值,保存最后一个指针位置 // 从x最大值开始 pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; //循环移位,I维度上依次后移 for (; i >= 1; i--) { laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCornerArray[i - 1 + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudSurfArray[i - 1 + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; } //将开始点赋值为最后一个点 laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeCornerPointer; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeSurfPointer; // 该点云清零,由于是指针 *** 作,相当于最左边的格子清空了 laserCloudCubeCornerPointer->clear(); laserCloudCubeSurfPointer->clear(); } } // 索引右移 centerCubeI++; laserCloudCenWidth++; } // 同理x如果抵达右边界,就整体左移 while (centerCubeI >= laserCloudWidth - 3) { for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) { int i = 0; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; for (; i < laserCloudWidth - 1; i++) { laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCornerArray[i + 1 + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudSurfArray[i + 1 + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; } laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeCornerPointer; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeSurfPointer; laserCloudCubeCornerPointer->clear(); laserCloudCubeSurfPointer->clear(); } } centerCubeI--; laserCloudCenWidth--; } // y和z的 *** 作同理 while (centerCubeJ < 3) { for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) { int j = laserCloudHeight - 1; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; for (; j >= 1; j--) { laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * (j - 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * (j - 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; } laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeCornerPointer; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeSurfPointer; laserCloudCubeCornerPointer->clear(); laserCloudCubeSurfPointer->clear(); } } centerCubeJ++; laserCloudCenHeight++; } while (centerCubeJ >= laserCloudHeight - 3) { for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < laserCloudDepth; k++) { int j = 0; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; for (; j < laserCloudHeight - 1; j++) { laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * (j + 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * (j + 1) + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; } laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeCornerPointer; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeSurfPointer; laserCloudCubeCornerPointer->clear(); laserCloudCubeSurfPointer->clear(); } } centerCubeJ--; laserCloudCenHeight--; } while (centerCubeK < 3) { for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) { int k = laserCloudDepth - 1; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; for (; k >= 1; k--) { laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * (k - 1)]; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * (k - 1)]; } laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeCornerPointer; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeSurfPointer; laserCloudCubeCornerPointer->clear(); laserCloudCubeSurfPointer->clear(); } } centerCubeK++; laserCloudCenDepth++; } while (centerCubeK >= laserCloudDepth - 3) { for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < laserCloudHeight; j++) { int k = 0; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeCornerPointer = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCubeSurfPointer = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k]; for (; k < laserCloudDepth - 1; k++) { laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * (k + 1)]; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * (k + 1)]; } laserCloudCornerArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeCornerPointer; laserCloudSurfArray[i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k] = laserCloudCubeSurfPointer; laserCloudCubeCornerPointer->clear(); laserCloudCubeSurfPointer->clear(); } } centerCubeK--; laserCloudCenDepth--; } // 以上 *** 作相当于维护了一个局部地图,保证当前帧不在这个局部地图的边缘,这样才可以从地图中获取足够的约束 int laserCloudValidNum = 0; int laserCloudSurroundNum = 0; // 从当前格子为中心,选出地图中一定范围的点云 // 即向IJ坐标轴的正负方向各拓展2个栅格,K坐标轴的正负方向各拓展1个栅格 // 在每一维附近5个栅格(前2个,后2个,中间1个)里进行查找(前后250米范围内,总共500米范围),三个维度总共125个栅格 // 在这125个栅格里面进一步筛选在视域范围内的栅格 for (int i = centerCubeI - 2; i <= centerCubeI + 2; i++) { for (int j = centerCubeJ - 2; j <= centerCubeJ + 2; j++) { for (int k = centerCubeK - 1; k <= centerCubeK + 1; k++) { // 如果坐标合理 if (i >= 0 && i < laserCloudWidth && j >= 0 && j < laserCloudHeight && k >= 0 && k < laserCloudDepth) { //记住视域范围内的cube索引,匹配用 laserCloudValidInd[laserCloudValidNum] = i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k; laserCloudValidNum++; //记住附近所有cube的索引,显示用 laserCloudSurroundInd[laserCloudSurroundNum] = i + laserCloudWidth * j + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * k; laserCloudSurroundNum++; } } } } laserCloudCornerFromMap->clear(); laserCloudSurfFromMap->clear(); //将有效栅格的点云叠加到一起组成submap子地图的特征点云,构建用来这一帧优化的局部地图 for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudValidNum; i++) { *laserCloudCornerFromMap += *laserCloudCornerArray[laserCloudValidInd[i]]; *laserCloudSurfFromMap += *laserCloudSurfArray[laserCloudValidInd[i]]; } int laserCloudCornerFromMapNum = laserCloudCornerFromMap->points.size(); int laserCloudSurfFromMapNum = laserCloudSurfFromMap->points.size(); // -------------------至此,得到当前帧的局部地图的特征点云------------------- // 为了减少运算量,对点云进行降采样(此次的下采样是对当前帧的下采样,并非地图的下采样) pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudCornerStack(new pcl::PointCloud()); downSizeFilterCorner.setInputCloud(laserCloudCornerLast); downSizeFilterCorner.filter(*laserCloudCornerStack); int laserCloudCornerStackNum = laserCloudCornerStack->points.size(); pcl::PointCloud::Ptr laserCloudSurfStack(new pcl::PointCloud()); downSizeFilterSurf.setInputCloud(laserCloudSurfLast); downSizeFilterSurf.filter(*laserCloudSurfStack); int laserCloudSurfStackNum = laserCloudSurfStack->points.size(); printf("map prepare time %f ms\n", t_shift.toc());//打印位姿转换的时间 printf("map corner num %d surf num %d \n", laserCloudCornerFromMapNum, laserCloudSurfFromMapNum); //下面是后端Scan to Map的匹配优化。

Submap子地图的网格与全部地图的网格进行匹配时 //这里的匹配方法如下 //1. 取当前帧的特征点(边线点/平面点) //2. 找到全部地图特征点中,当前特征点的5个最近邻点。

//3. 如果是边线点,则以这五个点的均值点为中心,以5个点的主方向向量(类似于PCA方法)为方向, //作一条直线,令该边线点与直线距离最短,构建非线性优化问题。

//4. 如果是平面点,则寻找五个点的法方向(反向的PCA方法), //令这个平面点在法方向上与五个近邻点的距离最小,构建非线性优化问题。

//5. 优化变量是雷达位姿,求解能够让以上非线性问题代价函数最小的雷达位姿 // 最终的地图有效点云数目进行判断 if (laserCloudCornerFromMapNum > 10 && laserCloudSurfFromMapNum > 50) { TicToc t_opt;//计算优化时间 TicToc t_tree;//计算KD-tree搜索时间 // 送入kdtree便于最近邻搜索 kdtreeCornerFromMap->setInputCloud(laserCloudCornerFromMap); kdtreeSurfFromMap->setInputCloud(laserCloudSurfFromMap); printf("build tree time %f ms \n", t_tree.toc()); //优化两次,第二次在第一次得到的pose上进行 for (int iterCount = 0; iterCount < 2; iterCount++) { // 建立ceres问题 ceres::LossFunction *loss_function = new ceres::HuberLoss(0.1); ceres::LocalParameterization *q_parameterization = new ceres::EigenQuaternionParameterization(); ceres::Problem::Options problem_options; ceres::Problem problem(problem_options); problem.AddParameterBlock(parameters, 4, q_parameterization); problem.AddParameterBlock(parameters + 4, 3); TicToc t_data;//计算建图数据点关联的时间 int corner_num = 0; // 构建边线点(角点)相关的约束 for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudCornerStackNum; i++) { pointOri = laserCloudCornerStack->points[i]; //double sqrtDis = pointOri.x * pointOri.x + pointOri.y * pointOri.y + pointOri.z * pointOri.z; // 需要注意的是submap中的点云都是world坐标系,而当前帧的点云都是Lidar坐标系,所以 // 在搜寻最近邻点时,先用预测的Mapping位姿w_curr,将Lidar坐标系下的特征点变换到world坐标系下 // 把当前点根据初值投到地图坐标系下去 pointAssociateToMap(&pointOri, &pointSel); // 地图中寻找和该点最近的5个点 // 在submap的corner特征点(target)中,寻找距离当前帧corner特征点(source)最近的5个点 kdtreeCornerFromMap->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 5, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis); // 判断最远的点距离不能超过1m,否则就是无效约束 if (pointSearchSqDis[4] < 1.0) { // 计算这个5个最近邻点的中心 std::vector nearCorners; Eigen::Vector3d center(0, 0, 0); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Eigen::Vector3d tmp(laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x, laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y, laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z); center = center + tmp; nearCorners.push_back(tmp); } // 计算这五个点的均值 center = center / 5.0; // 计算这个5个最近邻点的协方差矩阵 Eigen::Matrix3d covMat = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Eigen::Matrix tmpZeroMean = nearCorners[j] - center; covMat = covMat + tmpZeroMean * tmpZeroMean.transpose(); } // 进行特征值分解 //计算协方差矩阵的特征值和特征向量,用于判断这5个点是不是呈线状分布,此为PCA的原理 Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver saes(covMat); // if is indeed line feature // note Eigen library sort eigenvalues in increasing order // PCA的原理:计算协方差矩阵的特征值和特征向量,用于判断这5个点是不是呈线状分布 // 根据特征值分解情况看看是不是真正的线特征 // 特征向量就是线特征的方向 Eigen::Vector3d unit_direction = saes.eigenvectors().col(2); // 如果5个点呈线状分布,最大的特征值对应的特征向量就是该线的方向向量 Eigen::Vector3d curr_point(pointOri.x, pointOri.y, pointOri.z); //如果最大的特征值 >> 其他特征值,则5个点确实呈线状分布,否则认为直线“不够直” // 最大特征值大于次大特征值的3倍认为是线特征 if (saes.eigenvalues()[2] > 3 * saes.eigenvalues()[1]) { Eigen::Vector3d point_on_line = center; Eigen::Vector3d point_a, point_b; // 根据拟合出来的线特征方向,以平均点为中心构建两个虚拟点,代替一条直线 // 从中心点沿着方向向量向两端移动0.1m,使用两个点代替一条直线, //这样计算点到直线的距离的形式就跟laserOdometry中保持一致 point_a = 0.1 * unit_direction + point_on_line; point_b = -0.1 * unit_direction + point_on_line; // 这里点到线的ICP过程就比Odometry中的要鲁棒和准确一些了(当然也就更耗时一些) // 因为不是简单粗暴地搜最近的两个corner点作为target的线, //而是PCA计算出最近邻的5个点的主方向作为线的方向,而且还会check直线是不是“足够直” // 构建约束,和lidar odom约束一致 ceres::CostFunction *cost_function = LidarEdgeFactor::Create(curr_point, point_a, point_b, 1.0); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, loss_function, parameters, parameters + 4); corner_num++; } } /* else if(pointSearchSqDis[4] < 0.01 * sqrtDis) { Eigen::Vector3d center(0, 0, 0); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Eigen::Vector3d tmp(laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x, laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y, laserCloudCornerFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z); center = center + tmp; } center = center / 5.0; Eigen::Vector3d curr_point(pointOri.x, pointOri.y, pointOri.z); ceres::CostFunction *cost_function = LidarDistanceFactor::Create(curr_point, center); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, loss_function, parameters, parameters + 4); } */ } //根据法线判断是否为面特征 int surf_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfStackNum; i++) { pointOri = laserCloudSurfStack->points[i]; //double sqrtDis = pointOri.x * pointOri.x + pointOri.y * pointOri.y + pointOri.z * pointOri.z; pointAssociateToMap(&pointOri, &pointSel); kdtreeSurfFromMap->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 5, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis); // 求面的法向量就不是用的PCA了(虽然论文中说还是PCA),使用的是最小二乘拟合 // 假设平面不通过原点,则平面的一般方程为Ax + By + Cz + 1 = 0,用这个假设可以少算一个参数,提效 Eigen::Matrix matA0; Eigen::Matrix matB0 = -1 * Eigen::Matrix::Ones(); // 构建平面方程Ax + By +Cz + 1 = 0 // 通过构建一个超定方程来求解这个平面方程 if (pointSearchSqDis[4] < 1.0) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { matA0(j, 0) = laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x; matA0(j, 1) = laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y; matA0(j, 2) = laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z; } // 调用eigen接口求解该方程,解就是这个平面的法向量 Eigen::Vector3d norm = matA0.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(matB0); double negative_OA_dot_norm = 1 / norm.norm();// 法向量长度的倒数 norm.normalize();// 法向量归一化 // Here n(pa, pb, pc) is unit norm of plane bool planeValid = true; // 根据求出来的平面方程进行校验,看看是不是符合平面约束 for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { // if OX * n > 0.2, then plane is not fit well // 这里是求解点到平面的距离 // 点(x0, y0, z0)到平面Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 的距离公式 = fabs(Ax0 + By0 + Cz0 + D) / sqrt(A^2 + B^2 + C^2) if (fabs(norm(0) * laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x + norm(1) * laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y + norm(2) * laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z + negative_OA_dot_norm) > 0.2) { planeValid = false;// 点如果距离平面太远,就认为这是一个拟合的不好的平面 break; } } Eigen::Vector3d curr_point(pointOri.x, pointOri.y, pointOri.z); // 如果平面有效就构建平面约束 if (planeValid) { // 利用平面方程构建约束,和前端构建形式稍有不同 ceres::CostFunction *cost_function = LidarPlaneNormFactor::Create(curr_point, norm, negative_OA_dot_norm); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, loss_function, parameters, parameters + 4); surf_num++; } } /* else if(pointSearchSqDis[4] < 0.01 * sqrtDis) { Eigen::Vector3d center(0, 0, 0); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Eigen::Vector3d tmp(laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].x, laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].y, laserCloudSurfFromMap->points[pointSearchInd[j]].z); center = center + tmp; } center = center / 5.0; Eigen::Vector3d curr_point(pointOri.x, pointOri.y, pointOri.z); ceres::CostFunction *cost_function = LidarDistanceFactor::Create(curr_point, center); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, loss_function, parameters, parameters + 4); } */ } //printf("corner num %d used corner num %d \n", laserCloudCornerStackNum, corner_num); //printf("surf num %d used surf num %d \n", laserCloudSurfStackNum, surf_num); printf("mapping data assosiation time %f ms \n", t_data.toc()); // 调用ceres求解 TicToc t_solver; ceres::Solver::Options options; options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_QR; options.max_num_iterations = 4; options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = false; options.check_gradients = false; options.gradient_check_relative_precision = 1e-4; ceres::Solver::Summary summary; ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary); printf("mapping solver time %f ms \n", t_solver.toc()); //printf("time %f \n", timeLaserOdometry); //printf("corner factor num %d surf factor num %d\n", corner_num, surf_num); //printf("result q %f %f %f %f result t %f %f %f\n", parameters[3], parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], // parameters[4], parameters[5], parameters[6]); } printf("mapping optimization time %f \n", t_opt.toc());//打印建图数据关联时间 } else { ROS_WARN("time Map corner and surf num are not enough"); } //更新mapping到Odometry线程的T // 完成ICP(迭代2次)的特征匹配后,用最后匹配计算出的优化变量 w_curr,更新增量wmap_wodom,为下一次 // Mapping做准备 //迭代结束更新相关的转移矩阵 transformUpdate();// 获取map到odom的变换Transform //下面是一些后处理的工作,即将当前帧的特征点加入到全部地图栅格中,对全部地图栅格中的点进行降采样, //刷新附近点云地图,刷新全部点云地图,发布当前帧的精确位姿和平移估计 TicToc t_add;//计算增加特征点的时间 // 下面两个for loop的作用就是将当前帧的特征点云,逐点进行 *** 作:转换到world坐标系并添加到对应位置的cube中 // 将优化后的当前帧边线点(角点)加到对应的边线点局部地图中去 // 将当前帧的(次极大边线点云,经过降采样后的)存入对应的边线点云的cube for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudCornerStackNum; i++) { pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudCornerStack->points[i], &pointSel);//转移到世界坐标系 //按50的比例尺缩小,四舍五入,偏移laserCloudCen*的量,计算索引 int cubeI = int((pointSel.x + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth; int cubeJ = int((pointSel.y + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight; int cubeK = int((pointSel.z + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth; // 同样四舍五入一下 if (pointSel.x + 25.0 < 0) cubeI--; if (pointSel.y + 25.0 < 0) cubeJ--; if (pointSel.z + 25.0 < 0) cubeK--; //只挑选-laserCloudCenWidth * 50.0 < point.x < laserCloudCenWidth * 50.0范围内的点,y和z同理 // 如果超过边界的话就算了 //按照尺度放进不同的组,每个组的点数量各异 if (cubeI >= 0 && cubeI < laserCloudWidth && cubeJ >= 0 && cubeJ < laserCloudHeight && cubeK >= 0 && cubeK < laserCloudDepth) { // 根据xyz的索引计算在一位数组中的索引 int cubeInd = cubeI + laserCloudWidth * cubeJ + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * cubeK; laserCloudCornerArray[cubeInd]->push_back(pointSel); } } // 将当前帧的(次极小平面点云,经过降采样后的)存入对应的平面点云的cube for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurfStackNum; i++) { pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudSurfStack->points[i], &pointSel); int cubeI = int((pointSel.x + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenWidth; int cubeJ = int((pointSel.y + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenHeight; int cubeK = int((pointSel.z + 25.0) / 50.0) + laserCloudCenDepth; if (pointSel.x + 25.0 < 0) cubeI--; if (pointSel.y + 25.0 < 0) cubeJ--; if (pointSel.z + 25.0 < 0) cubeK--; if (cubeI >= 0 && cubeI < laserCloudWidth && cubeJ >= 0 && cubeJ < laserCloudHeight && cubeK >= 0 && cubeK < laserCloudDepth) { int cubeInd = cubeI + laserCloudWidth * cubeJ + laserCloudWidth * laserCloudHeight * cubeK; laserCloudSurfArray[cubeInd]->push_back(pointSel); } } printf("add points time %f ms\n", t_add.toc());//打印增加特征点的时间 TicToc t_filter;//计算降采样的时间 // 把当前帧涉及到的局部地图的珊格做一个下采样 // 因为新增加了点云,对之前已经存有点云的submap cube全部重新进行一次降采样 // 这个地方可以简单优化一下:如果之前的cube没有新添加点就不需要再降采样 // 这可以通过记录上一个循环中存入对应cubeInd的idx来实现 for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudValidNum; i++) { int ind = laserCloudValidInd[i];// submap中每一个cube的索引 // 判断当前的submap的cube id 是否在当前帧的索引的vector中 pcl::PointCloud::Ptr tmpCorner(new pcl::PointCloud()); downSizeFilterCorner.setInputCloud(laserCloudCornerArray[ind]); downSizeFilterCorner.filter(*tmpCorner); laserCloudCornerArray[ind] = tmpCorner; pcl::PointCloud::Ptr tmpSurf(new pcl::PointCloud()); downSizeFilterSurf.setInputCloud(laserCloudSurfArray[ind]); downSizeFilterSurf.filter(*tmpSurf); laserCloudSurfArray[ind] = tmpSurf; } printf("filter time %f ms \n", t_filter.toc());//打印降采样的时间 TicToc t_pub;//计算发布地图话题数据的时间 //publish surround map for every 5 frame // 每隔5帧对外发布一下 if (frameCount % 5 == 0) { laserCloudSurround->clear(); // 把该当前帧相关的局部地图发布出去 for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudSurroundNum; i++) { int ind = laserCloudSurroundInd[i]; *laserCloudSurround += *laserCloudCornerArray[ind]; *laserCloudSurround += *laserCloudSurfArray[ind]; } sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudSurround3; pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudSurround, laserCloudSurround3); laserCloudSurround3.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry); laserCloudSurround3.header.frame_id = "/camera_init"; pubLaserCloudSurround.publish(laserCloudSurround3); } // 每隔20帧发布全量的局部地图 // 每20帧发布IJK局部地图 if (frameCount % 20 == 0) { pcl::PointCloud laserCloudMap; for (int i = 0; i < 4851; i++) { laserCloudMap += *laserCloudCornerArray[i]; laserCloudMap += *laserCloudSurfArray[i]; } sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudMsg; pcl::toROSMsg(laserCloudMap, laserCloudMsg); laserCloudMsg.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry); laserCloudMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera_init"; pubLaserCloudMap.publish(laserCloudMsg); } // 全部点云转化到world坐标系,并发布 int laserCloudFullResNum = laserCloudFullRes->points.size(); // 把当前帧发布出去 for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudFullResNum; i++) { pointAssociateToMap(&laserCloudFullRes->points[i], &laserCloudFullRes->points[i]); } sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudFullRes3; pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudFullRes, laserCloudFullRes3); laserCloudFullRes3.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry); laserCloudFullRes3.header.frame_id = "/camera_init"; pubLaserCloudFullRes.publish(laserCloudFullRes3); printf("mapping pub time %f ms \n", t_pub.toc());//打印发布地图话题数据的时间 printf("whole mapping time %f ms +++++\n", t_whole.toc()); // 发布当前位姿 nav_msgs::Odometry odomAftMapped; odomAftMapped.header.frame_id = "/camera_init"; odomAftMapped.child_frame_id = "/aft_mapped"; odomAftMapped.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromSec(timeLaserOdometry); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.x = q_w_curr.x(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.y = q_w_curr.y(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.z = q_w_curr.z(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.orientation.w = q_w_curr.w(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.x = t_w_curr.x(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.y = t_w_curr.y(); odomAftMapped.pose.pose.position.z = t_w_curr.z(); pubOdomAftMapped.publish(odomAftMapped); // 发布当前轨迹 geometry_msgs::PoseStamped laserAfterMappedPose; laserAfterMappedPose.header = odomAftMapped.header; laserAfterMappedPose.pose = odomAftMapped.pose.pose; laserAfterMappedPath.header.stamp = odomAftMapped.header.stamp; laserAfterMappedPath.header.frame_id = "/camera_init"; laserAfterMappedPath.poses.push_back(laserAfterMappedPose); pubLaserAfterMappedPath.publish(laserAfterMappedPath); // 发布tf static tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; tf::Quaternion q; transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(t_w_curr(0), t_w_curr(1), t_w_curr(2))); q.setW(q_w_curr.w()); q.setX(q_w_curr.x()); q.setY(q_w_curr.y()); q.setZ(q_w_curr.z()); transform.setRotation(q); br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, odomAftMapped.header.stamp, "/camera_init", "/aft_mapped")); frameCount++; } std::chrono::milliseconds dura(2);//延时2ms std::this_thread::sleep_for(dura); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "laserMapping");//ros初始化 ros::NodeHandle nh;//ros句柄 float lineRes = 0;// 次极大边线点云体素滤波分辨率 float planeRes = 0;// 次极小平面点云体素滤波分辨率 nh.param("mapping_line_resolution", lineRes, 0.4);//通过lineRes给mapping_line_resolution参数赋值 nh.param("mapping_plane_resolution", planeRes, 0.8); printf("line resolution %f plane resolution %f \n", lineRes, planeRes); downSizeFilterCorner.setLeafSize(lineRes, lineRes,lineRes); //进行体素滤波实现降采样 downSizeFilterSurf.setLeafSize(planeRes, planeRes, planeRes); // 从laserOdometry节点接收次极大边线点 ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudCornerLast = nh.subscribe("/laser_cloud_corner_last", 100, laserCloudCornerLastHandler); // 从laserOdometry节点接收次极小平面点 ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudSurfLast = nh.subscribe("/laser_cloud_surf_last", 100, laserCloudSurfLastHandler); // 从laserOdometry节点接收到的最新帧的位姿T_cur^w ros::Subscriber subLaserOdometry = nh.subscribe("/laser_odom_to_init", 100, laserOdometryHandler); // 从laserOdometry节点接收到的当前帧原始点云(只经过一次降采样) ros::Subscriber subLaserCloudFullRes = nh.subscribe("/velodyne_cloud_3", 100, laserCloudFullResHandler); //注册发布点云 // submap(子地图)所在cube(栅格)中的点云,发布周围5帧的点云(降采样以后的) pubLaserCloudSurround = nh.advertise("/laser_cloud_surround", 100); //map地图 pubLaserCloudMap = nh.advertise("/laser_cloud_map", 100); // 当前帧原始点云 pubLaserCloudFullRes = nh.advertise("/velodyne_cloud_registered", 100); //经过Map to Map精估计优化后的当前帧位姿 pubOdomAftMapped = nh.advertise("/aft_mapped_to_init", 100); // 将里程计坐标系位姿转化到世界坐标系位姿(地图坐标系),相当于位姿优化初值,即Odometry odom 到 map pubOdomAftMappedHighFrec = nh.advertise("/aft_mapped_to_init_high_frec", 100); // 经过Map to Map精估计优化后的当前帧平移 pubLaserAfterMappedPath = nh.advertise("/aft_mapped_path", 100); for (int i = 0; i < laserCloudNum; i++) { laserCloudCornerArray[i].reset(new pcl::PointCloud()); laserCloudSurfArray[i].reset(new pcl::PointCloud()); } std::thread mapping_process{process};//主执行程序 ros::spin();//不断执行回调函数 return 0; }






原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/674258.html

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