1: Alpha 混合的算法; 2: linewidth 线的宽度; 3: line Join 接头的方式: BEVEL,MITER,ROUND 4: line Cap 模式: BUIT,Round,SQUARE 5: Stoker color: 线的颜色 6: Fill color: 填充颜色 7: Miter limit: 10;
// 需要先给节点绑定cc.Graphics组件var graphics = this.getComponent(cc.Graphics);// 布径,movetographics.moveto(-50,50);graphics.lineto(-50,-50);graphics.lineto(50,50);graphics.close(); // 组成一个封闭的路径// end // 画线,填充;graphics.stroke();graphics.fill();// graphics.clear();@H_301_74@摄像机cc.Camera
1: 所有的物体都是由摄像机绘制出来的; 2:culling Mask: 这个摄像机拍摄的物体的类型; 3:depth:根据摄像机的depth来决定哪个摄像机先绘制,哪个后绘制; 值越小越先绘制 4: clearFlags: 摄像机清屏设置;
1: 当摄像机移动后,鼠标点击的位置,是摄像机下的坐标; 2: 摄像机坐标转世界坐标: camera.getCameraToWorldPoint(point,out); 3: 世界坐标转摄像机坐标: camera.getWorldToCameraPoint(point,out); 足球移动demo//follow_target.Js 摄像机跟随cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component,propertIEs: { // foo: { // // ATTRIBUTES: // default: null,// The default value will be used only when the component attaching // // to a node for the first time // type: cc.SpriteFrame,// optional,default is typeof default // serializable: true,default is true // }, // bar: { // get () { // return this._bar; // }, // set (value) { // this._bar = value; // } // }, target: { type: cc.Node,default: null,},// liFE-CYCLE CALLBACKS: // onLoad () {}, start() { },update(dt) { if (this.target === null) { return; } var w_pos = this.target.convertToWorldspaceAR(cc.v2(0,0)); // cc.v2 ---> cc.p var pos = this.node.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(w_pos); this.node.x = pos.x; this.node.y = pos.y; },});@H_301_74@// game_ctrl.Js 捕捉toucheventvar nav_agent = require("nav_agent");cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, camera: { type: cc.Camera,player: { type: nav_agent,map: { type: cc.Node, start() { this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.touch_START,function(e) { var camrea_pos = e.getLocation(); // 除非camrea (0,0) 否者你要转换一下啊; var w_pos = this.camera.getCameraToWorldPoint(camrea_pos); var pos = this.map.convertToNodeSpaceAR(w_pos); this.player.walk_to_map(pos); }.bind(this),this); },// update (dt) {},});@H_301_74@// nav_agent.Js角色位移代码cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, speed: 100, start() { this.is_waling = false; },walk_to_map(dst) { var src = this.node.getposition(); var dir = dst.sub(src); // cc.pSub dst.sub; cc.pSub(dst,src); var len = dir.mag(); // cc.pLength; if (len <= 0) { return; } this.walk_time = len / this.speed; this.Now_time = 0; this.vx = this.speed * (dir.x / len); this.vy = this.speed * (dir.y / len); this.is_waling = true; },update(dt) { if (this.is_waling === false) { return; } this.Now_time += dt; if (this.Now_time > this.walk_time) { dt -= (this.Now_time - this.walk_time); } var sx = this.vx * dt; var sy = this.vy * dt; this.node.x += sx; this.node.y += sy; if (this.Now_time >= this.walk_time) { this.is_waling = false; } },});@H_301_74@ 总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的cocos creator基础-(三十二)cc.Graphics组件和cc.Camera组件全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决cocos creator基础-(三十二)cc.Graphics组件和cc.Camera组件所遇到的程序开发问题。