


  • A*算法的基本原理
    • A*算法的应用场景
    • A*算法的思想
    • A*算法的定义
  • A*算法的路径规划步骤
    • A*算法路径搜索的图示演示
  • A*算法的代码举例
    • 1.定义一张定宽高的地图并设定起点和终点
    • 2.开始路径规划
  • 总结




A*算法是处理路径规划问题的一种算法,其他的还有Dijkstra算法、贪心算法、广度优先(Bread First Search,BFS)和深度优先算法(Depth First Search,DFS)。BFS的思想就是以起点A为圆心,先搜索A周围的所有点,形成一个类似圆的搜索区域,再扩大搜索半径,直到终点B进入搜索区域内被找到;DFS的思想就是从起点A出发找沿着AB这条线的方向,并且离A点最远的点。



  1. 在代遍历列表中(刚开始只有A点),我们在列表中查找一个估价(见估价公式)最小的点K
  2. 对点K进行一次广度优先搜索,也就是它移动到一次到的下一个坐标(上下左右、左上右上、左下右下)不包含已经遍历过的点和不能到达的点,将能查找的点添加到队列中,并将点K从队列中移除
  3. 重复1、2步骤直到到达B点,或者队列已经为空,表示没有路径可以到达点B

F = G + H
G = 从起点A移动到下一移动位置的代价,沿着到达该位置而生成的路径。约定直行移动一次的代价是10,对角线的移动代价为14。
H = 从指定的位置移动到终点B的估价。计算从当前位置横向或者纵向移动到达终点所经过的距离(距离的计算见下面)乘10,忽略对角移动。


open list : 记录下所有被考虑来寻找最短路径的格子
close list : 记录下不会再被考虑的格子
Point(属性) : 是否为障碍物,父节点


  1. 欧拉距离:
    (x1-x2)2+ (y1-y2)2
  2. 曼哈顿距离:
    |x1-x2|+ |y1-y2|

  1. 首先定义一张定宽高的地图(定义好Point点的地图,其中有Is_Wall属性,属性标记是否有障碍物)

  2. 设定好起始点和终点(起始点A,终点为B)

  3. 开始寻路
    ① 从起点A开始,把A作为一个等待检查的方格,放入到open list中(open list存放每一个等待检查的方格)
    ② 寻找起点A周围可以到达的方格(最多八个),将它们放入到open list,并设置它们的父节点为A
    ③ 从open list中删除起点A,并将A放入到close list中(close list存放的是不再需要检查的方格)
    ④ 计算open list中的方格的代价值(F)
    ⑤ 从open list中选择F最小的方格K,如果F一样,那么选择唯一一个G值最小的方格K,将其从open list中删除,放入close list中
    ⑥ 检查K所有邻近并且可达的方格
    a)障碍物和close list中的方格不考虑
    b)如果这些方格还不在open list里面,就将它们加入到open list,并且计算这些方格的F值,并设置父节点为K
    c)如果K相邻的方格C已经在open list中,计算新的路径从A到方格C(即经过K的路径),判断是否需要更新:G值是否更低一点
    ⑦ 继续从open list中找出F值最小的,从open list中删除,添加到close list,再继续找出周围可以到达的方块,如此循环。
    ⑧ 结束判断:当open list中出现终点B时,说明路径已经找到;当open list中没有了数据,则说明没有合适路径。




  1. 计算邻近点的代价,它们的父节点都是起点,找出最小估价,为右上角的方块。可以规定估价计算的顺序。

  2. 对上个步骤选出来的右上角的方块(紫色方块)的八个方向的坐标进行估值(已经估值的以及障碍不用计算),G值最小最后访问的点为父节点。

  3. 对上个步骤的紫色方块放入close list,即深绿色方块,重新寻找F值最小的方块。

  4. 重复上述步骤

  5. 循环结束
    循环结束的条件就是,终点在open list中,即找到了终点或者open list中没有了值,这就说明没有找到路径,由此终点依次查找它们的父节点直到起点,将坐标点逆序,就是最短安全路径。





含义障碍物可以通行open listclose list最后的路径


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

map_grid=[[1 for j in range(0,10)] for i in range(0,10)]  #定义列表
map_grid = np.array(map_grid)  #将列表转化为数组,因为只有数组才有维度的概念,方便切片
map_grid[4:8,4]=0   #障碍物
map_grid[4,2]=3     #起点
map_grid[6,8]=6     #终点
plt.imshow(map_grid,cmap=plt.cm.hot,interpolation='nearest',vmin=0,vmax=10)  #绘制热力图
plt.xlim(-1,10)     #x轴的范围
my_x_ticks = np.arange(0,11,1)   #x轴标号的范围
my_y_ticks = np.arange(0,11,1)
plt.grid(True)   #开启栅格  可以不开启
plt.show()  #可视化



def draw_effect(map_grid):
    plt.imshow(map_grid, cmap=plt.cm.hot, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=10)  # 绘制热力图
    plt.xlim(-1, 10)  # x轴的范围
    plt.ylim(-1, 10)
    my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 11, 1)  # x轴标号的范围
    my_y_ticks = np.arange(0, 11, 1)
    plt.grid(True)  # 开启栅格  可以不开启
    plt.show()  # 可视化


①从起点A开始,把A作为一个等待检查的方格,放入open list中(open list存放每一个等待检查的方格)

open_list = [4,2]
G = 0
H = (abs(xn - x0)+abs(yn - y0))*10
F = G+H
open_list = {"x":4,"y":2,"Fvalue":F,"Gvalue":G,"Hvalue":H,"f_x":None,"f_y":None}
open_list = pd.DataFrame(open_list,index=[0])


def find_way(open_list,close_list,x0,y0):
    m = close_list.iloc[close_list.index[(close_list['x'] == x0) & (close_list['y'] == y0)], 3].values.astype(int)
    if y0 + 1 < 10 and map_grid[x0, y0 + 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0, y0 + 1] !=4:
        x1 = x0
        y1 = y0 + 1
        G = 10 + m
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 + 1 < 10 and x0 + 1 < 10 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0 + 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0+1, y0 + 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0+1
        y1 = y0 + 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

        #pen_list.loc[len(open_list.index)] = [x1, y1, F, G, H, x0, y0]

    if x0 + 1 < 10 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0] != 0 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0] !=4:
        G = 10 + m
        x1 = x0+1
        y1 = y0
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if x0 + 1 < 10 and y0 -1 >=0 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0 - 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0 - 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0+1
        y1 = y0-1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 - 1 >= 0 and map_grid[x0, y0 - 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0, y0 - 1] !=4:
        G = 10 + m
        x1 = x0
        y1 = y0 - 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 - 1 >= 0 and x0 - 1 >= 0  and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 - 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 - 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0-1
        y1 = y0 - 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if x0 - 1 >= 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0] != 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0] !=4:
        G = 10 + m
        x1 = x0-1
        y1 = y0
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 + 1 < 10 and x0 - 1 >=0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 + 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 + 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0-1
        y1 = y0 + 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    return open_list


#③从open list中删除起点A,并将A放入close list中(close list存放不需要再检查的方格)
insertRow = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x0) & (open_list['y'] == y0)]]
close_list = insertRow
close_list = pd.DataFrame(close_list)
# print(open_list)                        #此时openlist里面就有所有可以到达的方格
open_list = open_list.drop(open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x0) & (open_list['y'] == y0)])  # 删除起点A
open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
map_grid[x0, y0] = 4  # close_list

open_list = find_way(open_list,close_list,x0,y0)                #调用该函数
open_list = pd.DataFrame(open_list)


def move_min_to_close(open_list,close_list,x0,y0):
    insertRow = open_list.loc[open_list.index[(open_list['Fvalue'] == open_list['Fvalue'].min())]]
    insertRow = insertRow.loc[insertRow.index[(insertRow['Gvalue'] == insertRow['Gvalue'].min())]]
    insertRow = insertRow.loc[[insertRow.index[0]]]
    open_list = open_list.drop(insertRow.index)  # 删除起点K
    open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
    close_list = pd.concat([close_list, insertRow])
    close_list = close_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
    insertRow = insertRow.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
    x0 = insertRow.iloc[0, 0]
    y0 = insertRow.iloc[0, 1]
    return [open_list,close_list,x0,y0]

⑤循环上述步骤,找出F最小的,找出周围可以到达的方块,从open list中删除,添加到close list;
循环结束的条件:当open list中出现终点B时,说明路径已经找到;当open list中没有了数据,则说明没有合适路径

#⑤循环上述步骤,找出F最小的,找出周围可以到达的方块,从open list中删除,添加到close list
#循环结束的条件:当open list中出现终点B时,说明路径已经找到;当open list中没有了数据,则说明没有合适路径
while (0 not in open_list['Hvalue'].values.astype(int) and pd.isnull(open_list.loc[0,'x'])==False):

    [open_list, close_list,x0,y0] = move_min_to_close(open_list, close_list, x0, y0)
    map_grid[x0, y0] = 4  # close_list
    open_list = pd.DataFrame(open_list)
    close_list = pd.DataFrame(close_list)
    open_list = find_way(open_list, close_list, x0, y0)

当open list中出现终点B时,说明路径已经找到,绘制热力图,并打印路径节点;
当open list中没有了数据,则说明没有合适路径,绘制热力图,并发送‘No way’

if 0 in open_list['Hvalue'].values.astype(int):
    print("find it")
    list = [[xn,yn]]
    [x,y] = open_list.loc[((open_list['x'].values == xn) & (open_list['y'].values == yn)), ['f_x','f_y']].values.astype(int)[0]
    map_grid[x, y] = 6  # 终点
    while close_list.loc[((close_list['x'].values == x) & (close_list['y'].values == y)), 'f_x'].values[0]!=None:
        [x,y] = close_list.loc[((close_list['x'].values == x) & (close_list['y'].values == y)), ['f_x','f_y']].values.astype(int)[0]
        map_grid[x, y] = 6  # 终点

    print("No way")



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings


map_grid=[[1 for j in range(0,10)] for i in range(0,10)]  #定义列表
map_grid = np.array(map_grid)  #将列表转化为数组,因为只有数组才有维度的概念,方便切片
map_grid[4:8,4]=0   #障碍物
map_grid[4,2]=1     #起点
map_grid[6,8]=6     #终点
x0 = 4
y0 = 2
xn = 6
yn = 8
def draw_effect(map_grid):
    plt.imshow(map_grid, cmap=plt.cm.hot, interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=10)  # 绘制热力图
    plt.xlim(-1, 10)  # x轴的范围
    plt.ylim(-1, 10)
    my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 11, 1)  # x轴标号的范围
    my_y_ticks = np.arange(0, 11, 1)
    plt.grid(True)  # 开启栅格  可以不开启
    plt.show()  # 可视化


#①从起点A开始,把A作为一个等待检查的方格,放入open list中(存放每一个等待检查的方格)
open_list = [4,2]
G = 0
H = (abs(xn - x0)+abs(yn - y0))*10
F = G+H
open_list = {"x":4,"y":2,"Fvalue":F,"Gvalue":G,"Hvalue":H,"f_x":None,"f_y":None}
open_list = pd.DataFrame(open_list,index=[0])
#print(open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x0) & (open_list['y'] == y0)], 3])

def find_way(open_list,close_list,x0,y0):
    m = close_list.iloc[close_list.index[(close_list['x'] == x0) & (close_list['y'] == y0)], 3].values.astype(int)
    if y0 + 1 < 10 and map_grid[x0, y0 + 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0, y0 + 1] !=4:
        x1 = x0
        y1 = y0 + 1
        G = 10 + m
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 + 1 < 10 and x0 + 1 < 10 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0 + 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0+1, y0 + 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0+1
        y1 = y0 + 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

        #pen_list.loc[len(open_list.index)] = [x1, y1, F, G, H, x0, y0]

    if x0 + 1 < 10 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0] != 0 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0] !=4:
        G = 10 + m
        x1 = x0+1
        y1 = y0
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if x0 + 1 < 10 and y0 -1 >=0 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0 - 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0 + 1, y0 - 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0+1
        y1 = y0-1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 - 1 >= 0 and map_grid[x0, y0 - 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0, y0 - 1] !=4:
        G = 10 + m
        x1 = x0
        y1 = y0 - 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 - 1 >= 0 and x0 - 1 >= 0  and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 - 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 - 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0-1
        y1 = y0 - 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if x0 - 1 >= 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0] != 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0] !=4:
        G = 10 + m
        x1 = x0-1
        y1 = y0
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    if y0 + 1 < 10 and x0 - 1 >=0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 + 1] != 0 and map_grid[x0 - 1, y0 + 1] !=4:
        G = 14 + m
        x1 = x0-1
        y1 = y0 + 1
        H = (abs(xn - x1) + abs(yn - y1)) * 10
        F = G + H
        if map_grid[x1, y1] == 3:
            n = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1)], 3].values.astype(int)
            if G < n:
                # print(len(open_list.index))
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Gvalue'] = G
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'Fvalue'] = F
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = x0
                open_list.loc[(open_list['x'] == x1) & (open_list['y'] == y1), 'f_x'] = y0

            insertRow = {"x": x1, "y": y1, "Fvalue": F, "Gvalue": G, "Hvalue": H, "f_x": x0, "f_y": y0}
            insertRow = pd.DataFrame(insertRow, index=[0])
            # print(len(open_list.index))
            open_list = pd.concat([open_list, insertRow])
            open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
            # open_list.loc[len(open_list.index)]=[x1,y1,F,G,H,x0,y0]
            map_grid[x1, y1] = 3  # openlist里面的坐标所对应的值设置为3,方便绘图

    return open_list

#③从open list中删除起点A,并将A放入close list中(close list存放不需要再检查的方格)
insertRow = open_list.iloc[open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x0) & (open_list['y'] == y0)]]
close_list = insertRow
close_list = pd.DataFrame(close_list)
# print(open_list)                        #此时openlist里面就有所有可以到达的方格
open_list = open_list.drop(open_list.index[(open_list['x'] == x0) & (open_list['y'] == y0)])  # 删除起点A
open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
map_grid[x0, y0] = 4  # close_list

open_list = find_way(open_list,close_list,x0,y0)                #调用该函数
open_list = pd.DataFrame(open_list)

def move_min_to_close(open_list,close_list,x0,y0):
    insertRow = open_list.loc[open_list.index[(open_list['Fvalue'] == open_list['Fvalue'].min())]]
    insertRow = insertRow.loc[insertRow.index[(insertRow['Gvalue'] == insertRow['Gvalue'].min())]]
    insertRow = insertRow.loc[[insertRow.index[0]]]
    open_list = open_list.drop(insertRow.index)  # 删除起点K
    open_list = open_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
    close_list = pd.concat([close_list, insertRow])
    close_list = close_list.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
    insertRow = insertRow.reset_index(drop=True)  # 重新排列index(索引)
    x0 = insertRow.iloc[0, 0]
    y0 = insertRow.iloc[0, 1]
    return [open_list,close_list,x0,y0]

#⑤循环上述步骤,找出F最小的,找出周围可以到达的方块,从open list中删除,添加到close list
#循环结束的条件:当open list中出现终点B时,说明路径已经找到;当open list中没有了数据,则说明没有合适路径
while (0 not in open_list['Hvalue'].values.astype(int) and pd.isnull(open_list.loc[0,'x'])==False):

    [open_list, close_list,x0,y0] = move_min_to_close(open_list, close_list, x0, y0)
    map_grid[x0, y0] = 4  # close_list
    open_list = pd.DataFrame(open_list)
    close_list = pd.DataFrame(close_list)
    open_list = find_way(open_list, close_list, x0, y0)

if 0 in open_list['Hvalue'].values.astype(int):
    print("find it")
    list = [[xn,yn]]
    [x,y] = open_list.loc[((open_list['x'].values == xn) & (open_list['y'].values == yn)), ['f_x','f_y']].values.astype(int)[0]
    map_grid[x, y] = 6  # 终点
    while close_list.loc[((close_list['x'].values == x) & (close_list['y'].values == y)), 'f_x'].values[0]!=None:
        [x,y] = close_list.loc[((close_list['x'].values == x) & (close_list['y'].values == y)), ['f_x','f_y']].values.astype(int)[0]
        map_grid[x, y] = 6  # 终点

    print("No way")




  1. python栅格地图上路径规划作图
  2. A*算法(超级详细讲解,附有举例的详细手写步骤)
  3. 寻路算法——A*算法详解并附带实现代码
  4. A*算法详解一看就懂(python)


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/langs/735531.html

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