广度优先搜索的方式模仿二叉树的层序遍历,利用一个队列存储adjacency vertex,利用white,gray and black 标示节点的三种状态。white表示未访问,gray表示已发现但为访问,也就是处于队列节点的状态,black表示已访问,也就是从队列中d出的节点。
/*图算法*/ //breath first search public static<T> LinkedList<T> bfs(DiGraph<T> g,T sVertex) { //queue stores adjaceent vertices; list stores visited vertices LinkedQueue<T> visitQueue=new LinkedQueue(); LinkedList<T> visitList=new LinkedList<T>(); Set<T> edgeSet; Iterator<T> edgeIter; T currVertex=null,neighborVertex=null; //check that starting vertex is valid if(!g.containsVertex(sVertex)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bfs():starting vertex not in the graph"); } //color all vertices WHITE g.colorWhite(); //initialize queue with starting vertex visitQueue.push(sVertex); while(!visitQueue.isEmpty()) { //remove a vertex from the queue,color it blace and add to the list of visited vertices currVertex=visitQueue.pop(); g.setColor(currVertex, VertexColor.BLACK); //obtain the set of neighbors for current vertex visitList.add(currVertex); edgeSet=g.getNeighbors(currVertex); //sequence through the neighbors and look for vertices //that have not been visited edgeIter=edgeSet.iterator(); while(edgeIter.hasNext()) { neighborVertex=edgeIter.next(); if(g.getColor(neighborVertex)==VertexColor.WHITE) { //color unvisited vertex Gray and push it onto queue g.setColor(neighborVertex, VertexColor.GRAY); visitQueue.push(neighborVertex); } } } return visitList; } /*图算法*/
public static<T> void dfsVisit(DiGraph<T> g,T sVertex,LinkedList<T>dfsList,boolean checkForCycle) { T neighborVertex; Set<T> edgeSet; //iterator to scan the adjacency set of a vertex Iterator<T> edgeIter; VertexColor color; if(!g.containsVertex(sVertex)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dfs():vertex not in the graph"); //color vertex gray note its discovery g.setColor(sVertex,VertexColor.GRAY); edgeSet=g.getNeighbors(sVertex); //sequence through the adjacency set and look for vertices that are not yet discovered //recursively call dfsVisit() for each such vertex if a vertex in the adjacency list is GRAY, the vertex was discovered during a previous call and there //is a cycle that begins and ends at the vertex;if checkForCycle is true ,throw an Exception edgeIter=edgeSet.iterator(); while(edgeIter.hasNext()) { neighborVertex=edgeIter.next(); color=g.getColor(neighborVertex); if(color==VertexColor.WHITE) dfsVisit(g,neighborVertex,dfsList,checkForCycle); else if(color==VertexColor.GRAY&&checkForCycle) { throw new IllegalPathStateException("dfsVisit():graph has a cycle!"); } } //finished with vertex sVertex; make it BLACK //and add it the front of dfsList g.setColor(sVertex,VertexColor.BLACK); dfsList.addFirst(sVertex); }